Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,290 Glass Falls

I decided to take advantage of the darkness to go to the garage to find out what was going on. Boss Bai was worried that something might happen to me and tried to dissuade me. He even said angrily: "What if the clues those people left are false? Let's take a step back. , even if it’s true, what if it’s a trap?”

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. Yin Xinyue is like this. Do I have any choice?

I smiled and patted Boss Bai on the shoulder, asking him to stay and take care of Xinyue, and then walked out of the antique street resolutely carrying the ghost-killing sword on my back.

That garage used to guard the national highway and was very popular. Later, the country changed the route. As the traffic volume dropped sharply, it gradually became desolate. In addition, there are farmland and some declining businesses nearby, so it is very suitable for hiding.

After I left Antique Street, I took a taxi and deliberately circled Antique Street a few times. After making sure no one was following me, I asked the driver to drive to the garage and get off the car early.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I arrived at the outskirts of the garage. There was a disgusting smell of oil fumes in the air. There was also light inside the factory, but as far as I knew it had been closed for a long time. I was even more certain that there were people inside. question!

In order not to alert others, I did not enter through the main entrance, but jumped to the wall on the other side.

Lying on the wall and looking down, there are many scrapped cars placed against the wall in the yard, all covered with dust. It seems that the factory director here has not had time to sell these scraps.

There are two SUVs placed in the middle of the yard. Looking through the moonlight, they are two Yunnan cars.

Judging from the car, it was indeed coming from the border, and he was probably really Thai. Due to the angle, I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the house, but judging from the car, there should be five to eight of them.

Just as I was thinking about whether to go in, a burst of light suddenly came from behind me. I turned around in horror and found a white car driving in quickly. When it passed me, the car paused for a moment, and the driver even looked at me. Take a look.

"It's over!"

My heart skipped a beat and I was about to take action. Unexpectedly, the car ignored me for a moment and drove into the yard after a half circle. Then the car owner got out of the car and shouted to the house with the headlights on: "Is anyone there? Please change the headlights for me."

It turned out that he was here to repair the car. According to what he shouted, I discovered that the headlight on the back of the car was damaged. I breathed a sigh of relief, but I was afraid that the car owner would talk too much, so I quickly leaned on the wall and stared closely. room.

After a few seconds, the door was pushed open, and a fat middle-aged man walked out.

He had a full beard and dark skin. He looked at the car owner carefully and then said in broken Chinese: "Sorry, this place is closed."

After saying that, the bearded man looked around the yard again, then retreated and slammed the door.

The car owner froze for a few seconds, got in the car and left, cursing. And I took advantage of the time when Big Beard opened the door and used the invisible needle to find out what was going on inside. Counting Big Beard, there were four people in total. They all had murderous intent in their eyes, and they looked like they were no ordinary people.

The most important thing is that these people are the suspicious people in the surveillance cameras. Obviously the clues I got are right!

Since I was really Thai, I had a direction and quickly searched for the magic related to Thailand in my mind, and finally determined that Yin Xinyue and the others might be the legendary glass drop!

Glass drop is one of the three major evils in Thailand. Generally speaking, glass can be placed in a person's body through food, drinking water, etc., and then it will overflow from the five senses after the attack, making the body worse than death.

Even though Li Mazi told me that one would be infected just by looking at the illusory light pool for a long time, it did not affect my judgment, because judging from the attack effect, it was obviously a glass fall.

Maybe Li Mazi didn't notice that Xiaomeng and the others had eaten something by mistake, or maybe the Thais had invented a new way to harm people.

In any case, I felt a lot more relieved after it was confirmed that it was a head-lowering surgery, because the magic of the head-lowering thing is that no matter how severe the symptoms are, as long as the head-lowering practitioner takes out the antidote, the condition will improve instantly.

There are four of them in the house right now, and it would be unrealistic for me to capture them all alive on my own. I thought about it and felt that the bearded man should be the leader of this group, so I was going to capture the thief first!

The head-dropping master has the same keen insight as the ghost-keepers in the Miao border of our country. I didn't dare to rush over now, so I lay down on the wall and waited for them to turn off the lights. After making sure that they were asleep, I gently walked along the wall. Climb up to the house.

Fortunately, the car repair shop had a roof made of nylon cloth. I took out my dagger and lightly cut a half-meter-long hole in the nylon cloth, and then observed the situation inside the room.

This group of Thais are really informal. A few of them were sleeping shirtless on the ground. Because the night was too dark, it was difficult for me to see the whole room clearly at a glance, so I turned my head to look over and counted while watching, one, two, three... …

I kept counting to three only to find that the last spot was empty!

Where did that person go?

I was startled, and quickly drew out my sword to slay ghosts and gods to be on full alert. At the same time, I felt my scalp was numb. I turned around and saw that the bearded man appeared behind me without anyone noticing. He was holding a blood-red weapon in his hand. The rag doll looks very out of place.

But the more simple something like this is, the more dangerous it is. I subconsciously climbed down the rafter, and the bearded man made a whining sound, obviously to wake up his companions.

I didn’t know where the ferocity came from, so I threw the double swords for killing ghosts and gods in the air, and recited a spell at the same time. I saw the two sharp blades piercing out like lightning. The next moment, two scarlet blood arrows shot out in the room.

After landing, the two knives returned to my hands again, and they each cut off a bloody human head within a few seconds!

The third person who was lucky enough to survive had also woken up from his deep sleep. When he saw his two headless companions, he was stunned for only a second before he flew up. At the same time, he grabbed the quilt on the side and threw it towards me with a sneer.

I subconsciously slashed with the knife, but when the quilt flew over, I turned pale with fright. I lowered my head before I had time to think, and watched the quilt fly over my head, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, in order to confirm my guess, I swung my knife and stabbed the quilt that had moved away from me. I saw the soft quilt instantly glowed with green light, and countless mice with shining eyes scurried out of the quilt. come out.

Yes, it took less than three seconds for the surviving head-down master to wake up, turn the quilt into a head-down and throw it at me, and finally fly away.

If I had just split the quilt tit for tat, these rats would have crawled all over my body in an instant. They must be poisonous!

I have to say that this guy's reaction speed was fast enough, but he didn't know that I had placed the invisible needle in mid-air near the roof when I climbed to the roof, so that I could see through everything in the room.

"Good guy, you have a chance!" The two feet of the head-dropping master were hanging on the beam like scorpions, and the whole person was hanging upside down in the air, smiling strangely at me.

Why is he laughing?

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