Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,379 Fatal Scream

When the foreigner heard this, he immediately became anxious. He waved his hands and said, "Friend, don't be like this. Let's discuss it later."

Although Li Mazi drank a lot and was slightly drunk, once the matter was related to money, he immediately became extremely sober and extremely shrewd.

He had already seen the changes on the foreigner's face clearly!

"Stop talking nonsense, it's only 500,000. If you can pay this price, we will give you the cash right away. If you don't agree, then don't be verbose. Just go and leave! It's a waste of time." Li Mazi squinted his small eyes. , picked up the wine glass and took another sip happily.

The foreigner was reluctant to persuade him for a long time, but Li Mazi was very good at it. He continued to drink wine and ignored him. Finally, he waved his hand impatiently and issued an expulsion order: "Since you refuse, Sell ​​it, then take yours away as soon as possible, why are you still talking nonsense here?"

The foreigner might also be eager to sell. Seeing Li Mazi's resolute attitude, he stopped insisting and finally gritted his teeth and settled the deal for 500,000 yuan.

After the transaction was completed, the foreigner didn't talk nonsense and left with the money.

"Welcome to come again next time!" Li Mazi laughed while holding the wine glass.

As soon as he went out, Li Mazi winked at me and said with a smile: "This old guy doesn't know anything about the goods. We got millions so easily. Haha, come on, let's do it together!"

After saying that, he knocked my wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

I took the small box and opened it again with some doubts.

Although the box is very old, the structure inside is extremely exquisite, and it is indeed a very rare item. But the blood stains and the sour smell gave me a vague premonition that something was going to happen.

"This thing is very evil, you'd better get rid of it as soon as possible." I looked through the small box and reminded.

"Brother Zhang, I'm not talking about you." Li Mazi took another sip of wine and said disapprovingly: "Why are you becoming less and less courageous? What's the danger in such a useless thing?"

"When I first came to see you, were the embroidered shoes that fascinated my little Meng dangerous? Is the devil's sword at the King of Hell's execution ground dangerous? But what happened to us?"

"It's not a big deal!"

"When you first debuted, you had no cultivation at all. Didn't you always meet ghosts and kill ghosts, see Buddhas and kill Buddhas, and you were always peaceful? Why is it that now that your cultivation is getting deeper and deeper, your abilities are getting stronger, but you are getting more and more courageous? Are you getting smaller?"

"Don't say this thing isn't dangerous. Even if it is, so what? Can it still trouble your little brother Zhang? Come on, let's have a drink." As he said that, Li Mazi picked up the wine glass and put it on my glass again. Bumped.

Seeing that I had no interest in drinking, he didn't force me, so he did it alone, and casually turned on the clockwork switch behind the box.

As soon as the switch was turned, the little man in the box rotated again, and the melodious singing sounded again.

Li Mazi got millions in free money and was in a good mood. His legs were swaying and shaking to the beat, and he happily opened the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs. While eating, he persuaded me: "Brother from the Zhang family, just put your heart in it." In your belly. With your current ability, if there is any evil thing that can cause any trouble in front of you, don’t say I don’t believe it. I’m afraid no one in our circle will believe it. As long as you are here, no matter how fierce it is. I, Li Mazi, dare to take care of all your stuff!"


At this moment, a shrill scream suddenly came from the box.

The sound was extremely sharp and harsh, and it came out suddenly. Li Mazi trembled in shock, and even dropped the wine glass in his hand to the ground with a bang.

Although I had always thought the box was unusual and kept staring at it, I was still startled by the sound. As if out of conditioned reflex, he reached out quickly and took out a medium-sized magic talisman.

It turned out that when the foreigner demonstrated it to us, he only sang five or six songs before closing the lid and locking the mechanism.

At this time, the clockwork rotated to the end, and another scene immediately appeared——

The little man in the box is still spinning, but the speed is getting slower and slower, and the original melodious singing has turned into a long and drawn-out scream.

It was transmitted far away in this empty night, making people's scalp numb!

"Brother Zhang, what...what's going on?" Li Mazi was a little confused. He was mostly sober and looked at me in horror.

"The sky is bright and the air is clear, the gods will protect you, Ding!" I shouted loudly, looked at the box and threw the magic talisman over.

But the box remained unchanged at all, and the screams became louder and louder. It's just that the cry is very strange, as if it follows an extremely permeating melody, with ups and downs and matching lengths.

Putting the talisman on it did not have any effect!

"What is going on?" I was secretly shocked.

The talisman is the nemesis of all evil things. Even if the yin energy of this thing is strong, if you stick it on it, it will stop for a while.

Why is there no response at all now?

"Ah! Ah..."

The tone of the box is getting more and more miserable, as if someone is suffering extremely painful torture and trying his best to give out his last cry. It's like a very outstanding artist, using extremely superb skills to reproduce the most miserable mourning in the world!

Every note grabbed my nerves tightly, tearing hard and pulling desperately!

My head felt like it was going to explode, and my whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Ah, my God!" Li Mazi couldn't bear the pain. He held his head with both hands and fell down with a thud.

Wine bottles and dishes were smashed all over the floor, and Li Mazi lay on the ground rolling around.

I didn't have time to think about anything else, so I quickly closed the box tightly with a snap.

As soon as the lid of the box was closed, the sound disappeared immediately.

My hands and feet were still shaking slightly, and my head was buzzing and hurting. It seemed like hundreds of bees had gotten in and were flying around and screaming!

Li Mazi was in pain and was sweating all over his face.

Only then did he realize that this thing was really evil! Moreover, even I can't deal with it.

"Brother Zhang, what is this? It's so powerful." Li Mazi looked at me in shock.

"Hurry up and chase that foreigner!" I suddenly reacted and rushed out of the door with a yell.

Li Mazi glanced at the small box on the table, and immediately realized something, and followed me out.

But the street was empty. Only the fallen leaves rustled in the night wind, and the foreigner was nowhere to be seen.

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