Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 148 Father’s love is like a mountain

Strangely enough, the moment the Faqiujia was held in his mouth, the one-eyed dragon suddenly became more conscious.

He took a deep breath and pulled Yin Xinyue up with an excited expression: "Come on, come with me!"

But Li Mazi immediately said: "Don't touch her. She is too weak and can't run far. Let Chu Chu be used as a hostage, right?"

The one-eyed dragon smiled coldly, let go of Yin Xinyue, grabbed Chu Chu's collar, and was about to take her away.

"Wait a minute." Li Mazi suddenly shouted, "Can you tear off the tape on her mouth? She has sinusitis and her nose is not breathing smoothly. You will suffocate her to death. You don't want to kill anyone."

"That's so damn verbose." One-eyed Dragon cursed, but still believed Li Mazi and tore off the tape. Then he grabbed Chu Chu and was about to walk out of the room.

I looked at Li Mazi inexplicably, wondering what kind of medicine Li Mazi was selling in his gourd?

After Chu Chu was captured by the one-eyed dragon, I immediately ran up and untied Yin Xinyue. Seeing that Li Mazi was still stunned, I immediately panicked: "Li Mazi, what are you doing? Why don't you catch up quickly?"

Li Mazi sneered: "Don't worry, Chu Chu will be fine."


I don't understand what Li Mazi means.

After a while, Li Mazi's cell phone rang. He picked up the phone, took a look at it, and said, "Okay."

Then he ran out quickly.

I didn't know why, but I followed Li Mazi anyway.

We chased her to the green belt outside the hotel, where we met Chu Chu.

The one-eyed dragon fell to the ground in pain, clutching his throat and foaming at the mouth. Chu Chu stepped on the one-eyed dragon's body and kicked it hard.

Li Mazi finally couldn't calm down anymore, hugged Chu Chu and said sorry repeatedly.

I pushed the one-eyed dragon to the ground, tied up the one-eyed dragon after untying Chu Chu, and carried him back to the hotel.

Only after Li Mazi explained it to me did I know what the one-eyed dragon was. It turns out that Chu Chu was poisoned after the tape was torn off just now. That guy is now under the spell...

Now that everyone is safe and sound, we are all relieved. I asked Chu Chu to undo the poison of the one-eyed dragon. I have something to ask him.

The one-eyed dragon woke up little by little.

Even after he woke up, he still looked at Chu Chu with a horrified look on his face, feeling lingering fears about what had just happened.

I sneered: "Chu Chu, if there is no antidote, how will this guy die?"

Chu Chu said: "The bugs will eat his internal organs bit by bit. This process will take about a month..."

The one-eyed dragon was immediately dumbfounded. He had tasted Chu Chu's power just now and had no doubts about Chu Chu's words. His whole body went weak, and he almost knelt on the ground and begged Chu Chu to let him go.

I touched his head: "As long as you cooperate with us, the antidote will be given to you."

The one-eyed dragon immediately shouted: "I said, I will say anything, please don't kill me! I have seniors and young children, and my whole family is counting on me to support them."

I asked: "Why are you trying every possible means to get the hair-chiu armor? What is the use of the hair-chiu armor?"

The one-eyed dragon glanced greedily at the hairqiu armor in my hand, but quickly looked away, and his greedy look disappeared, as if this hairqiu armor had some kind of magic power that could make people addicted to it.

"This hairqiujia can protect future generations from spending money and scattering flowers, so as not to annihilate their descendants..." the one-eyed dragon said.

"Deprived of any descendants?" I frowned.

Why did the boy's father leave Faqiu Jia to the boy?

Did he know that his family would be extinct?

I quickly asked the one-eyed dragon.

The one-eyed dragon sighed and said, "It's a long story..."

Li Mazi also seemed to be attracted by the four words "cut off children and grandchildren". Knowing that there must be a story behind this hair Qiu Jia, he kicked the one-eyed dragon off the sofa. He took a cup of tea and smiled as if he was enjoying it. : "Tell me, what's going on?"

The one-eyed dragon talked to us slowly from beginning to end.

It turns out that the boy's father is called Guo Ge in the industry.

The reason why Brother Guo has achieved such a big name is because of his spirit of not being afraid of death.

When Guo Ge first entered this industry, his fearless spirit shocked many of his colleagues, so he gradually became famous in the tomb robbing world.

When Brother Guo gained a certain status, he formed his own 'tomb robbing team' and traveled around the ancient dragon vein capitals across the country, desperately trying to find something!

At first, people thought that Brother Guo didn't like the antiques in the small tomb, so they didn't think much about it. But later, after getting drunk, Brother Guo revealed what he was looking for. It turned out that what he was looking for was the 'Fa Qiu Jia' in our hands.

And Guo Ge also told the story about Fa Qiu Jia bit by bit in a drunken state.

Since ancient times, tomb robbing has been a business that annihilates descendants, affecting ten generations of descendants.

