Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 155: The Strange Story of the Haechi Demon

When Zen Master Baimei heard the news that we were going to stay, he said with emotion: "That's not a night dragon, but a haechi horn. It may kill all of us. Do you really want to stay? Let's think about it carefully." Bar."

I said decisively: "Don't think about it, just stay."

Zen Master Baimei nodded: "Amitabha, in the beginning, human nature is inherently good. If you two don't forget your original intention, I, the Buddha, will protect you."

After saying that, Zen Master Baimei took us back to the village along the road.

Strangely enough, when we wanted to go to Wild Dog Ridge, we couldn't get out no matter how far we walked. But when we wanted to go back to the village, we suddenly saw the way.

I was very worried and asked Zen Master Baimei, would those villagers who disappeared from the world be in danger? Will he look as weird as the villagers he met just now?

Zen Master Baimei shook his head and said he was not sure, but he told us to be careful.

The power of this wild dog spirit is extraordinary. If you are not careful, your entire army may be wiped out!

After going down the mountain, the thick fog had already enveloped the village, but the remaining villagers in the village did not have any sense of crisis.

Fortunately, they were not aware of the danger, otherwise they would have been killed by the wild dog spirits, which also bought us some time for rescue.

The T-shirt man told us that there is only one way to defeat the wild dog spirit, and that is to use people's beliefs!

If the whole village had a unified belief and collectively hated the wild dog spirit, the trap set by the wild dog spirit would naturally be self-defeating.

I nodded thoughtfully and said what should I do?

The man in the T-shirt said it looks like we are going to put on a show for the villagers.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt inexplicably and asked what kind of show he was playing for the villagers. Sun Wukong defeated the Bone Demon three times, or Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo seven times?

The man in the T-shirt gave us a rare smile and whispered his plan to us.

After listening to it, I felt a little unreliable and weakly asked the man in the T-shirt if this plan would work.

The man in the T-shirt said don't worry, if it was normal, our performance would never win their trust. However, in this special period, the villagers are very confused and should believe it.

With doubts, I did as the man in the T-shirt said.

I went up the mountain, made myself miserable and embarrassed, and then stumbled down from Wild Dog Ridge. He rushed into the village and deliberately fell at the feet of the villagers: "Help, help!"

The villagers noticed me immediately, surrounded me, and asked me who I was and why I was here.

It seems that they were successfully brainwashed by the wild dog spirit again and forgot about me, so I said: "On the mountain... there was a wild dog on the mountain that became a spirit. I narrowly escaped death and escaped."

The villagers were all shocked: "What kind of wild dog spirit? How can there be a wild dog spirit here?"

I said: "Really, I'm not going to lie to you, I... I was almost eaten by wild dog spirits. By the way, I also saw many men, women and children being eaten by wild dog spirits. I don't know if they are residents here. ?”

The villagers immediately began to count the number of people nervously. After a while, someone screamed: "Where is Lao Hu? Why is he missing?"

"Where is Ergouzi's family? Ergouzi's wife, have you met Ergouzi?"

"I haven't seen you. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are not at home either. I thought they ran out for a walk."

For a moment, I succeeded in making the atmosphere tense, and all the villagers realized that someone had disappeared.

At about the same time, Li Mazi also stumbled down from Wild Dog Ridge: "Folks, help me, folks, help me."

So the villagers immediately helped Li Mazi up and asked Li Mazi what happened?

"I... I just got off the road and saw a wild dog eating people. I quickly went up to shoot the wild dog, but the wild dog still wanted to eat me! Fortunately, I ran here, otherwise... otherwise the wild dog spirit must have been Eat me."

Originally, the villagers had already believed in me, but now that Li Mazi said this, the villagers believed it even more. As the saying goes, three people become a tiger, this is the truth.

When everyone heard that the wild dog had become a spirit, they were all frightened. They all panicked and discussed what to do.

