Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1384 Devil’s Valley

"Russia?" I asked a little strangely: "Aren't the Sword of Dusk and the Magic Box both from Europe? What clues can I find in Russia?"

The man in the t-shirt responded quickly this time: "I just checked for you. The Galen family was so marginalized that they were forced to move out of the prosperous cities in Europe hundreds of years ago and came to Russia. But they still can't After establishing a foothold, we moved to the snowfields in the hinterland of Siberia.”

"There is a grand canyon there called Bokanstor, which in the local language means Devil's Valley! Their family has been isolated from the rest of the world and has lived there alone for hundreds of years. You should find something when you go there. I am in the Northeast There is a friend over there. You go over there first and I'll ask him to help you lead the way. I still have something to deal with here, so I'll solve it as soon as possible and then I'll set off to help you."

"Plessian's Box is known as the number one evil creature in Europe. Don't be careless. It will be more difficult to deal with if it is later! Just feeding it with blood cannot satisfy its murderous heart. You should leave immediately, over there I'll arrange things for you."

I only replied with the word "ok" and put down my phone. I said to Li Mazi, who was looking for news everywhere, "I'm going to Russia."

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment and didn't ask why.

We have cooperated for so long and have gone through life and death. The trust between us is completely beyond the friendship between brothers. As long as it is something I decide, he never asks why, but only provides complete and unconditional full support.

"When are you leaving? I'll go get ready." Li Mazi replied cheerfully.

"There's no need for anything else. I'll bring the magic box. You can buy more plasma from the hospital!" I said, "If this thing goes crazy again, I can save your life. You don't have to follow me." I went, and I can’t figure out the situation there now, it might be very dangerous.”

Li Mazi opened his mouth hesitantly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

I know he is a little worried and worried that something will happen to me, but he really can’t help me by following me, and he might even become a burden...

Yin Xinyue happened to go to other places with the crew. I was afraid that she would be worried and did not tell her the truth. I only said that I was going to Russia to do some small things.

A few days later, Li Mazi used various connections to buy two backpacks full of plasma and helped me transport it to the northeastern border near Russia.

Because this operation was relatively dangerous and might involve some complex forces, I did not apply for a passport or go through official channels. Instead, I directly contacted the friend introduced by the man in the T-shirt.

Although it is late autumn in Wuhan, Heilongjiang in the north is already covered in snow and the ground is covered with frost.

As soon as I got off the plane, two sturdy men wearing sunglasses came up to me and said very respectfully: "Master Zhang, please come this way."

I had known for a long time that the friend in the T-shirt man was very popular in the local area and was a real big brother. These two people should be his subordinates.

I was not polite at the moment and just let them help me carry my luggage out of the airport.

There were eight black Hummers parked outside the airport.

The eight cars all had consecutive license plates. There were more than thirty burly men standing straight in front of the cars. At the front was a middle-aged man wearing a white mink coat.

This man was about forty-five or six years old. He was not tall, but he was extremely strong. There was a very deep fiery red scar diagonally across his dark face, like a big centipede lying on his stomach. He looked cold and fierce. Full.

"Han Song." When the man saw me approaching, he took two steps forward and extended his hand.

"Zhang Jiulin." I held the other person's hand and said his name.

The man in the T-shirt said that almost no one in the local area knew his name. Even if someone did, they would not dare to call him. They all called him Mr. Han Liu. Not only did he tell me my name, but he also put on such a grand display to greet me personally, which shows that he respects the man in the T-shirt very much, and he is also very polite to me.

His hands were very hard and strong, and both his ring finger and little finger were broken at the same root. It seemed that his background experience was not simple.

"Let's talk in the car." The man didn't say much, and his tone was very gloomy, with a vague air of chilling.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a creak, and a stretched Lincoln rushed from a distance, very fast, but firmly stopped in front of us.

Two bodyguards in black walked up quickly and opened the car door for us, one on the left and one on the right.

Han Song and I got into the car, and the Lincoln sped out immediately, and eight Hummers also started up at the same time. As the vehicle was moving, more than thirty big men quickly got on the bus, four at the front and four at the front, tightly protecting the Lincoln we were riding in.

Only then did I realize there were three people sitting in the front seat of the car.

There was a big man in a gray-brown down jacket sandwiched between the two bodyguards in black. The big man's hands were tied, a hood was on his head, and his mouth was stuffed with a black cloth, which was tightly gagged.

I was a little confused as to what was going on, so I turned to look at Han Song.

Han Song took out two bottles of liquor from the car refrigerator, handed one to me, opened the bottle cap himself, drank half of the bottle with a tilt of his neck, and then waved his hand.

One of the bodyguards in black took off the big man's hood and pulled off the cloth that was blocking the other man's mouth.

This is a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes.

There were three finger-long cuts on each side of his face, the new flesh was turned outwards, the blood had not yet dried, and panic was written on his face. As soon as he was untied, he immediately started talking a lot.

However, what he said was all in Russian, and I couldn't understand it either.

Han Song pointed at him and said: "He is a snakehead, and Luo Yefu entered China through him. He said that he only knew that Luo Yefu had been to the Devil's Valley, and he didn't know the rest. What else do you want to ask? His?"

After listening to what he said, I was very surprised. I didn't expect the man in the T-shirt to talk to him so much. I didn't expect that this guy's methods were so sharp and he had already found the smuggler's head before I came.

"Do you know where the Devil's Valley is?" I asked.

After the bodyguard in black in the front seat translated, the man shook his head and said a lot.

A bodyguard in black explained to me: "He said he only knew that he had to go in from Mount Kanno, but he didn't know the specific path. Not only did he not know, but neither did the vast majority of residents living in Siberia. There. There are winds and snow all year round, and there are often heavy snowstorms. It takes more than a month to find the way, and there are wild animals. Almost no one has come out of Devil's Valley alive."

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