Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 159 A shocking kneeling

But that hand was like a vise, gripping me tightly and refusing to let go.

The next second, a bloody face popped out from the wall.

This guy's face was unrecognizable, without a single piece of intact skin. One of his eyeballs even drooped down. The other black eyeball stared at me, begging bitterly: "Help us, help us." us……"

I immediately looked outside and found that the missing villagers were all gathered outside the ancestral hall.

They were like geckos, clinging to the wall and climbing up little by little.

While crawling, he also begged me: "Save us, save us."

I was so shocked that I thought I had an illusion and chewed the soybeans vigorously again. But they were so real before their eyes, and it didn't seem like they were hallucinations.

If these guys are allowed to crawl in, the villagers may suffer. I didn't dare to tell the villagers about this, because if they saw these bloody weirdos, they would be frightened half to death.

I shook the man who grabbed my arm away hard, and he suddenly fell heavily to the ground. But the moment he fell to the ground, he stood up again with difficulty holding on to the wall, spread his arms, and looked at me pitifully: "Help me, I... I'm still alive, I'm still alive."

Haha, you are the only one who believes it. I immediately called to the villagers and handed me a log stick. I used the log stick to knock down the people attached to the wall one by one.

But as soon as they hit it, they would climb up again. I was exhausted to no avail.

The villagers didn't know what was going on outside, and they all asked me in horror what was wrong?

I comforted the villagers and said it was okay.

But as soon as I finished speaking, I heard a bang, as if something heavy fell.

I immediately looked over, and when I saw it, I was stunned. On the east wall, a bloody missing villager unexpectedly fell in along the wall. He twisted his body in pain and made a weak voice: "Help me, help me."

I was speechless and yelled at everyone: "Go back to the ancestral hall, don't stay outside, this guy is a dead man!"

"It's Liu Laoer, this guy is Liu Laoer." Some villagers recognized this man and immediately started shouting in panic.

Li Mazi also raised his voice and said: "Liu Laoer is a dead man. Come back to the ancestral hall with me. This guy wants to eat people."

The villagers were frightened and swarmed into the ancestral hall.

Immediately afterwards, several more missing villagers climbed out along the east wall, and then fell heavily into the courtyard, twisting and crawling on the ground like snakes.

Li Mazi was worried about my safety and said to me: "Brother Zhang, the outside has been lost. Why are you poking around with a stick? Go back to the ancestral hall and hide! In ten minutes, the man in the T-shirt will be back." "

I see that the situation is out of control, and the missing villagers have learned the lesson and spread out one by one to climb the wall, so that I can't poke them. I could only get off the ladder and hurriedly entered the ancestral hall.

After blocking the door of the ancestral hall, I asked the villagers to quiet down. Following the instructions of the man in the T-shirt, I began to teach the villagers to recite the Tao Te Ching.

I know that the wild dog spirit must be nearby. At such a close distance, I’m afraid it’s hard for Soybean to work, right? The only thing I can do is use the Tao Te Ching. I hope I can hold on for the remaining three minutes!

The missing villagers gradually crawled in from outside. Everyone is covered in scars, and they don’t know whether they are dead or alive.

They all gathered at the door of the ancestral hall, knocked hard, and begged us to open the door, saying that they were still alive.

After all, they are villagers who live together day and night. It makes no one feel good to see their relatives begging like this. What's more, there are some people's children and parents outside. At this moment, we are going through a test of life and family affection!

At this time, we cannot be soft-hearted. I immediately comforted the villagers and told them not to be deceived by their rhetoric. Now they are all the puppets of the wild dog spirit. The wild dog spirit is taking advantage of our sympathy. At this time, we are soft-hearted. It is the greatest harm to yourself.

We refused to open the door, and it seemed that the wild dog spirit couldn't stand it anymore. I saw a golden wild dog leaping up to the wall more than two meters high. Standing on the wall, its green eyes stared at it intently. The gate of the ancestral hall.