I quickly comforted the villagers not to be nervous. When I was chased and bitten by a wild dog just now, I saw two experts fighting with the wild dog spirit. Maybe the expert was here to save us.

Li Mazi also echoed, saying that he was actually rescued by those two experts. If it weren't for the two experts, I'm afraid he would really have become the food of the wild dog spirit.

While he was talking, an ethereal Buddha's chant sounded from a distance, and then the man in the T-shirt and the white-browed Zen Master walked down the mountain.

The man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei are both Taoists themselves, and they have the temperament of a practitioner, so as soon as the two appeared, the villagers were instantly shocked by their profound temperament.

Li Mazi and I rushed forward almost at the same time, shouting, Master, save us!

When the villagers learned that these two people were the masters who fought against the wild dog spirit, they excitedly surrounded the man in the T-shirt and the white-browed Zen master, begging them hard to save everyone.

The villagers now completely believed in the wild dog spirit. There was no doubt at all, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Zen Master Baimei pretended to be in trouble and said: "The wild dog spirit has a good background. I was passing by here and saw the demonic aura of the mountain, so I came up to take a look. I didn't expect that there was really a monster causing trouble! It's a pity that the wild dog spirit is here. There is a treasure, and the two of us join forces, but neither of us is a match for the other, alas, let the wild dog spirit run away."

The villagers were all anxious and begged Zen Master Baimei to find a way to get rid of the wild dog spirit.

Zen Master Baimei said helplessly: "Well, monks are compassionate and saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

Immediately afterwards, Zen Master Baimei calculated with his fingers and said: "There is a reason why the wild dog spirit came out to cause trouble. You must have taken away its treasure, so it came down the mountain to cause trouble. If you think about it carefully, there are a lot of troubles in these days. Didn’t you dig up anything weird?”

The man in the T-shirt told me that although the villagers had been brainwashed by the wild dog spirit, they would still remember it if they were reminded deliberately.

We did this because we wanted to find out the origin of the Xiechi horn first.

The man in the T-shirt suspected that the wild dog spirit had grown horns now.

In ancient China, a dog growing horns has always been hailed as an impossible thing. But if a dog really grows horns, it would be a bad omen that happens once in a hundred years!

During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, a dog had horns and became a dog spirit. As a result, more than fifty disappearances occurred in the city within a month. In the end, local officials mobilized a large number of troops and invited hundreds of mages. Only then did the wild dog spirits be suppressed. This incident is recorded in detail in the "Book of Han".

The horns born by wild dogs are called Xie Zhi horns, and Xie Zhi means unicorn.

Although Xie Zhi Jiao is not as good as Ye Long Gao, to put it bluntly, Xie Zhi Jiao and Ye Long Gao belong to the same family and can have an initial effect on Chu Chu's condition.

Being able to get the Xie Chi horn is also a good thing for Li Mazi!

The villagers talked a lot. You looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, they said that they didn’t find anything strange. They didn’t even go to the ground in the past few days.

Zen Master Baimei counted with his fingers in a decent manner, then walked up to Uncle Zhong, whom we had visited before, and said, "Is your name Uncle Zhong? When I was in the fields a few days ago, I dug something that looked like a horn."

Zen Master Baimei could directly calculate Uncle Zhong's name, so his status among the crowd increased.

Uncle Zhong was so nervous that he stuttered, with an old face full of fear: "Did I dig a corner?"

"Yes, if you think about it carefully, you can definitely remember it."

The villagers all believed what Zen Master Baimei said and came forward aggressively and said: "Uncle Zhong, have you ever dug out any horns? This is a major matter that affects the lives of the whole village."

Under the pressure of the villagers and the suggestion of Zen Master Baimei, Uncle Zhong squatted on the ground holding his head in pain, racking his brains.

As he was thinking about it, Uncle Zhong went crazy. His teeth clenched and veins popped out on his face.

Zen Master Baimei quickly held his chin to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide!

It seemed that Uncle Zhong was about to remember, so the wild dog spirit tried to kill him to silence him.

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