Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1387: Attack! snowfield

Han Laoliu poured another half of the bottle of wine and said: "The Sword of Dusk has always been in the hands of the Galen family. There is no mistake about this! After their family was marginalized and gradually declined, many people wanted to take away the Sword of Dusk. They just immigrated from Europe to the snowy valleys of Siberia.”

"The Sword of Dusk is also a sacred object full of magical power among Western sects. For hundreds of years, countless people have wanted to take it as their own. It is said that many people have sneaked into the Snow Valley to steal it, but they never If you don’t succeed, no one can even come out of the Devil’s Valley.”

I was even more surprised when I heard this, and asked: "Why is that? If their family is still so powerful, they shouldn't be driven out of Europe and hide in the Snow Valley?"

"Do you know why that place is called Devil's Valley? It is said that this is the entrance to hell, where countless demons are sealed. The Sword of Dusk can suppress demons, so their family can live there, but other intruders cannot Protected by the Sword of Dusk."

Han Laoliu took another sip of wine and continued: "But you don't have to worry. When Chu Yi and I stepped into the Salke Tomb in the early years, although we narrowly escaped death, we also got a good thing. Those demons couldn't kill us. Well, this is also the reason why the Pulus Box showed its power just now, but I was not affected at all."

"The Devil's Valley is nothing important. I'm worried about the people who are rushing there this time! Don't think that Hani is a weakling. He is a local bully in the Far East. He secretly controls many large arms businesses and the Russian military. It has a lot to do with it. Ordinary people would never make him so scared. The people who rushed to Devil's Valley before us must have a lot of background. I'm worried about their true purpose."

"The real purpose?" I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something: "You mean they are not for the Sword of Dusk?"

"At least not entirely!" Han Laoliu was very sure: "After you were entangled in the Pulus Box, there were suddenly some people who wanted to rush to the Devil's Valley. Their goal was naturally the Sword of Dusk. But it’s more like targeting you. As long as they hold the Sword of Twilight in their hands or hold us back for nine days, you will be dead. I suspect that the power behind these people is Longquan Villa. "

The identity of Han Laoliu is really a mystery!

Not only do I know the secret of the Sword of Dusk, but I also know exactly what Longquan Villa wants to do against me. Who is this guy?

Han Laoliu seemed to have noticed my doubts and smiled slightly: "Longquan Villa is also my mortal enemy. I went to Salke Tomb to track down their clues." As he said that, he adjusted the backrest of his seat. , half-lying down: "Not many people know how to get to Devil's Valley. Hani has sent people to look for it. We can't get there until dawn at the earliest. We can't take a car the rest of the way, so we can only walk on our legs. , take advantage of now, take the time to rest for a while!”

After saying that, he closed his eyes and took a nap.

After dawn, Hani's people brought over an old man with a red face.

The old man was very tall, had a long beard, and was wearing a very old and heavy leather jacket.

Han Laoliu called him over and asked him in great detail for a long time, then asked everyone to pack their bags, abandon their cars and set off.

After leaving this snowy slope where we stayed for the night, there was no road at all, and the shallowest part of the snow did not reach our thighs. Most of the time, we were walking in chest-deep snow. There are high mountains on both sides, and the endless silvery white envelopes the entire world.

The people accompanying us are all the strongest men in a hundred, but it is extremely difficult to walk on such a path. Han Laoliu, on the other hand, is the shortest among them all, but no matter how deep the snow is, it is only just covered. His calves were weak, and it was not difficult to walk at all. His face was as normal, and he was even breathing heavily.

After a few hours, everyone was too tired to walk and lay sprawled on the snow.

Although my physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary people, it is not much stronger than these strong Russian men who have been trekking in the wind and snow all year round. I was tired and leaned against a snow slope, panting heavily.

Han Laoliu sat down next to me with a bottle of wine.

These people are all Russians, and none of them seem to understand Chinese. However, Han Laoliu still lowered his voice very cautiously: "The Devil's Valley is at the end of the deep snowfield. Even helicopters cannot reach it. The surrounding environment is very complicated. There are often heavy snowstorms and it is impossible to remember. Only experienced hunters who have been there before can find it."

"Such people are extremely rare. To this day, it is said that less than ten people can be found accurately. If it weren't for Hani, we wouldn't be able to find them at all."

"I asked him before we set off." Han Laoliu pointed to the old man sitting at the front: "He said that there were three groups of people heading towards the Devil's Valley before us."

"The first group of people was the largest. There were about forty or fifty people. They were all Caucasians with high nose bridges and deep eye sockets. They were carrying a lot of strange and big baggage."

"There were only seven people in the second group. Except for one who was wearing a mask and couldn't see clearly, the others were all East Asians like us. He couldn't tell whether they were Chinese or not."

"There are only two people in the third group, which is the strangest. They are an old man with white hair and leading a six or seven-year-old girl. Who do you think they are?"

I thought for a while and said: "If according to what you said, Longquan Villa also came to the Devil's Valley to harm me, then they should be the second group. After all, they are just scum of the underworld, and most of the members are also They are Chinese, but what are the origins of the first group of white foreigners?”

"It's probably those Europeans who still don't give up on the Sword of Twilight. After the birth of Pulus' Box, they also noticed that there might be something strange about the Sword of Twilight, and then they rekindled the hope of obtaining it again. However, ...The strangest thing is the third group of people. A white-haired old man and a six or seven-year-old child. If they are also coming for the Sword of Dusk, they will probably be the biggest threat!" Han Laoliu said with a look on his face. He said solemnly.

Indeed, an old man and a child, let alone going to Devil's Valley, would probably not be able to stand walking in this ice and snow, unless - they have some extraordinary ability!

After resting for a while, our group set out on the journey again.

There is no signal on the mobile phone, and the weather is getting colder and colder. Everyone's exposed eyebrows and beards are covered with a thick layer of frost, and the air they exhale is dragging a long white smoke, making it difficult to walk. It was getting more and more strenuous, but Han Laoliu was the only one doing everything as usual, as comfortable and leisurely as taking a walk after a meal.

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