Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,254 The Death of a Veteran

"Then..." Zhang Xiaoai was horrified when he heard this: "Then what should I do? Can I just watch it kill people?"

"No, no matter how powerful this evil thing is, it is just an object. It will not decide who to kill at all. Someone must be controlling it behind the scenes. The most urgent task now is to find out who the next two victims are? What do they have in common?"

The ghostly remarks I just made made several people confused. But as soon as I brought the topic back to the case, everyone's minds immediately became active.

"We have a lot in common!"

"They are all minors and have bad deeds."

"They are not doing their jobs and participating in underworld activities."

"No, no, no..." I quickly waved my hand to interrupt their speculation: "There are many people who meet these conditions, but why did Yinwu focus on these few teenagers? There must be something hidden in these people. A secret known to everyone, or something we have experienced together.”

"That's right!" I suddenly shouted: "I may know who the fifth person is!"

At the moment, I talked about how I met Zhang Kai that night.

It seemed that the gangster who was chasing him also knew Wang Meng, Thorn Tou, and Mang Niu. Moreover, Zhang Kai said that they had committed crimes together. Later, the blame was put on the gangster, which aroused the gangster's murderous intention.

"You mean Boss Diao?" Zhang Xiaoai shouted.

"Are you familiar with this person?" I was very surprised, why did Zhang Xiaoai have such a big reaction when this matter was mentioned?

Zhang Xiaoai said: "Anyone who has worked as a policeman at the Qingjiang City Police Station will be familiar with this name."

"He is a guy who gives us a huge headache. He was born in a criminal family. His grandfather was a habitual thief and served a total of thirty-eight years in prison. His father, several uncles, and aunts are also frequent visitors to the police station. And he himself is even more talented than his peers. He has never been to school for a day, but he resorts to various criminal methods to see who is smarter!"

"When I was six years old, I stole all over the city; when I was eight years old, I started selling ecstasy pills; when I was ten years old, I formed an unprecedented gang of teenagers, causing trouble all the time."

"The Wang family, young and old, are all in jail, and he was just released from the juvenile detention center a few days ago..."

"Wait a minute!" I suddenly shouted: "Why did he go in?"

"Kill someone." Zhang Xiaoai said.

"Kill someone?" I was suddenly shocked. Last night he raised a knife to slash at Zhang Kai. I thought it was just a child who was ignorant and pretending to be cruel. I didn't expect that this child had actually killed someone.

"You should know about the murder of the famous earthquake relief officer a year ago, right? Didn't you ask these teenagers what they had experienced together? It seems that they were all involved in the murder of the officer." Zhang Xiaoai suddenly realized.

"Tell me quickly!" I said hurriedly. I had already vaguely guessed a certain possibility.

"Okay." Zhang Xiaoai nodded and said, "About a year ago, when a delivery boy was passing by the gate of a primary school, he saw a group of bad boys bullying a primary school student. The child was beaten until he was covered in blood and his teeth were missing. He knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy. But those bad boys not only didn't stop, but also unbuttoned their pants and wanted to pee on the child's face... The courier boy had a sense of justice and stopped them on the spot. "

"Not only did this group of gangsters led by Boss Diao refuse to listen, they also slowly developed murderous intentions!"

"Although the courier boy was very powerful with his fists and kicks, he didn't want to hurt anyone. He just protected the beaten child and left. Unexpectedly, Boss Diao suddenly took out a knife and plunged it into his lower abdomen."

"Then, the gang of bad boys swarmed up and stabbed the courier boy twenty-eight times! Each stab was harder and deeper, until the courier boy died."

"When the police arrived, they had already dispersed. After confirming their identities, they learned that the courier boy's name was Qin Weiguo. He was a retired military officer and had participated in earthquake relief. He once used a pair of bloody shoes in the earthquake area alone. He picked up more than a dozen buried people with his hands and was awarded first-class personal merit! After retiring from the army, he worked as a courier. His biggest wish in this life is to save enough money and then donate a school to the disaster area. But this is what he did An excellent soldier died at the hands of a group of gangsters..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaoai sighed deeply: "This incident caused a great impact on society at that time. Everyone has been demanding that the murderer be caught and shot to comfort the souls of the martyrs!"

"We dispatched all the police forces at that time, and even Qin Weiguo's troops launched a dragnet search, and soon caught Diao Boss, Zhu Tou, Wang Meng, and Mang Niu. But in the end they were not sentenced to death, just He was released after some education, and even Diao, who committed the most serious crime, was only sent to a juvenile correctional center for one year of discipline." Zhang Xiaoai said with a bitter smile.

"Why?" My eyes widened. This was intentional homicide, but he was killing a soldier who had made contributions to the country. Even if he was shot ten times, it would not be an exaggeration.

"It's not the "Protection of Minors Law" that's causing trouble! Even though those brats are young, they are all seasoned. They know that they are minors and are protected by the law. So, they face each other one by one. During the interrogation, he laughed arrogantly and put all the responsibility on the main culprit, Diao Boss. Even the court could not judge him." Zhang Xiaoai said: "Because of this incident, there has been a commotion in the society. Many people wrote letters asking the government to cancel the "Minor Law". Persons Protection Act.”

"That's right." I suddenly felt that the clues became clear: "The evil thing that needs to be repaid must be this blood debt! We must immediately find all the teenagers who participated in the murder of the officer. In this way You can just sit back and wait.”

"But we must be quick, we only have six days left!"

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