Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,281 Ghost Husband

He was the boy who lied to her and said everything was fine, that he was appreciated by his boss, that his job was easy and his salary was high.

That boy who has been sending out remittance orders for seven years, and whose words in every letter are full of confidence and passion.

There is also a sentence written under the newspaper: What kind of power makes him so powerful?

Zhao Yihan burst into tears immediately!

Following the scene described in the newspaper, she turned around several times and finally found the boy at the entrance of the mine.

When the boy looked up, both of them were shocked!

Zhao Yihan cried loudly and hugged the boy in front of her tightly, and kissed the two cinder-stained, cracked and deformed lips without disgust.

What makes him so powerful?

is love!

It is a love that asks for nothing and gives silently.

Zhao Yihan was persuaded by the boy to leave the coal mine and continue to fulfill the dream that only belonged to them both.

The boy also listened to Zhao Yihan's words, returned to his hometown, and used the remaining disability allowance to open a shoe repair stall on the streets of his hometown.

After Zhao Yihan graduated with top honors in the college, she refused to stay in school to teach or study abroad at public expense, and resolutely returned to her hometown.

She only had one wish at that time, to marry a boy!

But the boy refused.

He said, I want you to be the most beautiful and happiest bride, instead of marrying a shoe repairman!

This is our dream, and I won’t allow any shortcomings.

In the blink of an eye, many years have passed.

The shoe repairman opened a store and started selling leather shoes. Later, his business gradually grew, he started wholesale, and established a chain store... He became extremely rich.

He chartered the most luxurious motorcade, invited the most famous host in the city, entertained all the folks, and fulfilled his dream: making Zhao Yihan the happiest bride in the world!

Every day from now on, he would give her a bouquet of flowers and carefully prepare a small gift for her just like a newlywed. No matter how busy or tired he was, he would never forget it.

Zhao Yihan's colleagues all said with great envy: "Being able to marry such a man will make it worth losing a few decades of life."

Zhao Yihan was also intoxicated by her own happiness.

But the good times didn't last long. In the past two years, his husband has been wandering away from home, never coming home, and not even having a phone call. He only comes back once every year on Chinese Valentine's Day, and leaves in a hurry when the rooster crows before dawn.

She couldn't think of anything, so she called her husband, but the phone couldn't be reached at all, and the employees in the company who asked her were nowhere to be found.

She once wondered if her husband had moved on and fell in love with another girl? She also thought that if this was the case, she would be willing to let him go and give him his freedom.

On Chinese Valentine's Day this year, my husband came back again.

Zhao Yihan was overjoyed and hugged him tightly, not leaving him for a second.

But at dawn, when she was feeling sleepy, her husband disappeared again.

The disappearance was extremely terrifying, just like a ghost, disappearing without a trace in an instant!

She was not disturbed, nor did she hear any noise. Even her hands and feet were still in the hugging position, but the man she was holding just disappeared out of thin air.

She was so frightened that she couldn't even figure out whether it was her hallucination or whether her husband had been possessed by some evil spell.

So she started looking around for a gentleman who was proficient in this field.

I overheard someone saying that there is a Master Zhang in Antique Street, who is the tallest person in Wuhan. After learning more about it and finding out that this so-called Master Zhang was me, her high school classmate Zhang Jiulin, she came specially to attend the class reunion.

At this point, Zhao Yihan had already burst into tears. She looked at me steadily and said, "I beg you, I really can't lose him."

My heart was also very heavy, so I took a long breath and said, "Don't worry, this matter is indeed very strange. Let's calmly analyze why your husband disappeared."

"Yes!" Zhao Yihan held back tears and nodded vigorously.

"Has he ever told you where he is?"

"No." Zhao Yihan shook her head gently: "Even on Chinese Valentine's Day this year, when I asked him, he didn't answer."

"Then does he have any abnormal behavior? For example, he is afraid of light, afraid of eating salty food, afraid to eat garlic, afraid to approach the door god, Guan Gong and other statues."

"None of them." Zhao Yihan still shook her head: "Everything is the same as before. Normally, no one is seen at all. It only appears on Chinese Valentine's Day. It suddenly appears and disappears again."

"So do you have any pets at home? Cats, dogs, goldfish, turtles."

"There are two turtles, but since he disappeared mysteriously, the two turtles have also disappeared." Zhao Yihan answered seriously.

"What about the clock? Did the hands move normally before and after he came back?" I continued to ask.

"This... I didn't pay much attention to it." Zhao Yihan hesitated and replied: "When he came back, all my attention was on him, and I didn't care about anything else."

"In that case." I thought for a moment and said, "Then I can only go to your home and have a look. However, this doesn't seem to be good."

"Let's go." Zhao Yihan interrupted me directly and turned to lead the way.

I was stunned. The party had just ended. We were drinking coffee together, and we were all very suspicious. If someone saw me running to her house in the middle of the night again, it would be hard to explain.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yihan didn't mind at all. Probably in her eyes, finding her husband is more important than anything else.

Seeing her so anxious and anxious, I didn't care about that much anymore.

He followed her out of the cafe and went straight to her house.

Zhao Yihan lives in Mingyue Baoyuan, a very high-end residential complex with dense trees and the fragrance of flowers in the courtyard.

Zhao Yihan said while walking: "When I was choosing a house, he said he knew that I like green the most, so he checked all the real estate properties in Wuhan, and only the greening here is the best. Moreover, one of our windows opens to the west. Yes, he said that this way I can see the moon every day. The moon represents his heart and stays with me every night."

As she spoke, her tears flowed out again, spreading far and wide along this tree-lined path until she entered her home.

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