Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1541 The school of fish goes berserk

As soon as she heard the prompt tone, Lina's expression immediately became serious, and several others were also staring at the screen.

Liang Mingli's breathing became more rapid, and his whole body swelled to the extreme. His exposed skin was covered with bloodshot eyes, as if it might explode at any time.

The red light hanging in the cabin turned on, covering the entire submarine. On the giant screen in the center, a row of huge numbers counted down rapidly.

As a German mechanical voice sounded again, all the hook locks originally hung around the submarine automatically separated, and the deck below the submarine also made a sound of gear rotation.

"10...9...8..." The numbers on the screen kept going backwards.

"3...2...1! Abfahrt!"

With a click, the deck below suddenly divided and shrank to both sides. The entire submarine fell down with a roar. After a very brief silence, it crashed into the water with a bang!

After all, the Ussuri River is not a sea, and the water depth is limited. Minus the waterline of the icebreaker itself, the space left for the submarine is even narrower. In addition, the countercurrent disturbed by the propeller was mixed with a lot of ice floes, which almost completely blocked the periscope. The entire screen was blurred, and only the instrument was constantly jumping and flashing.

Lina controlled the submarine very calmly and skillfully, diving and advancing. After a while, she broke away from the boat and slowly moved forward.

The screen gradually became clearer, and there was a large group of fish swimming not far ahead.

They are all fat and strong sturgeons.

They swim very regularly, as if they are slowly forming a special formation.

The submarine slowly moved closer, and the fish school did not disperse by being disturbed. Instead, it moved even faster.

Their formation became increasingly clear, and it turned out to be a huge cross!

With a bang, the submarine suddenly flipped upwards, and we were shaken around for a while. If we hadn't been tightly fastened to the seats by the seat belts, we would have been thrown out.

"Lina, please keep some distance first!" William's voice sounded again.

"Okay, Dad." Lina responded and hurriedly controlled the submarine to float upward.

"The energy fluctuations here are somewhat abnormal. Wizard Hill and Mrs. Shen are making final adjustments. After hearing my instructions, you must immediately get into the hole. Remember, there must be no mistakes! The time left for you is only Thirty seconds.”


Lina answered extremely seriously, but she may have never experienced such a dangerous voyage. She seemed a little nervous, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on her forehead. She stared at the screen and pressed the forward button with both hands motionlessly. ,Standby.

I saw the scene below the submarine through the small screen on the side.

It was a much larger school of fish, densely packed almost covering the entire bottom of the river.

Every fish among them maintained exactly the same speed, connected end to end, and moved slowly along a path that had already been demarcated.

Every fish is moving, every line is moving, and the graphics they form slowly come to life.

It’s the yin and yang disk!

The huge yin and yang disk!

In the middle are the Nine Palaces and Bagua, outside are the heavenly stems and earthly branches, and in the outer circle are the twenty-eight constellations, the thirty-six heavenly gangs, and the seventy-two earth evil spirits.

The huge yin and yang disk composed of sturgeons is more than one meter away from the bottom of the water, slowly turning and circling.

About one meter above the school of fish, there was a paper figure only two inches in size floating.

The water flow was so fast, but the paper man remained motionless, half floating in the water, sitting cross-legged, waving his arms and making gestures.

The sturgeons moved quickly under its command.

Some are faster, some are slower, and some are stationary, and the entire yin and yang disk is constantly changing accordingly.

Suddenly, the little paper man crossed his arms, and a thick black smoke floated from the top of his head. A series of gurgling bubbles rose up and went far towards the water surface.

Immediately afterwards, the school of fish also started to turn suddenly, turning faster and faster, like a gray-black disk, stirring rapidly! A huge vortex was formed, reaching up to the water surface and down to the bottom of the river.

The vortex is black and cannot be seen through. It is like a black tornado, rushing straight to the bottom of the river.

At this moment, the water wave shook violently. The entire screen was filled with sturgeons, densely packed and swimming quickly. It turned out that the sturgeon cross parked not far away rushed over!

The cross seemed to be surrounded by a layer of brilliant white light, which quickly passed over the submarine and hit the black vortex with a roar.

Black and white intertwined, disappearing in one go.


The water wave suddenly stirred up, and the entire bottom of the river shook violently. Even the submarine was swept back several meters.

"Lina! Let's go." William's old voice suddenly came through the device.

"Yes!" Lina responded briefly, quickly pressed the forward button with one hand, and pushed the power lever to the end with the other hand.

With a whoosh, the submarine broke through the waves, rushing towards the vortex like an arrow off the string.

We were all tilted forward by this momentum, and before we could see the situation clearly, the screen went completely black!

"Aim at the bottom of the river, at the center of the vortex." William ordered urgently, followed by a series of short and urgent German words.

With every word he said, Lina quickly adjusted her position, but her speed did not slow down at all.

Pike stared at the dashboard and reported various data to William in German from time to time.

Fan Chong held the sword tightly, but he couldn't use it even with the strength.

Jiang Dayu smoked the pipe without saying a word. Although the pipe was only filled with tobacco, it was not lit at all.

Liang Mingli, on the other hand, calmed down, closed his eyes tightly, and fell asleep breathing smoothly.

I stared at the glass window to check out the scene outside. The densely packed sturgeons in the water were a blur. It was as if someone had cooked a large pot of steaming fish soup, which was constantly rolling and boiling.


Suddenly, there was another explosion, and the entire submarine shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, the cabin suddenly became dark, and all sounds disappeared.

All the instrument panels were turned off, and the backup lights no longer flashed, but we could still feel that the submarine was still moving forward rapidly, or in other words, sinking.

Lina hurriedly pulled the joystick, trying to slow down the dive, but it had no effect at all.

"Daddy, daddy!" She called several times in succession, but there was no response.

In the darkness, her tone had changed somewhat.

In the darkness and silence, the submarine seemed to be out of control, falling rapidly into the endless abyss.

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