Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,436 Supreme God Level

"You two are quite brave. How dare you come here? Do you know who this is?" the old man asked, pointing to the skull diagonally opposite.

Seeing that there was no way out, I was no longer so afraid and replied loudly: "I know, this is the Great Dream Ghost Tathagata, the founder of the Yin Buddha Sect."

"It's quite knowledgeable." The old man snorted coldly, then turned his finger to his feet: "Then where is this place?"

"Of course it's his tomb," I replied.

"Grave, have you ever seen a tomb built like this? This is called the Buddha's Sound Transformation into Ghost Formation." The old man said disdainfully.

"Buddha's Sound Transforms into Ghost Formation?" This was the first time I heard this name, and I was very confused.

"Actually, the entire underground is a big formation. From the moment you step into the gate of the Five Elements of Heaven, you are already inside it."

"Did you see the white bones outside the door? They are all believers of Ghost Tathagata. After building this formation, they all voluntarily donated their blood, which is the blood pool outside the lotus platform. This blood has always been connected to His heart." The old man pointed to the jade tube inserted into the skeleton, and then said: "It can also be said that he has never died, just sitting quietly in the formation, waiting for you people who don't know what to say. Entrant."

"You must have felt the power of those strange sounds, right? Let me tell you, that was the sound of his heartbeat."

"One blast is frightening, two blasts are soul-stirring, three blasts are penetrating into the bones, four blasts are soul-destroying, five blasts are breaking thoughts, six blasts are dissociating, and seven blasts are turning into ghosts. Anyone who has listened to the seven blasts of heartbeat will definitely become his disciple of the ghost gate. .”

"In fact, every sound of his heartbeat is fatal. It's just that the degree of what each person can withstand varies according to their different cultivation levels. Moreover, even if you have great abilities, as long as you have not reached the supreme god level, You will definitely not be able to survive five times. You don’t know anything about this, so you dare to barge in like a fool, you are really impatient!"

Hearing what he said, I was immediately shocked.

When I entered the valley with Han Laoliu before, I heard the sound as if it came from the bottom of my heart, which was extremely shocking.

After hearing the sound on the top of Gargoyle Mountain, he even had hallucinations. If Han Laoliu hadn't grabbed me in time and drank the green liquid for me, I might have lost my mind even then.

The sound at the top of the snow peak was even more painful, like a hundred needles pricking the heart.

In the mirror maze, I was already lying on the edge of life and death, in addiction and vast darkness. If the man in the T-shirt hadn't called me back one after another, I would have died.

"Originally I didn't want to care about you. However, as this man grows old, he can't help but feel nostalgic. I smelled Zhang Yaoyang's breath in your blood, and suddenly I remembered what happened in King Yu's tomb."

"Although that boy was my enemy, he was forced by the situation. Moreover, he finally escaped side by side with me, which is considered a fate!" The old man seemed to be remembering the extremely long past, half-squinting his eyes, Talking nonchalantly.

"Decades have passed in such a flash, but I didn't expect that he would actually come before me. I unexpectedly met his descendants here, and my heart softened, so I left a door open..." After what he said, I also Think about it.

The black lotus door at the end of the Buddha's Corridor was indeed opened by him and was not completely closed.

If not, the T-shirt man and I would have no time to crack it. Even if we were not beaten to death by the pursuing Dong Lao and Chou Huang, we would definitely be blown into powder by the flames of the oil explosion.

In this way, he is still the savior of both of us.

Besides, if he hadn't let the little girl pass the message, I might still not be able to save the T-shirt man until now.

"Thank you, senior!" I took a step forward and bowed to the old man sincerely.

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank your grandfather! I can finally put an end to this past incident."

"However, whether you can get out alive and how long you can survive depends on your luck. I am too lazy to care anymore." After saying that, the old man slowly closed his eyes.

His intention is very clear, he will neither kill us nor help us.

The man in the T-shirt changed his expression and raised his fist towards the old man: "Excuse me, but is this senior a gray pigeon?"

"Oh?" When the old man heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head in surprise, looked at the man in the T-shirt again and said, "Not to mention now, even back then, I'm afraid no one knew my name. Duo, where did you hear that?"

The man in the T-shirt said with great respect: "Senior, when I passed through the ancient country of Loulan, I was lucky enough to meet an old lady. She was confused at the time and kept talking about the past. She said her name was Bai Diao... …”

"How is she now?" The old man waved his sleeves, suddenly interrupted the man in the T-shirt, and shouted urgently.

"She... has passed away. In the days before her death, she kept talking about Gray Pigeon, Gray Pigeon..."

A click!

The old man's arm clinging to the roots of the black tree fell down weakly. The tree roots hit the ground, creating a crack more than three fingers wide on the Honglian platform.

"She said that you once brought her the most beautiful snowy sunflower from Mount Everest; she said that you once brought her the most brilliant crested hairpin from the tomb of King Yu..." t The shirt-sleeved man said as he walked forward step by step on the red lotus steps.

"You carried her across thousands of miles of sand, you held her across the vast snowfield, and continued her life with your own blood..."

The man in the T-shirt said as he stepped onto the lotus platform, getting closer and closer to the old man.

The old man seemed to be remembering some extremely sad past event, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and he closed his eyes slightly, as if he was trying very hard to control himself and prevent tears from flowing out.

Suddenly, the man in the T-shirt swung out his palm and hit the old man's Tianling Cap with a bang.

"Ah!" the old man shouted, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and hit the man in the T-shirt on the chest with his backhand staff.

The man in the T-shirt flew far away, hit the stone wall opposite, and then fell to the ground motionless!

How is this going? I was stunned by this sudden change.

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