Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1366 Ming Dynasty Rich Shen Wansan

I was worrying about myself when I suddenly saw the poster in the old lady's hand turning, revealing two words towards me.

"Shen Teng!"

The word "Teng" was burnt a little blurry, but I could barely make it out. After matching it with other patterns, I finally remembered it.

This is a movie poster. If I guessed correctly, it should be "The Shameful Iron Fist" starring the popular comedian Shen Teng. Yin Xinyue and Wei Yu went to see this movie together.

However, the entire poster has been distorted and deformed, and only a rough outline can be seen. Only the heavy word in the middle is particularly clear.

But why would this old lady...

correct! I slapped my head violently, and suddenly it dawned on me.

Speaking of who was the richest in the entire Ming Dynasty? Shen Wansan!

Who owns the cornucopia in folklore? It’s Shen Wansan too!

How could I have forgotten this!

The old lady was so in love with a poster with the word "Shen" printed on it. It seemed unmistakable. The ghosts in this family must be from the Shen family, and the ghost living in the cornucopia must also be Shen Wansan.

I was extremely happy to learn the identity of Yin Ling and ran out in a hurry.

As soon as Fatty Zhao saw me walking out of the door, he hurriedly came forward and said, "Master Zhang, do you have any new discoveries?"

"Of course!" I said happily: "The ghost hiding in the cornucopia is Shen Wansan."

"Shen Wansan?" Fatty Zhao immediately widened his eyes in shock.

He has little education and may not know much about historical celebrities, but there is no way he doesn’t know Shen Wansan! Because Shen Wansan is almost the most famous rich man in Chinese history.

Shen Wansan is extremely wealthy and controls all the wealth and industries in the entire Jiangnan! After Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, he spent a lot of money and established a half-city alliance with Zhu Yuanzhang, which meant that he funded the construction of half of Nanjing City.

There is even a folk legend that he has a cornucopia, and no matter what he puts in the basin, it can turn into money. Unfortunately, Shen Wansan was later suspected by Zhu Yuanzhang, and died of depression after being exiled. This was the end of a generation of myths.

"Actually, I should have thought it was him. Among the many legends, only the story of Shen Wansan and the Cornucopia is the most widely circulated! However, I always thought it was a story and did not take it seriously. It seems that Shen Wansan really has a cornucopia. ." I sighed.

"Then..." Fatty Zhao flushed with excitement and kept rubbing his hands: "Master Zhang, is there any way to make Mr. Shen change places and keep this cornucopia?"

"Even now, are you still thinking about money?" I said coldly: "Do you want money or your life?"

"It's fatal, it's fatal!" Fatty Zhao said repeatedly, and the greed in his eyes was reduced by fright.

"I'm not trying to scare you. The ghosts in your house are all his family members. If you don't fulfill Mr. Shen's long-cherished wish, even if you take him out of the basin, you won't be able to live in peace in this life!" I said.

"Then... what should we do?" Upon hearing this, Fatty Zhao became even more frightened.

"Now we can only think of a way to bring out Shen Wansan's ghost and let him tell him what long-cherished wishes he has yet to fulfill. It would be best if we do a good job for him and let him take his family and move elsewhere."

"Okay, listen to Master Zhang. Should I prepare some black dog blood, peach branches or something?"

"No need, eh?" I suddenly frowned: "This is the second time you mentioned the black dog blood peach tree branch. Have you done this before?"

"No, no." Fatty Zhao's expression suddenly changed and he backed away in fright.

As soon as I saw that something was wrong with him, I immediately said with a serious look on my face: "You have to tell me the truth. If there are any mistakes or omissions, it's not a joke. I'm afraid I won't be able to save you!"

When Fatty Zhao saw how serious I was, he hesitated twice and finally lowered his head and admitted: "I used to find a Taoist priest..."

"What's going on? Tell me quickly." I shouted sharply.

Fatty Zhao trembled with fright and hurriedly came out to me.

It turned out that after Cornucopia brought his company back to life, he was filled with joy, but he also secretly muttered: If there is such a good thing, why would someone sell it to him?

At that moment, he asked someone to find a well-known old Taoist priest to check.

After the Taoist priest saw the cornucopia, he said that there was something sneaky hiding in it. If he wanted to be safe, he needed to use the method of exorcism to kill it.

Fatty Zhao followed the Taoist priest's advice and brewed it with black dog blood for 7,749 days. Then he put peach tree branches on it and lit a fire and burned it for three days. Later, the Taoist priest gave him a few more charms, saying that sticking them on the basin would keep him safe.

Fatty Zhao thought he could feel relieved, but he didn't expect that his son would suffer bad luck soon after, and his own health was deteriorating.

"No wonder you know some weird tricks like black dog blood peach branches!" I said bitterly: "Shen Wansan's ghost is indeed in the cornucopia, but his family members are always around. You use such vicious methods If you deal with him, they will naturally not be polite to you."

"Originally, these ghosts just wanted to find a place to stay, and had no intention of harming them. It was you who made them angry by being clever!"

"Hey! This damn stinky Taoist priest!" Fatty Zhao smashed his palms bitterly, cursing loudly and feeling regretful at the same time: "Master Zhang, then I..."

"Since there has been such a precedent, it may be difficult to lure him out. No wonder there are all the family members in the house, but Shen Wansan refuses to show up." I said.

"Then what should we do?" Fatty Zhao regretted it, and at the same time looked at me in great fear.

"If he doesn't come out, only you will go in."

"Ah?" Fatty Zhao thought he heard wrongly, and opened his mouth in confusion: "Shall I go in?"

"Yes!" I nodded and said, "Shen Wansan was frightened by the Taoist's so-called exorcism method. No matter what method you use, it is impossible to lure him out. The only way is for you to go in, apologize to him face to face, and pray for his forgiveness. And only by asking him about his long-cherished wish can it be resolved."

"I, go in..." Fatty Zhao looked down at his big belly, suddenly remembered something, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and said in great surprise: "Master Zhang, are you not going to let me share his soul with you?" Let’s meet?”

"That's a good guess." I said approvingly, "It means letting your soul enter the cornucopia and meet Shen Wansan."

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