Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,530 Suspicion of Tsuyoshi Fujita

Everyone present looked at each other, and no one answered.

If three ninjas really sneaked onto the ship and two died, there is no doubt that one of them must have done it.

But who is this person? Why don't you say it?

There are almost no masters here who don't have human lives on their hands. Killing someone is nothing to them. What's more, the ninja who sneaked in secretly deserved to die, but why didn't anyone want to admit it?

When William saw that no one answered, his expression changed slightly, but he immediately returned to normal, and said with a smile: "This invasion is a naked provocation to my Feng family! I originally wanted to give some reissues to the friends who took action. It’s hard work, but since everyone just does good deeds without leaving their names behind, I won’t pursue it anymore.”

"However, I still want to reiterate that although we have temporarily formed this joint expedition team, we are now grasshoppers on the same boat after all. We must take care of each other no matter what. No matter what happens, we must unanimously report to the outside world. I I don’t want anything unpleasant to happen. Okay, I’m going to announce the second thing to you now.” He glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally while speaking.

I understood what he meant. He was hinting to me that the person who acted secretly was probably the mysterious person!

"You must have noticed that we have lost a friend among us." William pointed to the empty chair: "Mr. Tsuyoshi Fujita, the ocean hunter, left without saying goodbye as early as yesterday's dinner."

"Were those ninjas attracted by the old Japanese?" Fan Zhong suddenly interrupted.

Tsuyoshi Fujita is Japanese, and the three ninjas who sneaked onto the ship are also Japanese. Fujita's front foot disappears, and the ninja's back foot gets on board. It is indeed easy to associate them with each other.

"There is no evidence for this yet." William touched his gray beard: "However, I know where he went, and he also left images."

As he spoke, he gestured towards Li Minghan who was sitting by the door.

Li Minghan turned off the lights and started the projector.

The image on the curtain was of the bottom of the water. A hole the size of a human head was exposed among the rocks, and it was so dark that it was bottomless.

"This is the place where the strange group of sturgeons finally disappeared, which is also the entrance to the underwater ruins. Since we discovered this place, we have placed many infrared suspended cameras on the water. Although we have never been able to get close to the bottom of the water, they are still available 24 hours a day. They are all being monitored - once there are any dynamic changes, the alarm will be automatically called, and more than a dozen people will be assigned to keep watch throughout the day." The image on the curtain remained motionless, like a static screensaver.

William explained on the side: "But in the early hours of this morning, I suddenly received a report that someone had broken in."

He pointed at the screen and said: "Look, everyone, this person is Mr. Takeshi Fujita."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared in the image.

The figure was extremely tall and burly. He was carrying an underwater backpack and a thick and long steel fork in his hand. Apart from that, he did not bring any underwater equipment. It was none other than Tsuyoshi Fujita!

His swimming posture was very strange, his hands and feet were kicking wildly, it didn't look like swinging at all, but like he had a sudden cramp.

He is not swimming, but jumping, jumping and scurrying, which does not look like human movements at all.

Fujita had just circled around the water area, and seemed to feel the strange pressure, unable to get closer at all.

He paused in the water for a while, then suddenly put his thumb into his mouth and bit it down hard.

A stream of thick black blood spread in the water, like smoke.

He shook the harpoon, constantly entangled with black blood, and soon the harpoon became pitch black.

Then he threw it down violently, and the harpoon flew out, drew a wave line, and went straight into the hole.

As if he already knew the existence of the camera, Fujita stretched out his little finger towards the camera, made an extremely contemptuous expression, and then rushed underwater.

This time, somehow, he broke through the restriction and reached the bottom of the water.

The entrance to the cave was very narrow, only about the size of a human head. I thought someone as big as Tsuyoshi Fujita would not be able to get in, and he might have to pry rocks or something.

But this guy was like soft chewing gum. His whole body became limp, and he was squeezed into a long strip along the entrance of the hole. His head and body were all squashed, leaving him in such an incredible shape. Got in.

With a click, the image on the curtain froze. It was exactly the image of Fujita just getting into the hole, half inside and half outside.

"Octopus!" Pike, a zoologist, suddenly shouted.

Everyone was stunned and turned to look at him.

Parker pointed at the screen and explained: "This is the form of an octopus, because the octopus is a mollusk with no bones in its body and can drill into holes that are many times smaller than itself. Although I don't know what method he used to transform himself into He looks like an octopus, but I'm sure that at this moment, he is completely an octopus!"

"There's nothing strange about this, it's just the six symbiotic realms." The Jiang family brothers blew out a puff of smoke and said casually without blinking an eyelid: "Heaven, human, Shura, beast, hungry ghost, hell are collectively called There are six realms of reincarnation. It’s just that the other realms are not in the human world and are difficult to coexist with each other, so currently the only common ones are human and animal coexistence.”

"If you want to practice this way, you need to choose a virgin with a yin hour and a yin moon, and sacrifice her to a certain animal first. Then after having sex with her, she will feed on the essence and blood of this animal until the fetus is ripe and born. .After the child was born, he killed the woman, ground the flesh and blood into porridge, and fed the child."

"Until the child reaches the age of seven and the Heavenly Palace closes up, he will continue to consume human blood and animal essence and bathe in the moonlight every night. In another ten years, when Zhou turns seventeen, the journey will be complete."

"For example, this old devil should be the Six Soul Path that coexists with the octopus."

Everyone was extremely surprised when they heard what the Jiang brothers said. Only Mrs. Shen, Liang Mingli, and Liu Laoliu were on the entire table with expressions unchanged, as if they had known about it for a long time.

I have also seen this record in the "Yin Fu Jing", but I was still quite surprised.

I'm not surprised by the tricks of the Six Paths of Symbiosis, but I am becoming more and more suspicious of the true identity of the Jiang brothers.

With the knowledge and experience of these old guys, it is impossible for them to be unknown people. Even if I am a young person in this industry and don't know much, how come even Liu Laoliu has only vaguely heard of their reputation.

The trade of femininity merchants is big or small. How could a pair of twin old men with such qualifications not be famous until now? Who are they?

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