Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1393 Russian Dynasty (Additional update)

Han Laoliu's words shocked me.

Especially when I think about what Zhi Duoxing said just now, I am even more surprised that there is such a big conspiracy hidden in the world of ghosts!

At the same time, I was very surprised. What was the reason why my grandfather was brutally murdered in the first place?

What secret is hidden in me that makes several other people risk their lives to protect me? What does Destiny's Child mean?

Zen Master Baimei and Senior Rat all died for me, and the man in the T-shirt even pulled me back from death several times.

They would rather die than tell me and have refused to tell me. There must be some huge reason.

Although I was full of doubts, it was hard for me to ask any more questions.

What the two of us were walking on was a back-mountain road that left no trace of humanity behind. To be more precise, it was not a road at all.

Horizontal branches spread everywhere, dense bushes, and stinging thorn trees are everywhere. Neither of us dared to use any magic, nor even dared to leave the slightest trace of a knife or a sword, just like two snowfields. Like a groundhog, it kept crawling around. After a while, both of our clothes were scratched and torn, and there were several cuts on our bodies and faces.

The heavy snow continued to drift all over the sky, and the two of us kept moving forward in the biting cold wind.

The climb got higher and higher, and the climb became more and more dangerous. It took us more than two hours, and we finally reached the top of the hill.

The top of the mountain is a forest of strange rocks.

The shapes of these stones are very special, and all of them look particularly ferocious.

I looked carefully and suddenly realized that these stones were actually people! Some were two people hugging each other tightly, squeezing each other's necks, some were four or five people entangled in a ball, some were holding other people's heads and biting them, and some were holding half of the corpse high and waving it hard.

However, everyone turned into stone and stuck together, losing their original shape due to weathering.

"What, have you discovered anything new?" Han Laoliu glanced at me sideways, seeming to see surprise in my eyes.

"They... seem to be humans?" I hesitated to express my doubts.

"It doesn't seem like they were originally human beings." Han Laoliu said calmly: "They are the ancestors of the Galen family who first entered the Devil's Valley."

"On the land of Russia, in more than a thousand years of history, there have been only two dynasties. After the first Rurik dynasty fell, after a brief period of chaos, it was unified by the Romanov dynasty! The Galen family The ancestors are actually descendants of one of the Rurik dynasties, and the Sword of Dusk we are looking for is a remnant of the Rurik dynasty."

"During the war, the descendants carrying the Sword of Dusk escaped into the Devil's Valley by mistake, accidentally awakening the sleeping devil. The family members who had been relying on each other all the way to this place were all killed in an instant. They went crazy, biting and killing each other, and only Galen, who held the Sword of Dusk, survived."

"He ran out in panic and fled all the way to Europe. He didn't dare to reveal his identity, so he pretended to be a ranger and wandered around. Just in time, the Plessian Box was rampant and killed countless people. So he He stood up, surrendered the magic box, and was taken into the ancient tomb by Sarke.”

"Galen, who had made great contributions, was knighted by the European dynasty, but a few generations later, they were ostracized and even had to transfer back to Russia from Europe. What a coincidence is that, halfway through, they were forced to infiltrate by the pursuing soldiers. Entering the Devil's Valley..."

"Like their ancestors, they were enslaved by demons."

"After that, Rurik, a descendant of the royal family who had ruled Russia for hundreds of years, completely became a servant of the devil. And the Sword of Twilight, which symbolized the supreme royal power and could kill all evil, also became a The devil’s scepter.”

"This may also be God's most malicious irony!" Han Laoliu said with emotion, clasping his hands behind his back and looking at the vast white snow under his feet.

"Then where are they now?" I was very surprised: "Didn't they become servants of the devil? But we have been in the valley for so long, how come we haven't even seen a single person."

"We have to wait until the sun sets." Han Laoliu turned around and pointed at the stones: "They will come to life. They will hate all living creatures, and they will hysterically want to tear everything apart and bite everything off."

"You mean, they will turn into demons at night?" I took a step back in horror.

"Yes!" Han Laoliu nodded: "Although we have temporarily avoided Zhiduoxing's eyes and ears just now, he has already set up an exploration array around us. It won't be long before he finds our traces. And if we are not careful, They will step into the trap they have prepared.”

"We are not yet sure that we can defeat them, and we may not even be able to save our lives. The only way is to find a place to hide first..."

"In the entire valley, this is the safest place. Even the devil's aura does not dare to invade the magic circle. Let's wait here for the opportunity and see how Longquan Villa responds."

"But what should we do when it gets dark and these demons attack us?" I turned around and looked at the stone statues with hundreds of people scattered all over the mountains and fields, and asked worriedly.

"How do you think those white special forces who don't understand the method of exorcism at all escaped the attacks of demons?" Han Laoliu pointed at himself, then at me, and asked and answered: "Actually, how to crack the demons?" Gu’s method has long been spread among Western sects, and the method is both cruel and simple.”

"When it gets dark, we can just bite each other's arms and turn ourselves into demons. However, we have the Devil's Box, so we don't need it."

"It's a good thing for you that you've arrived in the Devil's Valley, because the Pulus Magic Box is afraid of the Sword of Dusk. Here, it doesn't dare to show its power at all, and the remaining Yin Qi in it will be recognized by these demons."

"It can be said that after dark, the two of us are the safest in the entire canyon! This is why I still dare to lead you in even though I know that Longquan Villa has sent many experts in."

"It's just that the only thing I'm worried about now is the third group of people coming in - the old man with the white beard and the little girl - this is the only variable I haven't guessed so far, and I don't know whether they are friends or foes."

"Yes!" I suddenly realized something and exclaimed: "After the white mercenaries and Longquan Villa, will their goal be the Sword of Dusk?"

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