This was the first time I encountered a wild dog spirit head-on.

My first impression was that this was not a wild dog, it was clearly a wolf in human skin.

The jagged canine teeth were even dripping with blood, and his cold eyes stared at the crowd, full of endless resentment.

Seeing this wild dog spirit, the villagers immediately panicked, screaming and running around, trying to find a place to hide.

The more critical this moment is, the less likely it is to be chaotic, otherwise it will only give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it. So I immediately roared: "Everyone stop, our mental power and courage are enough to defeat this wild dog spirit! If you all read the Tao Te Ching with me, we can drive it away."

Li Mazi took the lead and sat down and followed me in reading the Tao Te Ching.

With the leader taking the lead, everyone else followed suit, and the originally panicked atmosphere suddenly calmed down. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the wild dog spirit on the wall again.

The wild dog spirit jumped down and slammed into the door of the ancestral hall, causing the door to clang. This earth-shattering sound once again caused a commotion in the crowd.

However, with my comfort, the villagers became quiet again and followed me in reading the Tao Te Ching.

The wild dog spirit seemed to know that he didn't have much time, so he bumped into each other even more crazily.

After about a dozen hits, the wooden door could no longer withstand it, but the wild dog spirit suddenly stopped and looked at me again.

This time, there was no ferocity and resentment in his eyes, but instead they were full of pity and pleading, and even his tail was raised.

I know what it means when a dog raises his tail. Is he begging me for mercy?

Just when I was wondering, its front legs suddenly knelt down, and tears flowed down the corners of its eyes involuntarily.

I was shocked, what was it doing? Are you playing the tragedy card?

You are treating me like a monkey, will I spare you?

But the stone hanging in my heart was finally put down. It seemed that the wild dog spirit had absolutely nothing to do with us, so it knelt down and begged us.

Just at this moment, the door was knocked open, and the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei walked in. The man in the T-shirt was holding a horn with a green halo in his hand. That should be the Haechi horn, right?

When the wild dog spirit saw the horns of the deer, a strange light flashed in his eyes. But soon, this excitement disappeared. It stood up, turned around, and knelt down in front of the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei.

When the two discovered that the wild dog spirit was guarding the ancestral hall, they instantly became nervous.

Zen Master Baimei held the beads tightly: "The evil obstacle can be captured without restraint!"

After saying that, Zen Master Baimei threw the beads out and placed them around the neck of the wild dog spirit with great precision.

The man in the T-shirt bit his middle finger, quickly drew a strange symbol on the horn of the haechi, held it in his hand, and approached the wild dog spirit step by step.

It could be seen that the wild dog spirit was in great pain from being trapped by the beads. He fell to the ground and struggled hard, but in the end he insisted on getting up again, half-kneeling on the ground, begging the white-browed Zen Master and the man in the T-shirt.

At this time, even Zen Master Baimei and the man in the T-shirt were stunned, wondering what this wild dog spirit was doing.

Zen Master Baimei snorted coldly: "Amitabha, you treacherous and cunning person, if I forgive you today, who will forgive those villagers who died innocently and tragically tomorrow?"

The man in the T-shirt also began to recite some ethereal and beautiful mantras.

The wild dog spirit looked very uncomfortable, as if he was tormented by the spell of the man in the T-shirt, and his life was worse than death. He kept whimpering in his throat.

But it didn't resist, it just knelt down for the man in the T-shirt.

Zen Master Baimei tightened the beads around the wild dog spirit's neck, but it still got up with difficulty and knelt down to the man in the T-shirt!

Until the wild dog spirit bleeds from its seven orifices and dies, all the blood flows to the Haechi's horns. It still maintains its kneeling posture, with big tears rolling down.

After Zen Master Baimei confirmed that the wild dog spirit was not breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief, put away the beads, and signaled that we could go out.

