Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,222 Little Chef God

During this time, I became completely obsessed with cooking. I always felt that frying and frying contained countless philosophies of life, and I also turned down a lot of negative business.

Unfortunately, before I could realize these truths, the kitchen was set on fire, and Yin Xinyue issued a direct order prohibiting me from cooking again.

After learning about it, Li Mazi came to my door to taunt me: "I have a big head and a thick neck. I am either a rich man or a cook. What do you mean? Brother, do you want to have both? You really have a big family and a big business now, and you are all involved in the sex industry." I ignored it and turned my elbow directly to the kitchen..."

I was so angry that I kicked him out of the house.

But Li Mazi’s words succeeded in stimulating me.

I have always had a bit of a donkey temper, which can be described as stubborn in literary terms. You think I'm not good, but I still have to make some achievements to show you, and give you a loud slap in the face with my actions! So I bought back a lot of recipes and started researching them without leaving home.

Maybe I have some hidden talents in cooking, but I soon found the feeling!

Yin Xinyue's attitude towards my work gradually changed from disdain to shock and expectation, and she expressed great regret that a rising culinary star almost died in her hands.

Since she was quite sincere in admitting her mistake, I stopped trying to ridicule her.

But I can’t do anything to my wife, so I won’t be polite to Li Mazi and Boss Bai. Ever since my cooking skills got a lot of praise, Li Mazi, a dog-nose, came to visit me shamelessly.

"Brother Zhang, I'm so sorry. My previous evaluation of you was too harsh. I'm here to apologize!"

It is said that he is asking for forgiveness, but he has become a dog-skin plaster that cannot be driven away. He just had to eat alone, and later he called Boss Bai over, and my house was completely reduced to a canteen for a fetish merchant. Boss Bai is a better person than Li Mazi, and occasionally brings some garlic, peanuts and other ingredients to prove that he is not just eating with nothing.

Do you want face?

I expressed my strong dissatisfaction with the arrival of both of them.

Li Mazi secretly pulled me aside and asked with a serious face: "Brother, have we disturbed your married life?"

Did you just know? I looked at Li Mazi with emotion, feeling for the first time that this guy could spit out ivory from his mouth, but what he said next almost made me angry to death.

"You and your sister-in-law are not busy making babies recently, are you? Although the country has a two-child policy, you still have to do what you can. After all, the body is yours. There are only cows that have died from exhaustion and no fields that have been plowed."

Li Mazi has met Teacher Xia twice in the past few days. He is almost exhausted, has a sallow complexion and is thin, and is clamoring for me to make him more supplements every day to replenish his body.

I kicked him in the butt: "Mind yourself, if this continues, I think you will have to die in the grave!"

Li Mazi giggled: "That's not the case, brother's kidneys are fine!"

My cooking skills are improving every day, and Li Mazi can't wait to move a single bed and live in my house. I couldn't bear it anymore and decided to let him get out of here with his tail between his legs.

Li Mazi begged me pitifully: "Brother from the Zhang family, we have traveled all over the world over the years and have eaten a lot of good things, but even a five-star chef's skills are not as good as yours. The dishes you cook are very suitable to my taste. Xiao Brother, how honored are you?"

Well, I am so honored that I am almost dying of honor.

Although Yin Xinyue expressed great sympathy for my situation, she was unable to help. Later, she simply abandoned me in the name of filming. In her words, "I'd better leave the room to you to fall in love and kill each other."

Fall in love and kill your sister!

After Yin Xinyue left, Li Mazi clung to me more like a leech and couldn't shake me off.

Later, I was too lazy to struggle and gave up resistance completely. However, the death penalty cannot be avoided, so I decided to torture him in a different way, often sending him to buy some very hard-to-find ingredients.

Li Mazi would often hold the shopping list and ask me with a confused look on his face: "Brother, what is the difference between chives and onions? Also, where can I find frozen persimmons for you this season?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and buy it. I asked you to buy something and you were chattering. Why didn't you look like this when you were eating? If you can't buy it, you don't have to come back." I flicked my apron and ran to the kitchen to think about new dishes. went.

Li Mazi grumbled out the door reluctantly. At the end of the month, I said that it was a good thing that Li Mazi didn’t come to my house to have a meal. Since he came to my house to have a meal, he actually lost five kilograms in weight. Li Mazi looked at the data and was shocked: "Brother, you also said that Xia Qin is a black widow." , I will die in her hands sooner or later. In my opinion, you are much crueler than her. I have lost ten pounds in just one month, and if I continue like this, I will not be far from glory."

I patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Are you scared? If you are scared, you don't have to come. No one asked you to come to eat. Have you lost five pounds? Do you know how much I spent on food this month? A total of 30,000 yuan." "

Li Mazi approached me with a pinched smile: "Brother, as the old saying goes, if you die under braised pork, you will be charming even if you are a ghost. Not to mention your craftsmanship, little brother, even if you boil a pot of arsenic water, I, Li Mazi, won't blink. Swallow it in one gulp.”

"Is there any arsenic water? I seem to have some packs of rat poison left at home. Why don't I give it to you?" I asked.

Li Mazi was so frightened that he ran away with his head in his hands.

Although Boss Bai is not as shameless as Li Mazi, he always comes over every once in a while. On this day, he walked through the door holding a thin and small swordfish, and said to me with a sly smile: "This is the fresh seaside swordfish that was flown in today. You can smell it, there is still the surging breath of the sea on it."

Li Mazi looked at him with a sneer: "Yes, it happens to be a meal for the kitten."

Boss Bai smiled a little confidently: "Some things are more valuable than fine, and if they are too much, they are not worth cherishing. These delicacies and femininity are actually the same thing, shopkeeper Zhang Da, don't you think so?"

This old guy is still as shrewd and his words are impeccable.

That night I experimentally made Buddha Jump Over the Wall. As a result, Li Mazi and Boss Bai couldn't walk after eating so much that they could only lie on the ground and give me a thumbs up.

Boss Bai even put forward a very constructive idea: "Boss Zhang, how about you also buy the restaurant on the street? With your skills, you will definitely make a lot of money. Then you can be merciful and let me Li Mazi and I will buy a share and earn some money to support our family."

Although it was flattery, I was shamelessly moved and actually carefully studied the feasibility of this plan. I even took the time to make an unannounced visit to the restaurant on the corner, hiding in the shade and observing the passenger flow all afternoon.

Li Mazi's evaluation of me was: "Crazy, my head is definitely not normal."

As a result, before I had time to move forward with opening a restaurant, a phone call from Northeast China turned my life away from being a cook and back to being a trader in femininity.

The caller was my old fat guy. This guy definitely deserves his name. The last time I saw him, he weighed over 200. Now he must have reached the limit that humans can't surpass, right?

The old man hesitated on the phone and didn't explain the matter very clearly, but based on my understanding of him, he must have encountered difficulties. I asked for the address, booked the ticket directly, and took Li Mazi on the road.

Li Mazi was very dissatisfied with this: "Hey, don't hold me tight! I can't leave, otherwise Xia Qin will be very disappointed if I'm not here when she comes to find me."

I despise this kind of unscrupulous behavior from the bottom of my heart: "It takes a thousand days to raise an army but only a moment. I have raised you for so long, it's time to send you to the battlefield!"

"Are you going to send me on my way?" Li Mazi looked like he was scared of me.

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