Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1513 Joint Expedition Team

"They said they were going to the Wusuli River. The specific details of what they were going to do would not be revealed until they got there." Liu Laoliu replied, wiping away his tears.

"Ussuri River?" I was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't that the boundary river between China and Russia? Why do you want us to go there?"

When it came to business, Liu Laoliu stopped crying and said solemnly: "I'm also very surprised, but they still don't tell me no matter how much I ask, which bowl of rice did the two of us eat? It must have been with Yinwu. Related, maybe they found something there that they couldn't handle according to their ability, so they asked us to help."

"Since we have to go there, it means we can't bring that thing back. Could it be that... they discovered the ancient tomb?" When I mentioned the ancient tomb, I thought of the Devil's Valley again, and my heart sank.

"Unlikely." Liu Laoliu shook his head: "I have also considered that it might be an ancient tomb! But that place has always been sparsely populated, too far away from the Central Plains. There are only the ancestors of Russian laozi, Goryeo Bangzi, and Manchu Tatars. People have lived there, and there were almost no Han people for hundreds of years. And these ethnic groups are not very good at burials and underground palaces. Even if they have tombs, they are just pits. There is no need for masters like us to fight upside down. .”

Having said that, the Devil's Valley is still deep in Siberia. Who would have thought that it would be so huge?

Of course, such tombs are not found everywhere. After all, there is only one Big Dream Ghost Tathagata.

The old man's analysis makes sense, but now it's even more strange. What is the purpose of this foreigner insisting on asking us to come over?

The two of us speculated on several possibilities, but they still didn't hold water.

I chatted with him for a while and then arranged for the old man to rest.

While he was resting, I packed up all the things I needed and put them into my hiking bag - this time it was bound to be another difficult and dangerous trip, and I couldn't take it lightly.

Early the next morning, Liu Laoliu and I had just finished breakfast when an extremely muscular foreigner with a flat head walked in.

This guy was a black man, about two meters tall, with bulging muscles. He looked at the two of us and asked in very unfamiliar Chinese: "Would you like to be beaten?"

I was stunned for a few moments before I came to my senses. He was asking us both if we could leave.

It seems that this is sent by William. He may have arrived early. Liu Laoliu will definitely be able to persuade me to join. He has already arranged people to meet us in advance.

I turned around and asked the black man, "How to go? Where to go?"

This guy pointed at himself and said with great difficulty: "I'm with you." After saying that, he turned around and walked out the door.

Liu Laoliu and I looked at each other, picked up our backpacks and followed each other out.

There was a Hummer parked at the door. As soon as we got in the car, we drove out at lightning speed.

We drove all the way to the airport. He spent a long time talking and gesticulating, and finally made us understand: they chartered a private plane and flew directly to Northeast China.

It wasn't until we got on the plane that I discovered that besides the two of us, there was a mysterious man sitting far at the tail of the plane!

This guy was probably sixty or seventy years old, with wrinkles all over his face. He is extremely short, probably not even 1.2 meters tall. He is just a dwarf.

He is thin and frail, but he has a huge round head. His head is completely bald, but he has a small gray-white braid on the back of his head.

He was tightly hugging a giant package that was bigger than him. He was sleeping with his eyes closed. His two front teeth protruded from his lips. He looked like an oversized groundhog. His snoring was louder than the sound of an engine. ring.

After hearing the footsteps, he opened his left eye slightly, narrowed it to a slit, scanned it, and then closed it again.

From the beginning to the end, the snoring did not stop for a moment. I don't know if he woke up just now?

It seems that this mysterious old man is also on the same road as us, and is one of the masters invited by William. Along the way, he was in a daze and slept the whole time.

The plane stopped in Jiamusi. After getting off the plane, we got on a heavy helicopter.

On the helicopter, the black man threw some thick duck down jackets for us to put on, and we flew until we reached the riverside before stopping.

The black man signaled that we should get off the plane and walk. After he explained for a long time, we finally understood that the plane did not dare to cross the border directly for fear of being discovered by the Chinese People's Liberation Army at the border, so we had to sneak around it.

The mysterious old man's duck down jacket was dragged on the ground for a long time, and he was holding a huge package in his hands. He was swaying as he walked, like a mouse stealing a pumpkin. It was very funny. However, since it was William who invited him, there must be something special about him.

At least, with his short calves and holding such a big baggage, he was not pulled down by us. Although he was swaying and looked like he would fall down at any time, he didn't even stumble. This is not easy.

After all, the strong black man even fell down several times in the snow.

After walking for more than an hour, we finally arrived at the riverside.

The surface of the river has long been frozen. Looking from a distance, the silver is like jade, reflecting the dazzling sunshine, which is particularly dazzling!

We waited for a while, and a small moving black spot appeared on the river. The black spot got bigger and bigger. When we got closer, we realized it was a snowmobile.

The snowmobile made a very skillful drift and stopped in front of us.

The driver was also a thick black guy. He bared his white teeth and smiled at us, beckoned us to get on, and then sped forward.

A vast mist of snow was thrown out from behind the car, like a white dragon making waves in the sea.

After driving far away, a boat appeared on the river. It was a specially modified icebreaker, with a tricolor flag hanging on the bow. I couldn’t figure out which country it belonged to.

A few of us climbed onto the boat on the rope ladder and discovered that there was a neat row of people standing on the side of the boat, all wearing identical black duck down jackets with identical marks hanging on their chests. All of them were tall and strong, with a fierce look in their eyes.

"Thank you for your hard work!" A middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses came over from a distance and said with a smile on his face: "My name is Li Minghan, I am the assistant and translator of this joint expedition team, what can I do? Just tell me what you need! Let’s take a rest first. The dinner will start in a while. Mr. William will give you a good welcome and clean up your dust, and by the way, he will also introduce some new friends to everyone.”

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