Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1391: Famous Movements from All Directions

"Lazy Arhat, you are a first-class worshiper of Longquan Villa, and you have been in seclusion at Zhongnan Mountain for a long time. You are not very familiar with the new things outside." The old man who looked like a fortune teller said solemnly while stroking his beard: "This The boy named Zhang is not weak in skill, otherwise why would he trouble Mr. Dong to lead the team personally? The power behind him cannot be underestimated!"

"The power behind it?" Lazy Arhat was very surprised: "What power is behind him? I heard that he just opened a small antique shop in Wuhan and gained fame by selling nefarious things. Compared with our Longquan Villa, he is nothing. Damn it, I can kill him in minutes!"

What the other party said was exactly what I was wondering about. There are so many masters in Longquan Villa, and all kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies are endless. Since they have always wanted to get rid of me, why has it been delayed until today?

"Hmph!" The fortune teller snorted coldly: "That's all thanks to his grandfather Zhang Yaoyang!"

"Back then, he predicted his own death. In order to save his precious grandson, he put up a brave face and asked all the famous creatures in the world of the underworld to protect him openly and secretly. This is why we continued to lose manpower."

"Famous people from all over the world? I've heard of this. Are they the white-browed old bald donkeys and the others?" Lazy Arhat asked.

"Yes, among them, the white eyebrows and rats have been eradicated by us one after another, but the remaining ones are more difficult to deal with. Junior Junior High School in Hong Kong, Xiao Bailong in Guangdong, Master Feng in Yunnan, and Han Laoliu in the Northeast ...They are still against us at every turn. If we don’t deal with them first, no matter how big the traps we devise, they will break them one by one.”

"You don't know how many times we have failed. Most of the time, even the troops sent out were killed inexplicably on the way before they even reached Wuhan! It's not easy to kill that kid!"

As soon as I heard this, I couldn't help but be filled with secret horror!

It turns out that Longquan Villa has not been holding back and not taking action against me, but is afraid of my grandfather’s arrangements before his death. Even I don’t know about this!

What's even more surprising is that there are so many people who have been secretly guarding me.

Zen Master Baimei, Senior Rat all died because of me, and the man in the T-shirt saved me from hell many times. Only now do I know that besides a few of them, there are so many seniors I have never met. She has been silently guarding me, secretly shielding me from countless dangers! I can't imagine how many times I would have died without them.

I didn't even expect that among these people was Han Laoliu!

I turned to look at him very gratefully, and he shushed slightly to signal me not to move or make any sound.

We were only about five meters away from the two people under the tree at this time. Although we were blocked by tree branches covered with thick snow, it was still extremely unsafe and we would be discovered if we were not careful.

At this time, I discovered that there seemed to be a thin layer of white mist around the two of us, in the shape of an egg, and it was wrapping us both tightly. This may also be a spell cast by Han Laoliu. Because of this, these two people did not notice it at all.

"Oh? So that's it." Lazy Arhat seemed to have realized something: "Guangdong, Yunnan, Northeast! The remaining people happened to be on their own side, surrounding Wuhan, just to protect this kid? But even if they have a deep friendship, If you want to protect Zhang Yaoyang's grandson, that's not enough, right? At worst, just take this kid with you and you'll be done with it?"

"Things are far from that simple." The fortune teller continued: "There is a huge secret hidden in Zhang Jiulin. It is said... that he is the son of destiny sent from heaven and the nemesis of Master Longzhuang in this life. It is precisely because he is the one who defeated The only hope for Master Longzhuang is to be targeted by several forces."

"It's just that Zhang Jiulin's cultivation is not enough for the time being, so those guardians will protect him while constantly training him. When his strength is awakened enough, our Longquan Villa will be destroyed!"

"So that's it!" Lazy Arhat said: "When you say this, I understand everything. This time we took such a big detour. We first got out the Plessian's Box, and then led out that fool Luo Yefu. Go get it, then use various methods to force him to China, and rush all the way to Wuhan, just to ask him to help us transfer the magic box to Zhang Jiulin."

"Then, they will definitely think that the only way to crack it is the Sword of Dusk, and we will take the opportunity to catch them all in the Devil's Valley!"

"The village owner's move is really clever! Haha." Lazy Arhat laughed.

"I don't know, is this a trick set up by the village owner? Even what I said just now is just a guess." Mr. Fortune Teller slowly stroked his beard: "Such a confidential matter, even for a first-class person like you and me. There is no way to know about the enshrinement, this time I am just discussing it with you, brother, and must not spread it outside."

"I understand, I understand." Lazy Arhat nodded repeatedly: "After all... if word spreads, our heads will be at risk."

As he spoke, he seemed to suddenly remember something terrible. He suddenly stopped talking and turned to look at the corpses on the ground: "What should we do with these white soldiers?"

"Them?" Mr. Fortune Teller looked at him with disdain: "These idiots dare to break into the Devil's Valley just because they are special forces. They are simply short-term ghosts who dislike the longevity of their lives! Even if we don't do anything, there will be no one in the Valley." They don’t have long to live, we’re just doing a favor to make their death a little more pleasant.”

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