Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,389 The entire army was wiped out

What's even more peculiar is that the deep and shallow, large and small footprints are extremely far apart. Each step is three or four meters apart, and each step seems to fly past.

"It seems that our initial prediction was not wrong. The old man and the child who came in at the end are the weirdest. We don't know yet whether they are friends or foes. We must be more careful if we encounter them!" Mr. Han Liu very solemnly warned.

The two of us stepped forward, but the brown bear refused to leave, growling lowly and shaking its head repeatedly.

"Are you afraid of me here?" Han Laoliu glared, then raised his hand.

There was a flash of white light, and one of the brown bear's ears was immediately cut off, and red blood rushed out along the dark brown fur.

The brown bear screamed in pain, but did not dare to run away. His legs trembled repeatedly, and then he fell to the ground with a thud, shaking his huge head, as if he was kowtowing to beg for mercy!

"Okay!" Han Laoliu didn't know whether it was because of his sudden compassion or because he had other plans. He lowered his raised arm and said loudly to the brown bear: "Then you stay here. If I come out, When I couldn't see you, I cut you into stewed bear paws."

What was extremely strange was that the brown bear seemed to understand and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Let's go in." Han Laoliu said, carrying the big baggage and walking into the valley first.

The valley was dark, without any light, and the sound of the two of us stepping on the snow echoed everywhere.

I turned on a strong flashlight and looked around. Only then did I realize that the tunnel between the valleys was extremely deep and could not reach the end. The surrounding area was also very high and empty, enough for two large trucks to pass side by side. The stone wall above was round and smooth, as if it had been polished. When a flashlight was shined on it, it actually reflected bright light.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound in the darkness ahead.

The sound was not loud, but it didn't sound like it came from my ears. Instead, it sounded like it came from the bottom of my heart. It shook my whole body and almost dropped the flashlight.

Even Han Laoliu couldn't help but tremble.

The two of us stopped and looked carefully. When we saw that there was no change, we continued to move forward.

Han Laoliu very carefully opened the long bag he had been carrying and pulled out a fiery red Chinese-style long sword. The pattern on the scabbard was almost exactly the same as the eight-sided Han sword of the man in the T-shirt.

I didn't dare to be careless and drew out half of the ghost-slaying swords.

We walked forward another fifty or sixty meters, when the valley road suddenly turned a corner, and a bright light flashed in front of us.

On that patch of ground that wasn't too bright, five or six people were lying in a mess.

Han Laoliu and I looked at each other and approached cautiously.

I shined the flashlight, and Han Laoliu knelt down and fiddled with the scabbard a few times.

Everyone on the ground is dead.

These people are all extremely tall. Although they are all wearing thick snow-proof clothing, it can be seen that they are all muscular. They all wore white snow hats and steel helmets painted with snow camouflage.

Although they were all Caucasian, their skins all showed an extremely sickly pale color, without any trace of blood. Their blue or green eyes were wide open and covered with dense bloodshot eyes, as if they were about to die. Stare!

There were no injuries on the bodies, and there were no traces of a fight at the scene. How did these people die?

"Here!" Han Laoliu pushed back the hair on the back of a corpse's head.

A bloodstain the size of a pinprick was exposed on his scalp, but the bloodstain was black and faintly exuded a strange odor.

The same was true for several other corpses, but the injuries were in different places.

"They are poisoned!" I immediately judged it, but at the same time I was extremely confused: "But how did they get poisoned? Look at their palms and fingertips, they are all covered with thick calluses. Obviously he is no ordinary roughneck, but a full-fledged practitioner. Even if we take action, we may not be able to solve it so quickly and silently."

Han Laoliu frowned: "In short, this place is definitely not a kind place, and there are so many uninvited guests coming in, we must be careful!"

We walked forward not far, and several more corpses appeared on the ground. The causes of death were exactly the same as those of those others. The only difference was that these people seemed to be somewhat defensive. Judging from the posture and angle of their lying on the ground, They must have been in a defensive posture back to back, and there were many bullet holes on both sides of the cave, and many yellow and orange bullet casings were scattered on the ground.

Obviously, they should have discovered the raiders!

We searched for a long time but found nothing. The attacker was probably not injured.

These corpses were left here, but their backpacks and weapons were missing. They must have been taken away by their surviving companions.

The passage is very long, and there are several corpses scattered every few dozen meters, but the distance is getting farther and farther, and the number of dead corpses is getting smaller and smaller. It seems that they must have gradually escaped from the attackers' encirclement.

"Hey, what is this?" My flashlight, which kept moving, suddenly illuminated the open space next to a corpse, where blood-red scales were scattered.

The scales are only the size of a leaf, and are bright red all over, shining brightly under the light of a flashlight. The fracture at the edge was very irregular, as if it had been forcibly broken by a bullet.

Han Laoliu came closer to take a look and said: "It seems that this is the murderer! Judging from the bullet casings on the ground, the weapons carried by these people are very powerful, and their skills are not simple, but they are still unconscious He died unexpectedly, it seems that this Devil's Valley is really not simple."

After saying that, he took out a small paper crane from his waist, and then sprinkled a touch of cinnabar on the left and right sides.

The paper crane flapped its wings twice, circled around us, and then flew away far away. This was obviously a similar technique to the T-shirt man.

The two of us walked along the passage for another seventy or eighty meters, and the light in front of us became more and more dazzling. After turning another oblique bend, our eyes suddenly opened up, and we actually walked out of the valley road.

There is a paradise in front of us!

There are giant pines and cypresses that are four to five meters high everywhere, and bright red flower clusters are blooming all over the snow. Countless giant butterflies that we have never seen before, and flower insects are buzzing and dancing among the flowers.

Waves of rosin and floral scent blow in the wind and hit your nose and lungs, making you extremely comfortable!

Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, towering into the clouds, the scene in the middle is so charming?

"This way!" I was a little surprised when Han Laoliu suddenly pointed to the left.

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