Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1532: Counterattack Talisman

After everyone read it, they all acquiesced.

In fact, there is another layer of meaning hidden in this grouping.

Going deep into the underwater ruins is very likely to obtain rare treasures, but it also comes with huge dangers!

Among the few people left on the ship, William had already said that he was just trying to solve the nightmare that had plagued the Feng family for hundreds of years, and was not interested in treasures, only the right to discover them.

In addition, his legs and feet are not very convenient. As the boss of this team, there is nothing wrong with staying on board.

Liu Laoliu came to the boat for his own purpose, but William thought he wanted to save his grandson. Besides, he was already quite young, so it would be inappropriate to go into the water.

The Jiang brothers must be separated, and it makes no difference who is left behind. Moreover, the team that enters the water does need an experienced old man to lead the team, and Jiang Dayu seems to be more suitable.

Karov is a Russian tracker, and his underwater skills may not be as good as Fan Chong, who is known as the nine-fingered lock on the cold river. Moreover, this old man doesn't seem to care much about the ruins. However, when William mentioned the U.S. dollars to the villa, he His eyes became sharp. It seems that he is similar to that group of mercenaries, he is here purely for money.

There were only two people, Mrs. Shen and Wizard Hill, and I couldn't figure out why they were here.

It stands to reason that Mrs. Shen has already withdrawn from the underworld. What did William rely on to attract Mrs. Shen?

After the card went around in a circle, it returned to William's hand.

He nodded and said: "Since everyone has no objections, it's settled. I still say what I said, no matter above or below the water, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope now. I hope we can work together and complete the project together. The greatest journey ever!"

"Come, let's toast to the success of our journey of exploration!" Everyone raised their red wine glasses together, but everyone's expressions were different.

After breakfast, everyone went back to their rooms and prepared their bags.

I went back inside and smoked a cigarette, avoiding everyone's eyes and ears, and knocked on Liu Laoliu's door.

This morning, from the moment I saw him, I felt that something was wrong with his expression, and he even put on those black gloves. Something must have happened.

When we were eating just now, he secretly used the hand holding the chopsticks to give me a secret code that only the two of us understood.

As soon as I knocked for the first time, the door opened!

Liu Laoliu made a silence gesture, closed the door with his backhand, and led me directly to the bedroom.

I saw a still sign posted on the picture frame on the bedroom wall, which was used to confuse the camera.

He cut off a large piece of the blanket on the ground and threw it aside. The quilt on the bed was also rolled up into a big ball, and there were several paper symbols posted around the bedside.

How is this going?

Liu Laoliu lifted the quilt, and there was a ball of green mud inside, which was extremely disgusting. If it weren't for those smell-proof charms, it would be impossible to imagine how bad the smell would be.

Liu Laoliu took off his gloves. His hands, which were originally green, were now bright red, and the wrinkles were gone. They were as delicate and tender as a girl's.

"Sixth Master, have you killed someone?" I understood immediately when I looked at this hand.

After he was bitten by a green-haired zombie, although his grandfather helped him stop the poison, his hands turned green. As long as they are stained with human blood or use these hands to kill people, the color of the hands will change from green to red and become wrinkled. Faded, except for the color, exactly the same as the dead green-haired female zombie.

Liu Laoliu nodded: "Of the three ninjas, I was the one who killed the one with the square face."

As he spoke, he pointed to the dark green mud wrapped in the quilt: "This is him. It will take three days to completely dissolve."

After he said that, when he looked at the mud again, he shrank into a human shape.

The Green Devil's killing methods are indeed different! Not to mention leaving a whole body, even dead people are so disgusting.

"He turned into a shadow and got in through the crack of the door. He made no sound at all. He went directly to the bedroom and killed him. Fortunately, I kept the habit of the past, covering myself with a pillow and sleeping under the bed, otherwise I would have died. No one can really tell." Liu Laoliu said still a little frightened.

"Then why did he come to kill you? Was he your Japanese enemy back then?"

Liu Laoliu shook his head: "It doesn't look like that. He is the same as the guy with the broken arm. Although his movement skills are both Iga-ryu among ninjas, the skills he uses are Chinese ghost ways. That's not good at all. It’s not shadow escape, it’s ghost shadow magic.”

"Ghosting technique?" I felt a little stunned.

When I was helping Gao Dachuan deal with the centipede stone, I met a Taoist priest who was a master of ghost shadow skills. I thought that this kind of secret skill was rare in the world and would be extremely difficult to see again, but I didn't expect to meet another one here!

"Yes." Liu Laoliu sat down on the chair a little tiredly.

Now I finally understood why his face looked so ugly. Killing a ninja master who had practiced the Ghost Shadow Technique without making a sound was indeed extremely draining of spiritual energy. Even if it were me, it wouldn't be easy. He's really too old to take the trouble.

"Xiao Lin, I regret bringing you to this ship." Liu Laoliu twisted his eyebrows and said, "This matter is not simple! They are probably here for you."

"Are you coming for me?" I said in confusion, "Sixth Master, how do you say this?"

Liu Laoliu glanced at me sideways and asked without answering, "Then do you know where the third ninja went?"

"I didn't know... you mean." I was about to reply that I didn't know, but when I saw Liu Laoliu's expression, I suddenly had a premonition.

"You guessed right, I was killed by you!" Liu Laoliu said with certainty.

"Killed by me?" Although I had a premonition, I still couldn't believe it.

"That's right."

"I once obtained three high-quality counterattack talismans. I used one in Kunlun Mountain and one in Fire Knife Cave. I have been reluctant to use the last one. When I bring you out this time, I am deeply afraid of what you will do. By mistake, I pulled out a piece of your hair while you were not paying attention on the plane and tied the talisman to your body."

"The counterattack talisman has only one function, that is, when someone wants to take your life, it will explode immediately and blow that person into pieces!"

After hearing what he said, I suddenly realized that it was not me who broke the coffee table, but the power of the counterattack talisman.

Liu Laoliu only had this life-saving charm left, and he still used it on me. That ninja's skills are not simple. Being able to sneak into my house among so many masters without being noticed at all, if not for this talisman...

"Sixth Master, I..." I hesitated, but suddenly choked. I really didn't know what to say.

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