In other words, even if a tomb robber continues to have no descendants, his misfortune will accompany his family for ten generations. No descendant of a tomb robber can reproduce to the tenth generation.

And it just so happens that the boy's ancestors are in this business. After all, the boy is the tenth generation. In other words, the young man will be cursed by the bad luck of his ancestors and destined not to live past the age of eighteen.

Brother Guo was very depressed after learning about this from the genealogy. I have tried every possible means to find out, how can I get rid of this curse?

There is a record of this in the genealogy. It is said that only something called Faqiu Jia can lift the curse.

In order to prevent his son from being cursed to death at the age of eighteen, Guo Ge simply entered the tomb robbing business. Tomb robbing is a profession that is despised by the world, so Brother Guo did not dare to tell his son and the villagers. One morning, he looked at his sleeping son and left with tears...

Over the years, in order to find Faqiu Jia, Brother Guo traveled all over the country, suffered hardships that ordinary people have never experienced, and walked on roads that ordinary people have never walked. He almost died several times, and was also injured and was on the verge of death, but he was miraculous. He survived like a charm.

Because he knew in his heart that there was a son at home waiting for him to protect him!

Huangtian paid off, and Brother Guo finally found Faqiujia. And with Faqiu Jia, there was also a silk book.

The silk book recorded in detail how to use Faqiu Armor to lift the curse.

It turns out that this Fa Qiu Jia can't really lift the curse, it's just 'transferring the curse'. In other words, the curse on his son was transferred to himself.

For this reason, Brother Guo is willing to die for his son.

Bear countless grievances and never-ending pain!

This kind of pain is unimaginable for ordinary people, because you will watch the peach wood stakes being driven into your flesh bit by bit while you are conscious, and watch your body rot bit by bit...

After Guo Ge died, the young man did not do what he said, so Guo Ge was hit by resentment and committed suicide fraud.

But even if he faked the corpse, he still thought about his son and sent Faqiu Jia to his door!

The One-Eyed Dragon group had also been robbing tombs for generations. They knew that robbing tombs would harm future generations, so they set out to occupy Faqiujia.

When Brother Guo was alive, they naturally didn't dare to rob him. But after Brother Guo died, they became unscrupulous. Unexpectedly, Brother Guo actually 'scammed a corpse' and chased them all the way to the village, killing two of them, leaving only the one-eyed dragon who managed to escape.

Before that, Cyclops had already conducted a site investigation on us, so he used Yin Xinyue and Chu Chu to threaten us and hand over Faqiu Jia. Because only if the young man goes to get Faqiujia, Brother Guo will not cheat the corpse!

When he said this, the young man was already bursting into tears, hugging his knees and crying loudly.

Yin Xinyue's tears fell involuntarily, and she patted the young man on the shoulder sympathetically.

The one-eyed dragon said in frustration: "Eldest nephew, I'm sorry, I was also confused for a moment, so I did this to my eldest brother. Please forgive me! I also lost two brothers."

Only then did I remember that there were two dead people lying in the boy's house.

So I asked the young man to take Faqiu Jia home.

The young man sighed, sadly put Fa Qiu Jia into his arms, and murmured to himself: "Dad, I would rather not live to be eighteen than have you bear such great pain for me. Please help Let me take the peach wood stake away from dad and then save him!"

I was stunned for a moment. This boy doesn’t want to live anymore? Have you forgotten the Judai Curse?

I tried hard to persuade the boy, but he just refused to listen. He told me that he felt uncomfortable thinking about his father having to suffer this crime after his death. Besides, he may not die. Who knows that tomb robbers will not survive ten generations? Is this a rumor?

I finally nodded and agreed with difficulty.

We pulled out the peach wood stakes nailed to Brother Guo one after another, then burned the body, found a jar, put the ashes in, and sealed it with chicken blood mixed with ashes at the bottom of the pot.

I told the young man that after seventy-seven forty-nine days, the jar can be taken out and buried.

The young man thanked us with tears in his eyes and said goodbye to us reluctantly.

The boy insisted on giving it to us.

Naturally, I refused to take it at first. After all, the young man might have to rely on Fa Qiu Jia to survive. However, the young man insisted on giving it to me, saying that it was not practical for him to keep this thing with him.

I have no choice but to keep it for him temporarily and return it to him after he turns eighteen.

Every month after that, I would give the boy a living allowance, but after a year, the boy left Qingshan Village.

I heard that the young man seemed to have married a wife, had children, and settled in a big city.

I went to the cemetery again and found that the young man had taken away his father's ashes.

Although I gained nothing from this business, it still remains fresh in my memory to this day.

Because every time I think of what the young man said, that night, his father looked at him with loving eyes all night, and they were speechless.

I couldn't help but want to cry.

I even picked up the essay "Back" written by Mr. Zhu Ziqing and read it silently.

Father's love is silent, father's love is strong, and father's love is selfless.

No matter how old you get or how far you go, please never forget that old father who loves you more than himself!

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