Everyone walked out tremblingly. Looking at the wolf-like wild dog spirit, they all became angry and wanted to cut the wild dog spirit into pieces with weapons.

However, Zen Master Baimei stopped everyone and said that the wild dog spirit was dead, and the top priority was to rescue the injured villagers!

Everyone then hurriedly carried away the injured and missing villagers. Soon, only a few of us were left in the huge ancestral hall.

Uncle Zhong, as the village representative, also stayed.

Looking at this wild dog spirit, I was very surprised. Such a big wild dog has been living in the mountains and has never been discovered by the villagers? It's a little unbelievable. After all, wouldn't a murderous goblin like it do anything harmful to the villagers on a daily basis?

I asked Uncle Zhong. Uncle Zhong shook his head and said that the village used to be very peaceful. Nothing was ever lost and no one was hurt.

Then this is strange.

I asked Zen Master Baimei again, what did the wild dog spirit mean when he knelt down for us just now?

Zen Master Baimei laughed dumbly and said that this thing must be greedy for life and afraid of death. He knew that he had no way out, so he knelt down and begged for mercy.

I nodded, that should be it.

Uncle Zhong asked Zen Master Baimei and the man in the T-shirt to help save the villagers. After all, the villagers were so seriously injured and there were no decent doctors in the village. I am afraid that only the man in the T-shirt and the man in the T-shirt could save the villagers, right?

The man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei nodded in agreement and took Uncle Zhong to prepare the medicinal materials.

But just after taking two steps, there was suddenly a slight sound of running water behind him. Zen Master Baimei stopped immediately, said "Huh" in surprise, and then walked to the side of the wild dog spirit.

"So that's it, that's it." Zen Master Baimei said for a while, and finally couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

I immediately asked: "Zen Master Baimei, what's wrong?"

Zen Master Baimei said: "It was the maternal nature of the wild dog spirit that saved the villagers."

I was surprised, how could this matter be related to the maternal nature of the wild dog spirit?

After we observed carefully, we discovered that a lot of transparent liquid was flowing out from under the body of the wild dog spirit. I looked at Zen Master Baimei in confusion: "What is this?"

"Amniotic fluid." Zen Master Baimei said, "This wild dog spirit is pregnant..."

"Pregnant?" We were all shocked: "The bitch knelt down just now. Could it be that she was begging us to let her baby go?"

Zen Master Baimei nodded, and then he took action himself and cut open the belly of the wild dog spirit with a dagger. Sure enough, as the placenta flowed out, several puppies struggled out of the placenta little by little, looking at this miracle with a confused expression. world.

Uncle Zhong picked up the shovel from the side and was about to beat these puppies to death, but I stopped him by shouting: "Stop, what do you want to do?"

Uncle Zhong said: "We killed the mother of the puppies. These puppies will definitely take revenge when they grow up! They were born from wild dog spirits, and they must also be monsters."

"No." I quickly stopped: "These are just a few little lives after all, and you have no right to deprive them of their lives."

I don’t know what’s going on, I just feel sorry for these puppies. There is nothing wrong with them, and the mistakes of wild dog spirits should not be imposed on them.

Uncle Zhong was not convinced and asked Zen Master Bai Mei what to do?

Zen Master Baimei took off his monk's robe and wrapped several puppies in it: "I will take them away and tame them to wash away their innate demonic nature."

Uncle Zhong was relieved.

Zen Master Baimei carefully handed over several puppies to me to take care of. Looking at the big watery eyes, my hatred for the wild dog spirit weakened a lot, and I actually admired it a little.

For the sake of young children, this wild dog spirit is even willing to give up his life.

From a certain perspective, animals sometimes understand emotions better than humans.

Maternal love is great, because it does not ask for anything in return, it only makes selfless contributions, and it will not change after thousands of years. This reminds me of an ancient poem:

Mother hands line, wandering clothing.

Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.

Who said that the heart of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three rays of spring?

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