Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,324 The Missing Knife (Additional Update)

Seeing him, Xia Qin seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, and hurriedly grabbed his arm and said: "Mazi, you are finally here! They said that the man named Gao Datou was hacked to death at home, and they falsely accused my brother-in-law of doing it. You want to take it out on my sister."

Upon hearing this, several middle-aged women with sinister faces immediately pointed their guns at Li Mazi: "Who are you? Don't mind your own business. Now that someone has died, it won't be easy for me even if the King of Heaven comes."

The voice was getting louder and louder, giving Li Mazi no chance to speak at all.

I saw that the faces of these people who came to make trouble were as usual, and they did not feel the pain that one should feel after the death of a loved one. It was obvious that they did not have much affection for the tall head, but they wanted to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to extort a huge compensation.

I thought about it, walked forward slowly, and looked at the middle-aged woman at the head with unusual calmness.

Perhaps because of their guilty conscience, the women's momentum weakened obviously, and they looked at me uneasily: "Who are you? Look at what I'm doing."

"Your tall head is dead, why do you come here to cause trouble?" I asked calmly.

After hearing this, a woman immediately started making a fuss: "If you don't come here to make trouble, where can you make trouble? It must be their man who hacked the tall head of our family to death! Now that the pillar of support is gone, how can we, orphans and widowed mothers, live in the future?"

I smiled coldly: "But the male owner of this family is still squatting at the police station. How could he go to your house and kill someone?"

As soon as I finished speaking, Li Mazi was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his hair suddenly exploded: "Yes, the person is still in the police station, how can he kill someone? You clearly want to frame him."

The women who were quarreling seemed to have lost their fighting spirit. You looked at me and I looked at you, without paying attention for a moment. I took out my mobile phone and called the police. The police arrived quickly. Because my dream was disturbed, I walked into the store cursing: "Can you let me sleep peacefully? What happened? It's your private responsibility to be the police." Property?”

I told the whole story, and the policeman looked confused: "How is it possible? Lin Fendou is still in custody at the police station. How can he go and kill people? This is impossible."

Now that the police have confirmed what I said, the tall-headed family members are speechless. Li Mazi stiffened his back even more, pointed at several fat women and lectured: "The wind is like the rain. Nowadays, evidence is required to solve a case. If you come to make trouble without evidence, aren't you afraid of being detained?"

Tall Head's family thought about it for a while, and while the police were there, they called the police and reported that Tall Head had been hacked to death at home, his flesh and blood were mangled, and the attack was very vicious. Tall Head's involvement in the underworld must have offended many enemies, and the police were smart enough not to say much. They only said that this was a major case and they needed to be investigated slowly, and then they took Tall Head's family members to the police station to make records.

Li Mazi and Xia Qin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Xia Se was very worried about her husband's safety at the police station. I thought about it and worked out a countermeasure with Li Mazi.

No matter how things end, it is impossible for this steamed bun shop to continue to open. If one incident after another happens, the business will definitely be greatly affected. It is better to close it directly! So I asked Xia Se to immediately start arranging to sell the store at a low price. Recently, I first went to Antique Street to familiarize myself with the antique business, and then I called Li Mazi to find connections and see how much money I could spend to chop up Xia Se's husband. Has the big head thing settled down?

Perhaps because the death of Tall Head became the focus, his previous injury seemed to have been forgotten and not taken seriously. Li Mazi had relatively strong connections, and the person he was looking for was said to be a man who could handle both black and white. He stepped in to coordinate, and he quickly appeased his tall-headed family members and settled the case for tens of thousands of yuan.

As soon as the case was closed, Xia Se's husband was released. His face was gray, and although he had only been there for a few days, he still lost weight. However, the vicious and violent aura in his body had completely disappeared. Although his eyes were hollow, they were full of gentleness. When he saw Xia Se, he smiled slightly and said softly: "Are you scared? I'm fine."

Seeing her husband return to his former self, Xia Se, who had been having trouble sleeping and eating these past few days, finally started crying. Although Xia Se's husband was not good-looking, he loved Xia Se very much. Xia Qin was relieved to see her.

In order to celebrate the safe return of Xia Se's husband, Li Mazi arranged a table of fine wine and food. At the dinner table, I asked Xia Se's husband where he got the leopard-head knife.

Xia Se's husband looked at me with confusion: "Leopard-head knife? What kind of leopard-head knife?"

Xia Qin asked strangely: "Brother-in-law, don't you remember? It's the knife you brought back from your hometown in Shandong!"

"I brought it back from my hometown in Shandong?" Xia Se's husband was even more puzzled: "When did I go back to my hometown in Shandong?" It didn't look like he was faking it. It seemed that he really didn't remember.

Li Mazi wanted to ask again, but I stopped him and changed the topic elsewhere, asking if they wanted to come to Wuhan to develop with me and so on.

Li Mazi looked at me in confusion, and I secretly said to him: "This memory is not good anyway. It is a blessing to be able to forget it, so just ignore it!"

Li Mazi couldn't say anything anymore, so he just started eating.

Xia Se and his wife left the city and returned to their hometown in Shandong the next day. After all, they were still unwilling to do business in a big city anymore!

It is said that Li Mazi also attended the farewell as a family member and secretly gave Xia Se and his wife one million, so that they could go back to their hometown to build a small villa and live comfortably.

Although Li Mazi at this moment still made Xia Se feel like her sister was a flower stuck in cow dung, but seeing her sister's sweet smile and Li Mazi's sincere help to her, she still held back her heart. Then, I boarded the train.

The case of the tall head has also become an unsolved case. On TV news, the police are looking for witnesses. If they can provide valuable clues, they will receive huge bonuses.

At that time, Yin Xinyue and I were doing some shy things under the covers. When I heard the name of the tall head, I couldn't help but be stunned. I listened with my ears straight. Yin Xinyue put her arms around my neck and said charmingly: "Pay attention." Son!"

So I had to concentrate more.

Two days later, Yin Xinyue was going on a business trip again. As soon as she returned to the antique store after seeing her off, she saw Li Mazi and Xia Qin standing at the door waiting for me anxiously.

I realized something was wrong, turned around and wanted to run away, but I was stopped by Li Mazi loudly: "Brother from the Zhang family! Please help us!"

Why the hell do I hate the word 'Jianghu emergency' so much now? Which grandson invented this?

I stopped helplessly and turned to look at Li Mazi: "My birthday wish this year is that you disappear, and the farther away the better."

Li Mazi anxiously grabbed my shoulders and said, "Brother Zhang, stop joking! Something happened to Xia Qin's sister again."


I blinked: "What happened?"

Xia Qin said: "Didn't my sister and brother-in-law go back to their hometown in Shandong? They wanted to continue opening a steamed bun shop. They were looking for a suitable store these days. Who knew that before the shop opened, all four of my uncle's family were killed. "

Li Mazi was afraid that I wouldn't understand, so he hurriedly added: "They were all hacked to death. I have asked someone to go to the police station to inquire. The leopard-head knife that was previously detained by the police has disappeared..."

"Gone?" I couldn't help but change my face.

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