Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1398 Sacrifice

Seeing something bad, I shook my body vigorously, but the more I moved, the tighter the branches became, making it almost impossible to breathe.

"Don't move! It'll be fine soon!" Han Laoliu said softly.

When I heard this, I quickly stopped twisting, but I was still a little worried.

Once these branches completely cover us, it will be even harder to escape!

Although he has extraordinary strength, but now even he himself is firmly tied up in it. What else can he do? I have no idea at this time!

The branches continued to grow, and finally covered our heads, and slowly covered our faces.

"Close your eyes!" Han Laoliu instructed.

I don't know what he wants to do, but now I have no choice but to listen to him.

At the same time I closed my eyes, the branches finally closed above my head, and the two of us were completely enveloped in it.

If we look at it from the outside, Han Laoliu and I should be no different from an extra-large silkworm chrysalis.

"Hahaha, Han Lao Liu, Han Lao Liu, you have today too!" The man in black robe smiled more and more proudly: "Don't you claim to be immortal, with the body of green wood? Now I will show you how powerful I am. ,receive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the branches surrounding us tightened suddenly, as if our bones would be broken at any time!

Many small buds also grew on the branches, and they dug straight into the flesh, as if they were treating our bodies as soil, trying to take root and sprout in our bodies.

"Speaking of which, I have mastered this secret technique, and I have to thank you very much." Outside the cage, the man in black robe was very proud: "It is because of you that I have endured that kind of pain. Now, let you also taste the feeling of vegetation digging into your body!"

It seems that Han Laoliu caused him a lot of suffering back then.

"Boy from the Zhang family, don't worry. I won't kill you. I have to keep you to collect the reward from the owner of the village." The man in black robe changed the subject and said to me: "But if you can tell the secret that your grandfather knows, If you tell the owner of the village, I can help you completely get rid of the pursuit in the future - from now on, no one will harm you again, what do you think?"

The secret that grandpa knows?

As early as during the day, from the conversation between the wise star and the lazy arhat, I already knew that grandpa once knew a huge secret, and it was probably hidden in the store.

But apart from the old notebook and the shop, he didn't tell me anything at all. What's the secret?

I was full of doubts when I suddenly felt my whole body relax and a cold wind blew from all directions.

"Caught it!" Han Laoliu said suddenly as he pulled me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that all the branches that bound me were gone. The man in black robe and the big forest were all gone, and I was floating in the air!

It was more than twenty meters above the ground, flying close to the tops of the extremely tall trees!

A vine as thick as an arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, and Han Laoliu was holding on to the other end.

Suddenly, there was a long roar above the head.

I looked up and saw a huge white paper crane flapping its wings, taking us flying high!

Han Laoliu closed his eyes tightly, moved his lips together, and kept mumbling something.

The vines were swaying, and the cold wind was blowing from all directions. From time to time, my feet touched the snow on the tops of the higher trees, just like in a dream.

I saw the highest mountain peak in front of me from a distance.

The paper crane was flying, suddenly started to tremble, screamed repeatedly, went up and down extremely unsteadily, and finally fell down headfirst.

Han Laoliu yelled quickly and forcibly manipulated the paper crane to adjust his body shape, but the big crane saw it getting smaller and smaller. Finally, he could no longer bear the weight, and the two of us fell directly from the top of the tree.

I quickly put up my hands to protect my head and face, and fell from the bushes.

The whistling wind came directly in front of me, and countless branches scraped against my body.

When he was three or four meters away from the ground, the vines wrapped around his waist suddenly flew out and tied tightly to the branch of the tree, suddenly stopping his fall.

The two of us jumped down from the tree. Han Laoliu took great pity and picked up the little paper crane that had become four inches in size and covered with scars from the ground. He took out a small dark green bottle from his arms and put it under the crane. I poured a few drops on my head and put it back.

Then he raised his hand and pointed forward: "Hurry up, it's too late!"

After walking for a while, I finally couldn't bear the curiosity and asked him.

Han Laoliu was silent for a while and then told me about the past.

Back then, when he and Chu Yi were exploring the Sarke Tomb and passing through the Sand Shadow Maze, they got separated. Then, he bumped into the golden snake old man who came to hunt for treasure.

This guy found that what he wanted had been obtained by Han Laoliu, so he attacked from behind. Fortunately, Han Laoliu had the body of Aoki and arrived in time on the first day of the year, so he was safe.

Under Jin Shesou's plea, Han Laoliu and Chu Yi let him live without killing him.

Who would have thought that this guy held a grudge and even joined Longquan Villa in order to take revenge.

Han Laoliu said bitterly: "If I had known this, I shouldn't have kept him in the first place! Do you know? The golden snake turning wood technique he just used, every golden snake is a human life."

"This guy is very powerful. If we want to fight head-on, I'm afraid we have to fight until dawn, and it may be too late! If it weren't for business, I would definitely kill him."

"Why is it too late? We rushed there in such a hurry. What happened?" I couldn't help but turned around and asked, full of curiosity.

After discovering the traces of Longquan Villa, and then thinking of the mysterious old man and little girl, Han Laoliu originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, so he took me to the top of the mountain full of gargoyles to hide.

But after the extremely weird sound came, he immediately changed into a different person - he was no longer as calm and composed as before, and he hurried down the mountain with a panicked expression, desperately trying to get there.

"The Sword of Dusk is there, and now someone wants to use the sword as a sacrifice, as if to lure out that thing!" Han Laoliu explained as he hurried away.

The Sword of Dusk as a sacrifice?

I was stunned when I heard it.

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