Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,299 White Ivory

When I returned to the entrance of Fengdu, Li Mazi was already waiting for me. His eyes turned red when he saw me, and he said with a sad face that he thought he would never see me again in this life.

"You really want me to die?"

I laughed and cursed, feeling sour in my heart, so I told him everything I had just experienced. Li Mazi was very happy to hear it, and said that if he could sleep with the Demon Lord for a while, his death would be worth it...

But after he heard that I gave up Ghost Tears, his face became embarrassed, and he asked me depressedly why I gave up.

"Ghost tears can be found elsewhere, but the sincerity of the Demon Lord will never be found again. You don't understand!"

I said seriously, reaching into my pocket to get a cigarette, and while smoking, I was thinking about where to look for Ghost Tears next.

However, when I opened the cigarette box, I was shocked to find that the cigarettes inside were gone and turned into crystal clear crystals.

It was the tears of the Demon Lord, and there was a note in it, which said: My benefactor, even if I reincarnate for a thousand years, even if you forget me, I will have no regrets. Take these tears! If there is an afterlife, may we hold hands.

I was completely stunned.

I am too stupid. There are no identical people in the world.

It's just that I can't remember it, but she chose to forget it.

When I came back to my senses, I found that the note was dissipating little by little. I wanted to grab it, but I could only watch it dissipate.

Demon Lord, thank you.

I said it from the bottom of my heart, feeling proud that I had cherished her in a certain time and space.

As for the afterlife, if there really is an afterlife...

I left Fengdu with mixed feelings. Before I could calm down, I set out on my journey to Thailand again, looking for the third material, white ivory.

The so-called white elephant refers to an elephant suffering from albinism. This kind of elephant is divided into two categories: Asian elephant and African elephant.

Ninety-nine percent of the ivory purchased directly from China is fake. Every material needed this time was obtained with great pains. I don’t want to end up with a failure because of fake ivory.

Just the thought of having to go back to Thailand after a long detour makes me feel a little uncomfortable, even though I killed four Thai elders on my own, which looked pretty impressive.

But these expatriates are all small bosses, and the real masters will be even more terrifying. I was very worried that something would go wrong during this trip to Thailand, so I took the opportunity to call the man in the T-shirt during the trip and asked him if he was in Thailand. Friends who deal in ivory? This will achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The man in the T-shirt didn't reply to me right away. He just promised to ask for me and tell me if he has any news.

He has always been a calm person, and he won't overstate what he promises to others. I understand this. Since he agreed to help me ask, it means that the matter is already a certainty.

After I got on the plane, I simply didn't think about anything, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

It wasn't until the plane landed in Bangkok that Li Mazi woke me up. When I got out of the airport, I discovered that there was a missed call from the man in the T-shirt on my phone. It seemed like something was going on. Just as I was about to reply to him, a text message popped up with a person's address and identity information.

I guess the man in the T-shirt sent it directly when he saw I didn't answer the phone. This man's name is Basong and he lives in a villa in downtown Bangkok.

I thought about it and called the man in the T-shirt back, planning to ask for some information about bassoon. Otherwise, I might leave a bad impression on others by visiting him rashly, which would be very troublesome!

As a result, the man in the T-shirt told me that he didn’t know what kind of person this Basong was.

To put it simply, the T-shirt man found out that Basong was an ivory tycoon in this area of ​​Bangkok through a friend of a friend.

Since the establishment of the World Ivory Conservation Organization, the number of elephant hunting activities has decreased significantly, and many people have begun to focus on purchasing the tusks that elephants naturally shed.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that there are more wolves than meat. The real Da Na is still hunting elephants, but his relationship is strong enough. This Basong will definitely get along well in Thailand.

Since I couldn't get acquainted with the guy in the T-shirt, I had no choice but to go to the door. I thought of a lot of pick-up words along the way and was prepared to open my mouth.

If I can't, I will steal and rob, but I still have to get the white ivory!

But the reality is always cruel. Let alone Basong, Li Mazi and I were surrounded by security guards with guns before we even entered the villa gate.

In the 21st century, a group of security guards in suits and ties each hold a spear with cold light in their hands. Thinking about this scene gives me chills down the back, let alone being in it.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm here to visit Lord Basson."

I raised my hands and spoke in as calm a voice as I could.

Sir is an honorific title in Thailand, similar to the princes in our pre-Qin period, and the lords in the European Middle Ages. In short, it is a compliment.

"What do you have to do with the boss? He's not at home right now!"

The leading security guard communicated with me in fluent Chinese. I thought he was Chinese, so I happily grabbed his hand and prepared to get close. Unexpectedly, this guy threw my hand away in disgust and said with sharp eyes: "I am not Chinese."

"Damn it, there are no two hundred and fifty like you in China."

Li Mazi complained in a low voice. The guy obviously heard it and probably didn't know what 250 meant. He stared at Li Mazi with an angry look.

It was obvious that they didn't want us to go in, but we certainly didn't offend them when we first arrived. I guess Basong was really not at home, and these people were used to being so arrogant, so they seemed so unhuman.

I said to myself that whether Basong is at home or out, he will always appear. I will be waiting for you here. If you don’t believe it, you won’t be able to wait.

Li Mazi and I were wandering around Basong's villa. Occasionally we heard a long buzzing sound, which sounded like the sound of an elephant. It was probably Basong who raised an elephant at home, which made Li Mazi look envious. He said that if he had the chance, he would get an elephant to play with.

We commented on the villa here, which made the security guards very unhappy. They stared at us with big eyes and small eyes, and had no reason to drive us away. It felt so good.

Li Mazi and I spent the whole morning teasing the security guards. We didn't even eat for fear of missing the bassoon.

The hard work paid off. As it was getting dark in the evening, a car finally drove over. I noticed that the security guards all the way across the street started to stand upright in a panic. It was obviously Basong coming.

In order to prevent him from driving the car directly into the villa, I suddenly ran to the car, opened my arms, and stopped the car.

The car stopped slightly, and the group of security guards behind me screamed and rushed over as if they had been slapped in the face. I frowned, and quickly recited a spell, and the invisible needle was instantly pulled out and suspended in the air behind me. The cold light above unceremoniously shocked the security guards.

It was okay for them to fight, but I was frightened and confused when I saw this scene. I ignored them and walked to the car window and knocked lightly!

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