Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1525: Destruction of Guanyin, Mrs. Shen

What William said to me was naturally confidential, but I had nothing to hold back against Liu Laoliu.

As soon as I finished talking about the nightmare passed down from their family, and Lina's new discovery: There was another person on the boat who had seen the scene of "sturgeon swimming with bones" long before. Liu Laoliu frowned slightly and rubbed his big green hands out of habit.

After a long while, he turned to me and asked, "Who do you think this person is?"

When I first heard about this at William's place, I thought this person was Liu Laoliu.

But after the conversation just now, he didn't even know why the William family repeatedly inspected and cruised on the Ussuri River every year, which shows that he didn't know anything about this.

And he was just afraid that I would fight with Longquan Villa, so he had no choice but to deceive me into boarding the ship. So other than that, there was no need to deceive me about other things.

So, who is that person?

I filtered through the people on the boat in my mind again, and said with some doubts: "Is it Old Mrs. Shen? After all, among these people, she seems to be the most powerful and the oldest. Maybe she was even before William was born. She already knew about the Feng family’s nightmare.”

"No." Liu Laoliu shook his head: "If what William told you is true, then among the fourteen people in the room, apart from their father, daughter and the two of us, the only one I can exclude is Mrs. Shen."

"Oh, why?" I asked very strangely.

"Because Mrs. Shen is different from all of us!" Liu Laoliu said with a solemn expression: "We are just Yinwu traders, or have learned some Yin and Yang secret skills. But she is raising a yin and yang in her body. The devil from hell, you can also say that she is completely a devil in a human shell!"

"Originally she was still half human and half ghost, but after the last Macau incident, her humanity has been completely lost. Now Mrs. Shen has completely lost her independent consciousness and memory, but once her memories of her lifetime are recalled, then She’s going to go crazy soon!”

"So, if Mrs. Shen had seen that scene a long time ago, people might have died on the spot, and the ship would have immediately turned into a hell on earth."

"Is it possible that it is the memory of that ghost?" I suddenly thought of a possibility.

"It's impossible!" Liu Laoliu said with certainty: "The ghost in her body is her twin sister. The two sisters married a small warlord at the same time. Within a few days of joining, her sister was raped by the warlord. The eldest wife was ravaged to death. Somehow, her sister's soul entered her body. From then on, the two sisters were one soul. They endured the humiliation and eked out their lives, and finally found an opportunity to poison the warlord's family, and then Cut the murderer into pieces and grind him alive with a stone mill."

"The memories of the two sisters - one person and one ghost - are almost exactly the same. It is impossible for them to have such a special memory." Liu Laoliu said with certainty.

Originally, I just heard that Mrs. Shen, the Guanyin of Destruction, was extremely powerful, but I didn't expect that there was such a history.

Liu Laoliu paused and said: "However, if the nightmare of the William family has been inherited for hundreds of years, even if that person has seen this scene, it can only be a coincidence, and it may not really have anything to do with it. Because these people, Basically there is no blood connection, they are just ordinary people for three generations or more. After all, the remaining nine people are all suspects."

"Sixth Master, are you confused? How can there be nine more people?" I said with a smile: "There are only thirteen people at the table, excluding William and his daughter, our two sons, and Mrs. Shen. Aren’t there eight left?”

Liu Laoliu glanced at me sideways and said: "You are like a monkey who praises you for being a smart kid. You are almost more careful than your grandfather. I think there is a lot of moisture in these words. Who said it was on the table? Who saw that image? But there are exactly fourteen people.”

After he mentioned it, I suddenly came to my senses: "You mean, there is also the translator Li Minghan?"

"Yes!" Liu Laoliu nodded: "There were fourteen people at the dinner party at that time, thirteen people were sitting on the table, and there was an interpreter who never came to the table."

"Isn't he an ordinary person?" I asked in surprise: "And you also said that he and the crew members all have the element of being expelled from their souls in three days. I'm afraid that's not the case..."

Liu Laoliu snorted coldly and said: "Judging from his cultivation alone, the zoologist wearing glasses is also an ordinary person, but do you think he is ordinary?"

Others don't know it, but I know it very well about Parker. Not only is this guy not an ordinary person, he is even far scarier than most people in the industry!

I suddenly remembered that when Lina said that using magnetic field wavelengths to detect brain waves, everyone except me was a negative cathode.

Those people are all colleagues in the Yin world. Whether it is the things they usually come into contact with or the spells they practice, they are all related to Yin and Yang. It is normal to have some Yin and cold air, but why does Pike's magnetic wave appear negative? What about showing it as a negative number?

"Master Liu, do you think it will be the interpreter?" I asked.

Liu Laoliu shook his head and said: "I'm not sure about this, but I'm sure he is not the murderer of Xiao Liuzi. While the video was playing and everyone's attention was focused on the curtain, I pressed a piece of Xiao Liuzi's hair under the plate. I have specially refined this hair so that no one can detect the abnormality, but once his murderer touches the plate, it will explode immediately."

"That plate contained giant lobsters. Apart from Pike, Old Maozi Karov and Nine Finger Lock Han Jiang Fan Chong had all touched them. In other words, these three people can be ruled out as suspects."

The mysterious man who had seen the nightmare of the William family a long time ago and the murderer of Brother Six was hidden among these people.

Who are they?

Liu Laoliu and I studied for a while, but we had no clue. I had no choice but to spend the next time observing carefully, slowly figuring things out, eliminating them one by one, and locking them in bit by bit.

"Okay, my soundproof array is going to disappear, and there will be no progress if we continue talking. You can go back and rest first." Liu Laoliu waved to me: "Didn't William say that he would rush to the ruins tomorrow? When the time comes, we will just adapt accordingly."

"Okay, Mr. Liu, then you should rest early." I stood up and walked towards the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw someone standing in the corridor.

It's Pike.

He was holding a small box tied with a colorful ribbon in his hand, standing in front of my door nearby, raising his hand and about to knock on the door.

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