Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1321 Don’t talk to strangers

The man pushed Xia Se away and looked at me and Li Mazi with a stern face: "Worried, will you still worry about me? I think your place is more lively. I just went out for a night, and you brought back two men... "

Before he finished speaking, Xia Qin had already rushed over dissatisfied: "Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? Is there anything wrong with my sister being worried about you? Also, these two are my friends, please You speak politely to them."

After hearing the words, the man snorted lightly, ignored Xia Qin who was blushing and thick-necked, turned around and entered the room.

It could be seen that Xia Qin didn't have much respect for this brother-in-law before, so she was a little embarrassed after being pushed back by him. She clenched her fists and wanted to say more, but I coughed lightly beside her.

Xia Qin looked at me in confusion, and I gestured to Xia Se with my eyes. Xia Qin was stunned for a moment, but as expected she didn't say much, but looked at me gratefully.

Of course she could rush in and argue with her brother-in-law, but she also had to think clearly that after she calmed down and left, her sister would still have to stay here to face her husband. The dispute between her sister and her husband would only put her in a trap. It became extremely difficult in the middle.

Xia Se glanced at us apologetically, then hurried in to ask about her husband. Xia Se's husband was quite disdainful of her thoughtfulness and greetings, and said in an extremely stern tone: "What did I tell you yesterday? Did I tell you not to talk to strangers? Not only did you not listen to me, but you also led the man away. When you come home, do you think your life is too peaceful and you sincerely want to make me angry?"

Because there was only a curtain, the conversation reached our ears extremely clearly. Xia Qin was so angry that her chest couldn't help but rise and fall. If Li Mazi hadn't pulled her, she might have really exploded.

This situation is a bit tricky right now. Not only will we not get valuable information if we stay any longer, it will also make Xia Se embarrassed. I winked at Li Mazi and walked out of the steamed bun shop first.

Seeing this, Xia Qin had no choice but to say loudly: "Sister, let's go. I'll see you again tomorrow!" Then she and Li Mazi hurriedly left.

Xia Qin's face was very ugly along the way, and Li Mazi didn't dare to say anything, but I always recalled the knife on Xia Se's husband's back in my mind. You can tell from the appearance that it is an old sword. Although the handle has been slightly rusted by the wind and rain, the end of the handle is carved with a lifelike cheetah with a ferocious expression, which looks terrifying.

Moreover, there is a very obvious viciousness and murderous aura on the blade. It is not an ordinary thing at first glance, it must be a powerful evil object.

I just don’t know where Xia Se’s husband came from?

While I was thinking about how to find out the origin of the knife, Xia Qin had already started crying aggrievedly. She wiped her tears and said to Li Mazi, who was asking for help: "I'm fine, don't worry. I just didn't expect it. Let you see such a scene..." Maybe you feel embarrassed?

We walked out two streets, and behind us came Xia Se's cry: "Xiao Qin! Xiao Qin!"

Xia Qin stopped in surprise and turned around to see Xia Se running over quickly. She grabbed a handful of change and stuffed it into Xia Qin's hand without thinking: "Don't be as knowledgeable as your brother-in-law. I'll talk to him later and ask him to apologize to you! It's your first time to bring your friends to my home. Logically speaking, I should prepare a sumptuous banquet for you, but you also know the situation at home, so I won't keep you here. You take the money to take your friend to a nearby restaurant for a meal, and treat it as my wish. I'm not worried about your brother-in-law being at home, so I'll go back first." After that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Xia Qin grabbed a handful of change, and the tears that had just stopped flowed out uncontrollably: "Because my brother-in-law injured someone before, all the family's money was used to compensate. These changes must be my sister's last savings."

How brave do we have to be to have the nerve to spend such money to eat? Li Mazi quickly comforted Xia Qin and said that after this incident, she would arrange for her sister and brother-in-law to come to the antique street to be the boss. Xia Qin then broke down in tears and laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mazi invited us to dinner with a rare bloodletting. As soon as the food was served, Xia Qin's phone rang. She looked at the familiar number on the screen and said softly: "It's sister. She must be concerned about whether we have food?"

However, as soon as she picked up the phone, Xia Qin's face changed: "What, those gangsters came to the store to cause trouble again? You stop my brother-in-law and don't let him do it. I will rush back right away." Xia Qin hung up the phone in a panic. De Liushenwuzhu grabbed Li Mazi's arm and asked, "What should I do? Those gangsters went to my sister's house to cause trouble again!"

When Li Mazi heard this, he stopped eating. He slammed his chopsticks on the table and rushed to the steamed bun shop with me.

At this time, many onlookers had gathered outside the steamed bun shop, and some people were whispering among each other.

"Hey, what's going on? It's noisy inside. Is there a fight?"

"Didn't the owner of the steamed bun shop go crazy and chop off Gao Dao's head a few days ago? Gao Dao has been in the underworld for so many years, how can he swallow this breath? Of course he is ready for revenge."

"What? I see that the owner of that shop is so honest and doesn't make a sound even if he pricks him with an awl. How dare he stab someone?"

"He's crazy! Who knows whether he is really honest or fake? Look at his timid look, how can he be manly at all? If you look at his wife, you will see that she is a little coquettish fox. If not, A flower is stuck on the cow dung, which means that the relationship between the two of them is not simple, and they may have eloped."

"I also heard that the reason why Tall's head was chopped off was because he molested his wife. This is really a disaster for beauty!"

These onlookers did not feel that the Schacers were victims, and even spoke for the tall heads.

Xia Qin was furious when she heard that. She rushed forward and squeezed through the dense crowd, shouting sternly: "You villains, aren't you afraid of going to hell and having your tongues pulled out? How do my sister and brother-in-law treat you? Do you still have a conscience? ?Get out of here quickly."

Xia Qin's voice was like thunder on the ground, and the people watching the excitement were immediately stunned. They stared at each other, not knowing what happened.

Xia Qin shouted angrily: "You're not going to get out, are you?" After saying that, she actually picked up the stick at the door and started waving it.

The onlookers were startled and fled in a hurry. Some people cursed dissatisfiedly: "Where did this vixen come from? Is he crazy? It seems that his steamed buns can no longer be eaten. Eat too much." It’s easy to have a brain disorder.”

After the spectators dispersed, Xia Qin rushed into the store holding a stick. The small steamed bun shop was crowded with people at the moment. Xia Qin's brother-in-law was sitting in the back, holding a sword in his hand and looking gloomy. Xia Se hid behind him with a worried look on his face, grabbing his shoulders uneasily.

Most of the rest of them had cigarettes in their mouths and tattoos all over their bodies, which didn't look like a good thing at first glance.

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