Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,497 The Sugar Man Master

According to the results of his investigation, this number belongs to the mobile company.

Counting Qin Na, there have been eight users.

According to the communication records of the previous people and the real-name information, except for the first person who has used it for more than a year, the other people have used it for less than a month, and the shortest is only seven days.

From this point of view alone, it is extremely abnormal.

Even if all users are repossessed by mobile companies due to arrears, the reissue period will never be so short.

And almost immediately after the first user gave up, the second user was picked up, without interruption for a day.

What's even more strange is that in Qin Na's communication records, there is no crying baby number that just rang, there is only one call to me.

Where did this number come from? There is no record in the mobile company?

What surprised me even more was that Xiao Wu found the information of previous users through the real-name authentication on the phone number.

All of these people are dead!

Their ages, occupations, and addresses are all different, but without exception, they are all dead!

It's just that the causes of death are different. Some were hit by large trucks, some were hit by falling objects from high buildings, and some were drowned...

All were accidents!

The last person who used it before Qin Na suddenly fell from the 18th floor to the basement level due to an elevator accident!

Information shows that the deceased was a young mother. Her child was just two months old and she fell to death together with her.

In other words, the woman who often appears in the mirror is probably her! The crying sound was most likely coming from this child.

So... this is a Yin spirit number, one soul chasing another, like an endless loop, constantly asking for life!

The strange things I have experienced in the past were all caused by evil spirits. This is the first time I have encountered a phone number that can kill someone.

"Master Zhang, what on earth is going on?" Qin Na asked uneasily when she saw that I was staring at my phone in a daze and was speechless for a long time.

"This is a very difficult matter for you, but don't worry, let me think about it again." I frowned and thought about it carefully.

Grandpa's notes actually recorded such a story.

It is said that as early as the Anti-Japanese War, there was a candy seller in the puppet Manchuria city. His business was very good, and he could not sell enough every time. But every time there was always one candy seller left, and he refused to sell it no matter what. Others thought it was strange, but he didn't say why specifically.

Then one day, a Japanese officer passed by with his child. The child was clamoring for a candy man, so he called him over.

The candy buyer nodded, bent down, and handed the candy to the man with a smile. He also specially took the one that was never sold and handed it to the Japanese officer and said, "Taijun, you can try it too."

The officer was very happy, praised him a few times, and drove away.

As soon as he left, the people around him called this guy a traitor and kept the best sugar men to honor the Japanese.

But this guy didn't defend himself and just strode out of the city.

From that day on, he never came again.

Seven or eight days later, when the Japanese officer was leading a team to sweep the village, he accidentally fell down. I don't know what happened? A sharp tree root was inserted right into his throat, piercing his neck and causing him to die on the spot.

Ten days later, another translator died in Fengtian City. It is said that before that, he also took a candy man to eat on the street.

A puppet company commander from Siping and an artillery major from Shanhaiguan were killed one after another. It is said that they both had eaten candy figures, and the candy figures they bought each time were very similar to the previous one.

All these things were summed up, and the Japanese Kwantung Army headquarters finally felt that this was a bit abnormal, and went around arresting candy sellers.

But that man seemed to have disappeared from the world, and there was no trace of him again.

Later, after the Anti-Japanese War ended, the Soviet Red Army discovered this file from the headquarters of the Kwantung Army that had not had time to destroy it. It was said that they asked Onmyoji to investigate the matter, and the final result was that this person was most likely a master among the people.

Use the soul-chasing technique to plunge these people into a death cycle, killing each other.

In other words, he used the candy man as a medium to find the next target for the dead ghosts.

Typical murder by borrowing ghosts!

I have already remembered this story, but I have never experienced it.

Now that I think about it, it is very similar to what Qin Na experienced, except that the sugar man was replaced by a phone number.

It seems that if you want to solve this strange thing, you must find the person who sells the phone number!

"Do you still remember where you bought this phone number?" I turned to Qin Na and asked.

"Remember!" Qin Na nodded and said: "The scenic spot is very remote. It is a small village in the mountains. The people living there are all ethnic minorities. Basically, they don't speak Chinese very well. The man who sells phone cards does speak it fluently. Sichuan dialect."

"That's good." I nodded and said, "In this case, you go back and clean up, and I will go with you again tomorrow to find the person who sold you the phone number."

"I..." Qin Na looked at me and said hesitantly: "Master Zhang, can I stay here tonight? I dare not go out." As she said that, she looked out the door in great horror.

It seemed that she was really frightened, and she felt safer only if she hid here with me.

"Okay then." I saw that she was so frightened that I really couldn't bear to drive her away again.

But in the middle of the night, with men and women in the same room, it was not convenient for me to place her, so I put together a few chairs for her to rest, and took out a blanket and handed it to her.

"Master Zhang, thank you!" Qin Na said very gratefully, looking at me with tears in her eyes, and almost cried again.

"Don't think so much. We have to leave tomorrow. Let's go to bed early." I said and sat back at the table to study the "Yin Fu Jing". With me sitting here, she might feel more at ease, right? Besides, I originally wanted to improve myself through business. After all, I still shoulder an extremely important mission.

It wasn't long before Qin Na fell into a deep sleep.

The night was extremely quiet, except for the sound of her breathing.

It felt very strange, she was lying down and I was sitting, a bit like a corpse vigil.

She slept so soundly, which actually made me a little sleepy. Others always wear red sleeves to make them feel more fragrant, but this is good for me, as I wear red sleeves to make me sleepy.

Even seeing her fragile and helpless look reminded me of Yin Xinyue who was filming in another place...

For a moment, my heart was full of confusion.

I shook my head helplessly and continued to study. I slowly gave up all distracting thoughts and focused solely on the book.

It wasn't until a ray of sunlight penetrated the glass window and shone on the desk that I stretched and stood up.

Qin Na curled up on the chair and slept soundly, breathing very smoothly. It seemed that she had not slept so peacefully in many days.

I didn't bother her, I quietly packed up the things I was going to bring, and then went to the back of the house to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I came back, she was still awake.

So I went out again and bought some to come back early.

When he opened the door again, he found that Qin Na was missing!

The blanket fell to the ground, the chair overturned, and there was a very slight noise in the back room.

Hey, what's going on?

I was suddenly stunned. Could this be another trick of the Longquan Villa envoy?

Using a little girl to win my sympathy, what can you do to lure a tiger away from the mountain and steal something?

I calmly held out the invisible needle and quietly approached it.

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