Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1583 Prehistoric Flood

The dragon soul in the ghost realm, the nightmare in the William family, and the last words of Taoist Bai He all point to one thing: there is a high possibility that there is really a giant dragon hidden in this historic site.

But Li Shimin said it was a divine dragon and sent people to worship it; Taoist Master Baihe said it was an evil dragon and not only killed all the Dragon Roar Guards, but also sealed the Wusuli River and locked the passage.

Who is telling the truth?

I searched the bottom of the pit again and found no other clues.

I wanted to continue moving forward, but I was really tired, so I simply took off my backpack and lay down on the spot.

Nearly twenty hours have passed since I entered the water, and during this period there have been constant thrills. I dare not relax for even a moment. Both my body and my nerves are exhausted to the extreme. As soon as I relaxed, I felt sleepy and my eyelids became sticky.

I looked around and saw pitch black above my head.

Although this ancient monument is surrounded by dangers and dangers, relatively speaking, this big pit is very safe.

Back then, during a fierce battle between Taoist Priest Baihe and Taoist Hehuangpao, not to mention that there was no life within ten feet, and the stone was crushed into a pit. This unparalleled air wave extended for hundreds of steps, and it would be fatal if it touched it. Even after a thousand years, it is still a scene of desolation and hostility.

If I take a nap here, there shouldn't be any danger.

Only after you have repaired it thoroughly can you calmly face the next challenge!

Thinking of this, I took out a few warning signs and placed them in a circle about three meters away from me. Then I hugged the invisible needle and fell asleep on my backpack.

In a daze, I had one strange dream after another that was both weird and bizarre:

I saw two corpses lying under the deep cliff, it was Fan Chong and Lina.

Fan Chong was smashed into pieces by the falling boulder, his brains and blood splattered everywhere.

Lina's chest was pierced by a sharp stone, and her internal organs gushed out and fell to the ground.

William was holding the bloody long knife in one hand, and grabbing Liu Laoliu's head with the other hand. His neck was like a fountain, and blood was sprinkled all over his body and face.

Parker's face was covered with ants, his flesh and blood were bruised, and his bones were exposed. He was grinning crazily and holding a small copper ball as he floated towards me.

Jiang Dayu and Jiang Xiaoyu dreamed of white smoke, tied up my hands and feet, and pulled hard, and I was pulled in half. Blood was all over the floor, and my liver and intestines were broken and gurgling...

With a bang, a ball of blood mist exploded in front of my chest, and a small paper figure flew out. The paper figure turned into Old Mrs. Shen again and gouged out my eyes.

Liang Mingli ran over with his big head shaking, and smashed my skull with a pop.

Karov picked up my brain and devoured it.

Hill dragged my soul out and tore it into pieces...

The dream is extremely real, every picture and every scene is so lifelike.

The strange thing is that I know this is a dream, but I can't wake up.

It seems that I prefer to stay in the dream, and want to carefully distinguish which one is closer to the reality?

Suddenly, all the people and all the dreams were shattered into pieces, and the whole ground shook.

The monument turned into a giant dragon, and I was lying in the huge dragon's mouth.

The giant dragon danced and roared, and the entire cave and palace shook uncontrollably. Stones rolled down and dust flew up.

The giant dragon closed its mouth, and the whole world went dark...

I slept in a daze for a long time, and finally woke up from my dream.

I looked down at the clock and saw that I had slept for six hours.

All the fatigue in my body was swept away, and I became more energetic and energetic than before I entered the water.

I drank some water and ate some compressed dry food, then put away the warning charm and invisible needle and continued to move forward.

This huge bowl was squeezed out by the air waves of those two people. It was not only extremely steep, but also extremely smooth.

It's not easy to slide down, and it's even harder to climb up.

I took out my two knives and stabbed them at the rock one after another, climbing up bit by bit.

After a lot of effort, I finally climbed to the top. Looking back, it was unbelievable that I had crossed the bottom of the bowl from that end!

The passage behind the giant bowl was empty, with many white bones inlaid on the stone walls on both sides.

Their broken clothes and accessories were all from around the early Tang Dynasty. They must have been brought in by the yellow-robed Taoist priests. But under that air wave, it was embedded in the stone wall. It can be seen how amazing the battle between the two was!

After walking along the bone-embedded corridor for a long distance, you are faced with a towering stone wall, which is full of countless totems of animal faces with green faces and fangs.

There is a passage diagonally upward under the stone wall, but a large triangular hole was cut out beside the passage. The cave wall is more than one meter thick, but it is made from one breath. The incisions are as smooth as a mirror and as flat as one. One look at it and it is clear that it must be the work of Taoist Master Bai He.

This was the entrance to the Kagong Lock, but he didn't have time to wait for the passage to open, so he slashed a path with two swords.

This Taoist Master Bai He is really free and unrestrained, stepping on the water with both feet and cutting mountains with one sword!

I held up the flashlight and went into the hole to take a look. It was a little narrow inside, but the traces of artificial chiseling became more intense.

One side of the stone wall is carved with many angry monsters with sharp teeth, and the other side of the stone wall is carved with a pair of extremely detailed murals.

I took a dozen steps forward and then immediately stepped back.

Because I suddenly discovered that the content in these murals seemed to be closely related to what I saw where the bones of William's ancestors were found.

The last mural begins with primitive humans living in caves, gathering wild fruits and hunting, and ends with cutting rocks and building palaces.

The murals here started after the completion of the main hall.

After the main hall was topped out, all the primitive people gathered under the extremely spectacular nine-story steps, facing up.

At the top of the tower on the steps, an old man with an animal tooth necklace hanging on his chest was raising his arms to the sky, seemingly praying for something.

The second painting was still a scene of prayer, but a small snake emerged from the animal bones placed on the fire. The snake's body had been burnt, and the old man looked extremely shocked.

In the third painting, everyone stood densely at the top of the palace, turning their heads and looking into the distance.

I saw extremely astonishing huge cracks opening on the ground, and a bison was falling into the cracks, falling far away. In the distance that everyone looked at, mountains collapsed, floods surged into the sky, and countless animals and giant trees were carried down, rushing straight towards the main hall!

The next scene was that the ground cracked and the entire palace fell. Many people slipped and fell into the abyss.

The main hall fell sharply, the mountains and the earth were twisted violently, and the torrential water surged up and down, and countless birds and animals were submerged in it. It was no different from the end of the world.

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