Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,559 Sitting in the old way

It is not accurate to say that the corpse is a corpse, and it should be more appropriately called a mummy.

The flesh and blood and internal organs of the mummy have long since shriveled, but the skin and hair are still there, sticking tightly to the bones.

His hair and beard were all white, and even his skin was as pale as snow. He was wearing a snow-white robe embroidered with cranes. He put his hands on his knees and sat cross-legged, as if he was extremely peaceful when he died. There was also a jade-handled fly whisk made of white pony tail falling on the ground beside him, and a long sword was slung behind him.

Judging from this attire, he should be a Taoist master of great status. His beard has turned a lot white, but even though his skin has turned into a mummy, the delicate whiteness of the past can still be seen. Being able to have such an excellent body-building technique shows that this veteran's cultivation level must not be weak.

In line with the concept of 'gifting treasures to those who are destined to be destined', I was not so polite. I just cupped my hands and said, "Thank you, Taoist Master." Then I took the sword and whisk away and put it in my backpack. Then, I put it in his backpack. The body was searched.

There is also a small backpack in the sleeves on his left and right sides. On the left are two small gourds. It seems that they should contain some kind of elixir, but they are already empty, leaving only an extremely quiet herbal fragrance. On the other side is a small cloth bag. Open it and put it in. There was a stack of blank talisman papers, and there were three others that had been written on, but I didn’t recognize any of them.

This old Taoist is not simple at first glance, and this talisman is definitely not an ordinary thing. I will wait until I go back to ask the first-year junior high school or the Taoist priest Yiqing.

There was a shriveled water bladder next to the corpse, which had long been hardened into dry food like a stone.

There was no lack of food or drink, there was no scar on his body, and even his clothes were not torn. How did this old man die?

"Brother Zhang, have you checked clearly?" Jiang Dayu looked at it from a distance for a long time, and began to think that there was really some danger. It was obvious that I hid all the treasures one by one, and finally couldn't help but say something. Ask questions.

He deliberately used the word "check" very strongly, as if he was very disdainful of my behavior of blocking others and searching for treasures first when something good happens.

However, we have already agreed, whoever gets it first will get it!

Moreover, even if he asked me ‘what do you think’ so many times along the way, I wouldn’t leave him alone.

I deliberately pretended not to understand what he meant, and said calmly: "I've finished checking, but I haven't found any problems. Come and take a look."

Jiang Dayu was so angry that he pouted his beard, but he couldn't say anything.

The other four people gathered around.

Lina and Parker knew that they had little knowledge in this area, so they leaned back consciously.

Jiang Dayu glanced at the ancient sword that I had put in my backpack but still had tassels on it, and the whisk with a bright ponytail, and then turned to look at the bones.

Jiang Dayu looked up and down for a long time, but the doubts in his eyes became more and more serious.

Although Fan Chong's injuries were not healed, he could not change his impatience. He stared for a long time and finally couldn't help but ask: "How did this old Taoist die?"

Jiang Dayu twirled his beard and frowned: "There are no external injuries on his body, and there are no signs of poisoning. Although his internal organs are shriveled, judging from other phenomena, it is not caused by disordered muscles and veins. From this point of view, his There are only two possible causes of death. The first is that his life span has expired and his destiny has expired. The other situation is that he left the body on his own but did not return."

After saying that, he turned back, looked at me and said, "Brother from the Zhang family..."

"I don't understand this!" I stopped him directly: "Compared to you, I am just a junior, and I know nothing about Taoism."

Jiang Dayu choked at this, and couldn't help but take another look at the treasures I packed in the bag, with resentment in his eyes, as if to say: "You don't understand anything, how do you know how to pack all the good things?" ?Why don’t you pack the water bladders and hard dry food on the ground?”

I just pretended I didn't understand, patted my clothes and stood up: "Since there is no danger, let's move on."

After saying that, without waiting for his instructions, he took the initiative to hold the flashlight and strode forward - first distance himself from them.

Although I got a few treasures for no reason, the doubts in my heart became more intense.

What exactly is this place? So many alchemists, Taoist priests, and even Western foreigners were involved.

Also, where did Liang Mingli go?

Shouldn't he be the one walking in front of us? How could he not take it when he came across such a good thing?

He doesn't even pay attention to these? This is unlikely. And even if he doesn't take it, what about Fujita Tsuyoshi?

This guy came in a day ago, but we didn't find any trace of him along the way.

He is a symbiotic beast, half human and half octopus. How did he get past the sheep head mummy array? Could it be that he, like Fan Chong, still retains some ability to keep the bottom of the box?

Um? wrong!

As I was walking, I suddenly remembered that since we met the bones of William's ancestors above, we have been going downwards. According to this height, shouldn't we have sunk into the water again long ago?

But why is the air around here getting drier and drier?

I was just about to go back and tell Jiang Dayu and the others about my doubts, when suddenly another piece of white bones flashed out under the light of the flashlight.

Having just picked up the treasure on the bones, I immediately put my worries behind me and walked forward faster, shouting: "Everyone, don't move! I'm going to check first!"

"Let me take a look for you, too." Jiang Dayu also glanced at the pile of bones and mummies. In view of his previous experience, he finally lost his temper and hurried over.

There are eight mummies in this area.

They all wore identical black robes, soft-soled thin boots, knives in their hands, and water bags hanging on their waists. There was no difference even in the causes of their deaths. It was obvious at a glance that they were all decapitated.

Jiang Dayu hurriedly ran forward and took a look, and was immediately extremely disappointed.

Before he could say anything, I turned around with a smile and asked, "Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Dayu's chin shook unnaturally, and then he replied angrily: "It doesn't matter, these people are all Dragon Roar Guards, and they all died... No! Leave!"

He said "go quickly", turned around and ran away.

I was still a little surprised. When I looked again, the bony fingers of the headless mummies lying on the ground moved together, and they grasped the handle of the knife in unison.

Click, click, click!

Eight steel knives were unsheathed at the same time, and the mummy suddenly stood upright and rushed towards me!

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