Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,283 The Power of Love

Sure enough, on the night of Chinese Valentine's Day, countless magpies gathered and circled endlessly in front of the tomb. Then they connected end to end to form a magpie bridge that reached into the sky.

That night, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty had a dream. He dreamed that the number one scholar brought a beautiful woman to thank him repeatedly, which moved him very much. After waking up, he rewarded Yuan Tiangang generously and wrote the three characters "Tomb of Qixi Festival" in his own handwriting and carved them on the tombstone.

The Qixi Festival letter also got its name from this.

However, there are still very few traders of supernatural things in history. Except for Yuan Tiangang, no one can produce a second Chinese Valentine's Day Letter.

The letter in my hand at this moment is obviously the Chinese Valentine's Day letter that has been passed down for thousands of years and can travel between the yin and yang realms and reunite lovers!

However, if Zhao Yihan's husband really borrows the power of the Chinese Valentine's Day letter to come home every year, it can only mean that he is no longer alive.

I turned around and looked at Zhao Yihan's extremely heartbroken look, and I really couldn't bear to tell her - at least, I couldn't let her know until I was sure.

"Don't be anxious yet." I comforted Zhao Yihan and said, "I'll check what this is first."

After saying that, I took out my phone, took a photo of the Chinese Valentine's Day letter, and then took a wedding photo of the two of them, and sent them to the WeChat group of the Yinwu Circle.

"Shopkeeper Zhang, what does this mean?" Everyone in the circle is a night owl, and they are in high spirits at this time. When I saw that I had not shown up for a long time, I suddenly sent out two photos, which was very novel.

"Who sold this thing? Have you seen the man in the photo?" I typed a line quickly.

Everyone said they didn't know, but a few more experienced experts recognized it at a glance: "Isn't this the Chinese Valentine's Day letter?"

"This is a hidden object that has been preserved for thousands of years, and it was made by Yuan Tiangang. If he can find this thing and know how to use it, he must be a veteran."

Because I have a pretty good reputation in the netherworld, and I have helped a lot of people on weekdays, everyone took the initiative to help me with inquiries.

I comforted Zhao Yihan for a few words, then walked back to the living room, staring at the screen of my phone, waiting for the news.

About half an hour later, my phone suddenly rang.

The number is very unfamiliar, and the address shows Chengdu, Sichuan.

"Ahem..." As soon as the call was connected, there was a violent coughing sound from the other end.

"Yes, is it Shopkeeper Zhang Da?" The man coughed for a long time before asking in a hoarse voice.

"It's me, who are you?"

"Liu Laoliu." The man announced his family name.

Liu Laoliu is a well-known femininity dealer in Sichuan. Because his hands were bitten by green zombies, he contracted greening disease, and people in the world called him: Green Devil's Hands. When I first started, I received a lot of guidance from my grandfather, who was considered a half-disciple. Although my grandfather and he had always been brothers, he always regarded himself as a junior.

However, his health has never been good. He came here a few times when his grandfather was still alive, but once he left, there was basically no contact with him.

"Oh, it's Mr. Liu." Although he considered himself a junior, I couldn't break the rules, so I shouted respectfully.

"Ahem, it's okay to call me master, but I can bear to be called uncle." Liu Laoliu said very modestly, and then got down to the topic: "Just now someone asked me about the Qixi Festival letter, and said you were looking for it. .I sell this thing, is there any problem?”

"Is the buyer the man in the photo?" I finally got an idea and asked quickly.

"Yes!" Liu Laoliu said with certainty.

Then, while coughing continuously, he told me the reason intermittently.

Two years ago, a man came to his shop and said that he had worked hard in the coal mines in his early years and had inhaled a lot of coal ash residue, and his lungs had been severely damaged. I was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and it has reached an advanced stage. The doctor said I only have one month to survive with the cancer.

He has no regrets in his life from bitterness to sweetness. The only thing he can't let go of is his wife.

The two of them were childhood sweethearts and had experienced so much together. If his wife knew that he was dead, she would definitely be upset.

Therefore, he wanted to find a ghost object that could bring back his soul.

By coincidence, Liu Laoliu had received the Chinese Valentine's Day letter a few years ago, but he never found a buyer, so he resold it to him for 6 million.

At that time, he also prayed in every possible way not to let his wife know that this was the reason why he did not buy from the local ghost dealer.

After thanking Liu Laoliu repeatedly, I hung up the phone.

Then I sat on the sofa for a long time, feeling like something was stuck in my heart, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

After hearing the story of Zhao Yihan and her husband, I admired this man I had never met from the bottom of my heart - where did the courage come from? Let him hold on to love desperately when he is dying.

I sighed and was hesitating whether to tell Zhao Yihan the truth, but Zhao Yihan's yelling came from the bedroom.

"Zhang Jiulin, come and see, what is this?"

I walked over quickly and saw that she was holding the yellow leather envelope in her hand. There was a long series of numbers in the bottom corner of the envelope.

The number has eleven digits in total, and it starts with 34, so it shouldn't be a phone number.

"It's QQ." Having experienced the last serial beheading case, I immediately remembered it.

This is the only clue left by her husband. Maybe there are any last words he wants to confess!

Zhao Yihan was stunned for a moment, then quickly ran into the study and turned on the computer. I entered my QQ number, but Zhao Yihan didn't know the password and looked at me confused.

I thought for a while and said: "You try it on your wedding anniversary!"

Sure enough, Zhao Yihan tried again, and QQ logged in normally.

The name of QQ is Forever Together, and there is only one friend on it, and that is his husband.

The profile picture kept flashing, and I opened it to see a video. I clicked on it.

The protagonist of the video is Zhao Yihan's husband, sitting on the sofa in the living room, with the pot of kumquats on the coffee table in front of him.

"Yihan, when you see this video, you must already know everything." He was smiling, but the smile was a little bitter.

"My illness is hopeless. I don't want to die in front of you, and I don't want to see you cry. I want to stay with you and spend this life with you, but..."

He wiped away the blood spreading from the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief, and used the last bit of strength to squeeze out a smile: "Yihan, I love you, I really love you! I really can't bear to leave you, please forgive me. My concealment and selfishness, I found a magical way to accompany you every Chinese Valentine's Day, forever! However, if you are not willing, as long as you burn the Chinese Valentine's Day letter, I will never appear again... "

"Yihan." The man said very affectionately: "Goodbye!"

He finally couldn't hold back his two lines of tears, and they fell down suddenly, scattering kumquats all over.

Zhao Yihan had been crying so hard that she shook the monitor with both hands and shouted: "Don't go, don't go..."

The circles under my eyes were a little blurry, but I didn't know what to say, so I finally turned around and left the room.

Cancer is the most terrifying disease in the world, and even Nobel Prize winners in medicine are helpless against it. However, the man in front of him spent his life on a long-distance love race with cancer, and finally defeated it.

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