Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,262 Beheading the Clay Figure

She had prepared so many sacrificial items and was obviously rushing to sacrifice, but since she was not sacrificing her brother, who would she be sacrificing?

And the compass just pointed north, which is the direction we entered the village.

I have observed that there are no tombs found along the road there. The only special thing is that there is a closed Bao Gong Temple.

It can be seen that the negative objects are most likely hidden in the Bao Gong Temple.

As soon as I said the words "Bao Gong Temple", Qin Mengmeng's face suddenly showed huge shock and fear.

I knew immediately that I had guessed it right!

"What exactly is that Yin object?" I pressed further and asked: "Once a Yin object becomes demonic, it will not have any rationality. It will kill all the people nearby to replenish the Yin energy. And it is very likely that it came from you. Village begins!”

"Do you want to see the whole village beheaded by it one by one? Do you want Qinjiatun to be turned into a mass grave? Do you want your brother who served as a soldier to save people to die with his eyes open? Do you want your parents to be unable to hold their heads up even if they are ghosts? ?"

Every time I asked a question, I would take a step forward, and every time I took a step forward, Qin Mengmeng would shiver.

Obviously she is not afraid of death. After she made the wish to avenge her brother, she has already put life and death behind! But her nature is as kind as her brother's, and she is afraid that innocent people will be implicated.

"Mengmeng, you don't want to kill anyone anymore, right? All of your brother's murderers have died, and you don't want to see any more deaths, right?" Zhang Xiaoai stood beside her, stroking her hair, and whispered: "Tell your sister what's going on."

Qin Mengmeng had been silent and lonely for too long. Now that her great revenge had been avenged, she wanted to find someone to express her innermost feelings to, so she sobbed and told the truth.

She and her brother Qin Weiguo were a pair of hard-luck children who lost their parents early and lived in a small village.

Moreover, she has never been in good health and has been sick all year round. Her brother Qin Weiguo has always taken good care of her. The relationship between the brother and sister is sincere.

Later, her brother joined the army. She was at home every day, looking forward to letters from him and photos of his life.

Finally, I was looking forward to returning home after my brother was discharged from the army, but he said that he would go to work and save money to save more people. He will never forget those helpless eyes during the Sichuan earthquake.

However, one day, the villagers rushed to tell her that her brother was dead.

She didn't believe it at first and pushed the man out.

But then another high-ranking military official arrived and gave her a condolence payment. It is said that Qin Weiguo is really dead. He was stabbed to death by a group of hooligans when he acted bravely and has been regarded as a martyr.

Qin Mengmeng fainted immediately and was seriously ill for many days.

Then came another bolt from the blue, saying that all the murderers of his brother had been captured, but only the main culprit was sent to the juvenile detention center, and the others were released without charge.

Blood gushed out from her mouth, and she became even more sick! Thanks to the care of the villagers, she gradually recovered.

But she hated that the murderers with blood-stained hands were still at large, so she ignored the village manager's dissuasion and complained everywhere. He even went to the army where his brother served during his lifetime and begged the army leaders to make the decision and give him justice.

But... everything is in vain.

The leader of the army told her tactfully that because the murderers were all teenagers, the law could not punish them at all, so she should forget it!

Qin Mengmeng returned to her hometown full of sorrow. She had loved listening to the story of "Bao Qingtian" since she was a child. In grief and anger, she bit her finger and wrote a letter in blood. She knelt in front of the Bao Gong Temple day and night and cried!

Just a month ago, she spent the whole night kneeling in the Bao Gong Temple. Her knees were swollen and she was a little wobbly when she left. He accidentally touched a guillotine under the statue of Bao Gong and bled a little.

She didn't care at the time, but after returning she had a strange dream.

In the dream, I vaguely saw a dark figure wearing a bright red official uniform. He pointed at a guillotine at his feet and said, "Girl of the Qin family, your brother's injustice is already known to us! The six murderers committed heinous crimes that are not tolerated by the law. I will give them all the owl heads, and they will never be reincarnated."

Later, the shadow taught her a way to fill her brother's ashes with water and mud and shape them into six clay figures, representing the six criminals.

Then write down the character "小小" and send it to a criminal every six days, and then chop off the head of the clay figure with a guillotine, and the criminal will die immediately!

After the black shadow finished speaking, Qin Mengmeng woke up with a fright.

She was scared and hesitant at first, but in the end her desire for revenge took over!

So she began to send envelopes to the deceased one by one. In ancient times, "Xiao" meant beheading, which was probably equivalent to the last token before the government issued a death sentence.

And when she tremblingly cut off the head of the first clay figurine, she found a trace of blood seeping out of the clay figurine's neck, which shocked her.

But then, she remembered the tragic death of her brother, so according to the teachings of the black shadow, a death sentence was issued every six days.

Just this morning, after she wiped off the fourth clay figurine's head with a guillotine, for some reason, the remaining two also had their heads cut off one after another.

She thought it was Gong Bao who appeared and took action to avenge her brother personally! Then I prepared some sacrifices, thinking that I would go to Bao Gong Temple tonight to fulfill my vows, but I didn’t expect that Zhang Xiaoai and I would catch us.

Qin Mengmeng said while crying, her whole body trembling.

It seems that this bizarre and terrifying memory may be imprinted in the depths of her soul forever!

"What happened to the clay figurine that represents Wang Meng? Why was it cut diagonally, deliberately avoiding the tattoo on his neck." I asked in a low voice, fearing to irritate her again.

Qin Mengmeng paused and her eyes flickered a few times: "Because... I know this person."

As she said that, she bit her lower lip, and a hint of hatred flashed in her eyes!

It turned out that when she was complaining about her brother, she met a young man named Wang Meng.

At that time, Qin Mengmeng was sleeping in the open, either sleeping in an Internet cafe or squatting on the street. She happened to meet Wang Meng, who was also wandering around.

The two were about the same age and shared the same illness, so they gradually developed some feelings between men and women.

Of course, after Wang Meng learned that Qin Mengmeng was complaining on behalf of his brother, he did not say that he was one of the murderers. He also took her to a tattoo shop and shouted to the shop owner in front of her: "Tattoo a tattoo on my neck." she!"

"When I grow up, I must marry you! Just like your brother is as good to you."

That day, Qin Mengmeng celebrated her birthday, and Wang Meng bought her a big cake.

There is a card on the cake, which is very beautiful: standing on the blue seaside, the bride and groom are standing.

But it didn’t take long for Qin Mengmeng to discover that Wang Meng was just a little hooligan who did all kinds of bad things. She also heard with her own ears that he said the same thing to other little girls: “You are the one tattooed on my neck. The queen must marry you!"

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