Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1306 Stunning Assassin

I exhaled and asked who the other person was? But the other party just kept smiling and told me to follow him coldly. If he didn't want anything to happen to Li Mazi, he shouldn't play any tricks.

Then I heard the sound of heavy objects being dragged. Needless to say, it must be the other party dragging Li Mazi deeper...

I followed cautiously, but kept tripping over something under my feet. I knew I was no longer in the bar, because no bar had so many things that could trip someone up on the second floor.

I don’t know how long I followed, but the other party suddenly asked me to stop. After I was forced to stop, a sudden bright light suddenly shone in my eyes.

I subconsciously raised my arms to cover my eyes, and at the same time, a blast of wind came from the front!

I didn't have time to react. A flying knife was already approaching my face. I could only turn my body as far as possible. There was still a burning pain in my cheek and blood was already flowing out.

I touched my cheek, raised my head and looked forward. A beam of white light hit Li Mazi, like a spotlight on a stage chasing the protagonist.

Li Mazi's limbs were tied with ropes, making him look like a doll. Although his eyes were closed, there was a very strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

There was no one else around, as if it was Li Mazi who just attacked me. But I knew that throwing the flying knife that just brushed my cheek required a lot of strength and precision, and Li Mazi couldn't do it in his current condition.

I cautiously approached Li Mazi. When I was about two meters away, I smelled a strange fragrance and felt a very familiar feeling.

"Haha, handsome guy, how about we have a drink now?"

Along with the charming voice, a figure appeared next to Li Mazi. It was the woman who had chatted with me before.

A woman also appeared on the other side of Li Mazi. This woman looked more petite than the former, but I intuitively felt that she was more dangerous.

The person who brought Li Mazi here before was probably the more petite woman. I glanced at her and felt that this was not the first time we had met, but I couldn't think of where we had met before.

I looked at them warily. It seemed that these two women were not Mr. Dongguo’s associates. The man in the T-shirt said that Mr. Dong Guo and Mr. Nan Guo were very aloof and would not cooperate with anyone.

"Are you from the black mage, or were you sent by that old guy Long Qingqiu?" I asked.

The charming woman smiled, flipped her hair and said with a teasing smile: "You guessed it right, the two of us are a family."

The petite woman, on the other hand, said impatiently that it was important to get something.

My heart tightened. They must be here for those five ingredients. I was so embarrassed. To me, these things are just antidote formulas, but if they fall into the hands of Longquan Villa, they may be used to prepare more. A powerful evil thing.

I clenched my two swords and smiled coldly: "If you want it, come and grab it!"

The petite woman immediately rushed forward, flashing a row of shining flying knives from her waist. It seemed that she was the one who had stabbed someone in the back before.

My heart was full of anger, and I rushed forward with my double sword to kill ghosts and gods. The knife passed through the woman's body, but it was like passing through water. I thought to myself that it was not good, and I immediately bent over and turned to the side.

Before I could stand firm, a flying knife followed me.

This woman actually has a doppelganger!

I dodged the flying knife and looked at the woman who was attacking me again in disbelief. I had no idea whether she was real or illusory.

Damn it, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, just split it in half.

Thinking of this, I took up my two knives and attacked the petite woman first. When I was about to stab her, the knife suddenly reversed its direction, grazing my waist and slashing directly back.

The harsh sound of sharp weapons colliding next made me sneer. Sure enough, this woman is good at hiding in the dark, and all I can see is the phantom she uses to confuse people.

After grasping this key point, I simply closed my eyes, without looking at where she was, and directly judged her position by listening to her breathing.

It was very quiet now, not even the sound of wind, and all the subtle sounds entered my ears. When she couldn't use her clone to confuse me, I realized that her melee strength was very weak.

When the ghost-slaying swords clashed with the flying knives again, the petite woman's strength was much weaker. I smiled coldly, split the flying knives, and stabbed the petite woman with all my strength.

"Handsome boy, please don't hurt my companion."

When the tip of the knife was less than ten centimeters away from her, the charming woman suddenly spoke. I used all my strength to change the direction of the knife, and it passed by the petite woman and pinned her to the ground.

I almost forgot, Li Mazi is still in their hands!


The sound of the flying knife piercing the body was very permeable in the dark night. I rolled forward suddenly, holding the wound on my waist with my right hand, and stared coldly at the petite woman half lying on the ground, panting. Damn it. insidious!

I looked up at the charming woman and saw her pinching Li Mazi's neck with a smile, telling me not to resist.

I looked at Li Mazi, wondering whether I should put down my weapon or not. The charming woman's fingernails had already pinched Li Mazi's neck, and the line of blood was shocking.


I yelled, put down my swords to kill ghosts and gods, and raised my hands to express surrender.

The charming woman winked at me appreciatively, but I only felt chills, because at this moment the petite woman had climbed up, pulled out a throwing knife and walked towards me again.

The most terrifying thing is that her shadow on the ground is not normal. After a closer look, besides her own shadow, there is actually a shadow of a man behind her.

I looked at her in shock and didn't react for a moment.

She... turned out to be a combination of a ghost and a living person. I had only heard it from the elders in the circle before, but I never expected that I would see it with my own eyes one day in the future.

As long as ghost spirits and living people share the same body, over time it will be impossible to tell who is a human and who is a ghost! Such things are difficult to deal with, because they are half human, so they are not afraid of some magical weapons that can deal with Yin spirits. At the same time, because their other half is Yin spirits, their physical strength is incomparable to ordinary people, and many sharp weapons are not effective against them. What harm.

In the yin world, such things are called human spirits, which means monsters that are both human and yin spirit.

Thinking of this, I suddenly thought that this petite woman should be the boss lady we met in Lu'an, the woman I promised Xiang Yan to kill.

No wonder she, a living person, could take over Li Mazi's body. It turned out to be a human spirit.

"I didn't expect you to know the human soul, so I can't let you live!"

The mixture of rough male voice and high-pitched female voice made me feel uncomfortable all over.

I swallowed and reached out to touch the two knives that I had just put aside. But just as I was about to pick them up, the charming woman's threatening voice came over again. I glanced at her angrily and gritted my teeth and said: "Kill if you want, I won't give in!"

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