Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 145: Zombies come out of the cage

It turns out that the boy has been an orphan since he was a child. His mother died early, and his father was forced by life to rob graves with others. He has not been seen since. The boy survived only with the help of his fellow villagers. For him, having enough food is the happiest thing in the world, let alone going to school.

Later, when the boy grew up, he relied on the few acres of thin farmland at home to make a living.

I originally thought that my life would follow this track, marry a capable wife, farm and herd cattle.

But he didn't expect that one day, his father's return would completely break his peaceful life!

It was late at night, and there was a loud knock on the door of the young man's house. There was an old voice outside that kept calling his name.

The young man was puzzled and went to open the door.

Standing outside the door was an old man in ragged clothes, covered in blood and even with a scar on his face. A pair of cloudy eyes, after seeing the young man, instantly released an excited expression. He grabbed the young man's hand and said, "Son, is that you?"

The young man was frightened by this weird old man and quickly closed the door to keep the old man out. But the old man didn't care at all, barged in, and said excitedly that I am your father.

The young man was frightened. After carefully looking at the old man for a long time, he realized that the old man's appearance was somewhat similar to his own.

He didn't have a deep impression of his father because he left when he was very young.

The movement at the boy's house soon alerted the nearby neighbors. The neighbors hurried out to see what was going on, and upon identification, they discovered that the old man was indeed the boy's father!

At that time, the villagers were very kind to the boy. Knowing that the boy's family was poor and had little, they all took out grain and corn to give the boy's father a full meal first.

When a young man sees his father, he has mixed feelings. I didn’t know what to do with him, so I sat awkwardly all night without exchanging a word...

The young man had been tending cattle during the day, and his body was already exhausted, so he fell asleep without even realizing it.

When the boy woke up, he found his father asleep beside the bed and a letter on the table.

The young man could not read, so he showed the letter to his neighbor.

After reading it, the neighbor was dumbfounded because it was actually the suicide note of the young father!

The letter said that when the boy saw this letter, he was already dead, and repeatedly told the boy that after his death, his coffin must be buried upright, and five peach wood stakes should be nailed into the limbs and The heart position is buried at the highest point of the mountain.

After the burial, he would give the boy a small gift. The specific gift was not mentioned in the letter.

But I vaguely guessed that the so-called gift should be the ‘Night Pearl’.

The young man was dumbfounded and hurried back home, only to find that his father had indeed lost his breath, and he didn't understand why his father would let him trample on his body.

Although the young man didn't know much about it, he knew that doing so would be very bad for the body. Maybe his father would never be reincarnated.

So the young man did not follow the instructions, but buried his father hastily...

Who knew something would happen that night!

First of all, the poultry in the village often crow restlessly in the middle of the night. During the day, you will find that some chickens and ducks are missing, and several dogs died tragically in their nests. They died in a miserable way, and they were bitten alive. belly.

At first, the villagers suspected that the wolves from the mountains had come down to harm the village, so they didn't pay much attention. However, as time went by, more and more poultry began to die and disappear. The village simply formed a patrol team to patrol the village every night.

As a result, what the patrol saw completely changed the boy's fate!

They actually found the boy's father walking down the mountain to the door of the boy's house and knocking on the door hard.

The young man's father was still wearing a shroud, and his whole body exuded a strong smell of corpse. His eyes were wide open, as if he were a walking corpse.

And next, the boy walked out of the house with his head lowered, following his father.

In full view of everyone, the two of them sneaked into someone else's yard and ate live chickens!

The people in the patrol team were so scared that they knew it was a fake corpse. Early the next morning, this incident caused a sensation in the whole village.

The villagers arrested the young man and asked him why he did this? When the boy learned that his father had come to find him last night and even led him to eat a live chicken, he was immediately dumbfounded.

But when the boy found out that his dead father was lying on his bed, he had to believe it even if he didn't believe it.

It seems that the villagers were right. He and his father's bodies actually slept on the same bed all night...

The boy was frightened and quickly begged the villagers to nail his father back into the coffin. In order to prevent his father from 'escaping' out again, they even blocked the cave with many large rocks, hoping to block the body inside.

The young man was also worried that he would run out and steal the villagers' chickens and ducks again, so he tied himself tightly with a rope and locked the door from the outside.

However, these didn't seem to work. My father actually used some means to push away several large rocks and got out of the cave.

Early in the morning, the boy found his father lying at his door, with his mouth open, holding the bead.

The young man had no choice but to rebury his father in the coffin, enshrine the beads in front of the grave, and block the entrance of the cave even more tightly with stones. He went out to find an expert to solve his father's problem.

The villagers discovered that since the boy left, everything had returned to normal. His father's body no longer comes down the mountain, poultry no longer goes missing, and the village returns to normal again.

At some point, everyone started to spread the word that the young man was the scapegoat. He killed his father, and even made his father die with his eyes open and come to the door every night.

The rumors spread more and more fiercely, and finally the villagers no longer dared to let the boy live in the village. The boy did not want the villagers to suffer, so he was kind-hearted and decided to leave.

After the young man left, the village became quiet and no more corpse fraud occurred.

However, as we arrived, the body came down the mountain again, and no one dared to touch the body. So the villagers could only send a message to the boy and ask him to come back and solve the problem.

The young man saw us when he came back, and we all know the rest.

After listening, Li Mazi and I were stunned.

My biggest doubt now is, what does the suicide note left by the young father mean?

Why did you let the boy nail himself with a peach wood stake?

And what are the beads in his mouth? Why give it to a teenager.

I looked at the young man in surprise and said that if he really wanted to solve this matter, I was afraid he could only do what his father's suicide note said.

The young man lowered his head and cried quietly. I knew he was reluctant to let go. But it's like this now. If no measures are taken, the consequences may be more serious!

Li Mazi and I enlightened the young man, but the young man finally had no choice but to nod and agree.

I guess the reason why the boy's father left a suicide note was that he obviously knew that he would fake his body after his death.

And that bead, I have to figure out what the bead is for first.

I suddenly remembered that the boy had mentioned before that his father had robbed tombs when he was very young. So I asked the young man if he knew what his father had been doing over the years.

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