Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,453 Wu Dachuan’s Secret

"This..." Wu Dachuan looked embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Yes, I have known him for a long time, and... and he has helped me a long time ago."

Sure enough, it was as expected.

Although Wu Dachuan seems to be submissive and obedient to my orders, and even kneels in front of me, this is only because he is encountering difficulties now and is about to endanger his own life.

He is a jade businessman with a big business. The villa and car alone cost tens of millions. Even if such a person encounters another crisis, he will always keep a relatively clear head, especially when it comes to himself. property.

Even if he was at a loss and trusted the small card pinned to the car window, he would not show the jade worth millions to an outsider who met him for the first time.

Moreover, since the Taoist priest pretends to be an outsider and asks him to come and pick him up in person, why should he spread little cards everywhere?

Also, just because there was a call from him on the deceased’s cell phone, the police would never call him to the crime scene for questioning.

In addition, even if the police did call him, they would never ask for such a long time that he not only saw the face of the deceased, saw the dead body being carried into the police car, but also heard the conversation of the police visiting neighbors. This is enough to show that he stayed at the scene for a long time.

After combining these inferences, only one result remains.

That means this guy is lying.

Not only has he known the Taoist priest for a long time, but their relationship should be extraordinary!

Otherwise, the Taoist priest could just disappear after stealing something, so why bother to confuse him by pretending to die first?

"What has helped you? Please be more specific." I asked.

"This...this..." Wu Dachuan was extremely nervous, hesitant and hesitant.

"You don't want to say that, do you? Well, I don't want to care about this anymore. You don't even want this life for yourself, so why should I worry about it?" With that, I turned around to leave.

"Don't, don't...Master Zhang." When Wu Dachuan saw that I was really going to leave, he hurriedly stopped in front of me and said with a bitter look on his face: "I said, I said it's not okay."

There was only the two of us in this empty room, but he still subconsciously turned his head and looked around, and then hesitantly said: "I knew him more than 20 years ago. At that time, I was still a salesman. The fruit vendor…”

Wu Dachuan, who was more than 20 years old, had just arrived in Wuhan from the countryside. After many struggles, he bought a tricycle and resold some seasonal fruits on the streets, barely making a living.

He was quite a kind person. Every evening at night, he would give the rotten fruits to the beggars along the street. This way, he got to know a person with a special identity: Wei Laodao. .

Wei Laodao was wearing a tattered Taoist uniform. At first glance, he looked almost the same as other beggars, but he never begged anyone, let alone did any fortune telling. He had been wandering around the streets all day long, looking more leisurely than anyone else.

Every time Wu Dachuan handed out fruits, Wei Laodao didn't even say thank you, he just grabbed two and left.

Wu Dachuan only thought that this old Taoist was interesting at first, but he did not expect that the step from the lowest point in his life to the peak would be transformed by this old Taoist!

That day, he was selling fruit on the street as usual. Suddenly, a super luxury sports car stopped in front of him. In the car, an extremely beautiful girl grabbed a hundred-dollar bill and smiled at him: "Handsome guy, here are two pounds." tangerine."

He had never seen a girl who was so beautiful and moved his heart so much. His heart was beating wildly and he was so busy weighing the oranges that he even forgot to find the money. Until the car was far away, he was still in a daze.

At this time, the Taoist priest came over and said, "This woman's father is a famous jade king. He only has a daughter. Do you want to marry her?"

Wu Dachuan thought it was the Taoist priest making fun of him. Unexpectedly, this guy turned around and took out a charm and said mysteriously: "When you weighed her oranges just now, I also threw one in. I cast a bitter love curse on her. If you want to marry her, just burn this talisman." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Wu Dachuan held the talisman for a long time, and finally couldn't bear the temptation and burned it.

Sure enough, as the old Taoist said, from then on, the beautiful woman came to buy oranges almost every day, and talked to him more and more, and finally came together with him despite the opposition of her family.

A few years later, the jade king died of illness. Wu Dachuan inherited the family business and became a new generation of jade tycoons.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty years have passed, and the defender who has never been seen appears again.

He was still wearing the tattered Taoist uniform, and he still looked as poor as ever. Just over twenty years have passed, and Wu Dachuan has transformed from the young man he was back then into a bald middle-aged man. But the appearance of the Taoist priest has not changed at all.

This time he appeared in front of Wu Dachuan and made a very strange request.

Ask Wu Dachuan to go to Myanmar to help him buy a stone!

Wu Dachuan missed the relationship between them and didn't want the legendary love story to be leaked, so he immediately agreed.

So, he went to Myanmar and bought the fast stone at an auction without spending a lot of money.

But on the way back, he became strange.

Originally, in order to thank the Taoist priests and even more to silence the Taoist priests, he wanted to give him 5 million yuan so that the Taoist priests could enjoy glory and wealth, but the Taoist priests refused and only wanted this stone.

Could this stone be some kind of extraordinary treasure? Is it worth much more than five million?

The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. After returning home, he found someone to cut a knife on the stone behind the back of the defender.

A centipede just happened to be exposed from the jade, and its whole body was fiery red and vivid. With his many years of experience in selling jade, he could tell at a glance that this was an inlaid ancient jade. With just a little bit of hype, it can be sold for tens of millions.

He immediately changed his mind.

At this moment, the Taoist priest came to the door and insisted on taking the stone away.

Wu Dachuan naturally refused, so the Taoist priest said the word "good" seriously, then bit his fingertips and splashed a drop of blood on the jade, turned around and left.

From that night on, little centipedes appeared inexplicably in his house.

Wu Dachuan knew it was a moral defender, so he called him and wanted to talk to him again, but he didn't expect it. The call didn't get through, and he was subsequently questioned by the police.

When Wu Dachuan said this, the cold sweat on his face became even worse, and he trembled slightly and said: "I really regret it now. If I hadn't been so greedy at the time and gave him this jade, maybe there wouldn't be so much." It’s happened…”

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