Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,600: Joining Jiang Dayu

Red and blue blood flowed intermittently along the way, always accompanying him.

After more than twenty meters, the red blood turned into a small hole next to it, and the blue blood continued to move forward.

After another dozen meters, there was no trace of the blue blood.

Just near where the blood disappeared, a large rock pit appeared.

A large area of ​​the stone wall and ground was blown down, and the scattered stones almost sealed most of the cave entrance. At the end of the passage, an extremely bright light shines through the cracks in the stones, stinging people and making them unable to open their eyes.

"It was a grenade that exploded!" Lina checked the traces on the stone wall and said with certainty: "It's the batch of grenades that were lost on our ship. After Fujita left first, didn't Li Minghan report that some explosives and grenades were lost? ? It seems that it was indeed stolen by him."

"The grenade was stolen by Fujita Gang. This should be correct, but why did he use it here?" I pointed to the stone wall and said: "Look, this is not a checkpoint, and there is no barrier such as a stone gate. , obviously he didn’t intend to blow up the passage.”

"If he wanted to kill someone, why didn't he use it just now? Moreover, the master who was fighting fiercely with him had already turned into another passage. Why would he throw the grenade here? It's a bit inexplicable." I questioned.

Fan Zhan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "What's so strange about this? He must have met two people. They had a fight just now, and he met another one here. The one just now was from close range, and he would be killed if he threw a grenade. I saw this person from a long way away, and he was injured again, so I threw the grenade."

Fan Chong is a rough man, but when he analyzes the ways of fighting, it makes perfect sense.

However, this is even stranger!

Fujita didn't even know who he was fighting with just now, but why did a second one suddenly appear?

Who are these two people?

Could it be that he met Jiang Dayu and Liang Mingli successively, had a fight with both of them, and ran away intact?

If this is the truth, then how terrifying is the strength of the old devil Tsuyoshi Fujita?

Jiang Dayu and Liang Mingli are both extremely capable. It would be difficult for me to win a fight with either of them, but this Fujita Tsuyoshi...


wrong! I suddenly remembered.

Jiang Dayu and I separated at the end of the Kagong Lock, at the Tianzhan Stone, where there was a hand of Tsuyoshi Fujita remaining on the ground.

Even if he is half human and half octopus, and may be proficient in some method of regenerating severed limbs, he will definitely be seriously injured this time. Under such circumstances, it would be ridiculous to be able to play against Jiang Dayu and Liang Mingli one after another.

To take a step back, even if he really had this ability, it would be impossible for a mere Sky-Slashing Stone to hurt him!

But in this case, who was the person who fought with him twice in succession?

I thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out the reason. I had to let Fan Chong and Lina retreat temporarily, took out an explosion charm and stuck it on the rocks.

With an explosion, scattered rocks flew everywhere, and the entrance to the cave was clear again.

The explosive charm is naturally incomparable to the power of TNT explosives, but it is suitable for clearing such small-scale obstacles, but it will not blow up the foundation stone of the cave.

After the passage exploded, the light on the opposite side became even brighter, and it was so colorful that it was impossible to look directly at it.

But this place is too dangerous. Closing your eyes tightly or keeping your head down are extremely stupid methods. They are no different from seeking death on your own...

Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if I opened my heavenly eye. But this consumes too much spiritual energy, and it doesn’t last long.

Just when I had no clue, Lina, who looked like Tinker Bell, took out another high-tech item - an eye mask.

If I remember correctly, this should be the telescope on the diving suit, right? Why did she bring one out?

Does this lens have any other functions?

"Mr. Zhang, these lenses can block strong light and radiation." Lina turned sideways to avoid the strong light and handed over the lens.

This made me don’t know what to say. Just when I was about to refuse, Lina put her eyes directly into my hand: "You can wear it!'s not necessary. I can't move well either. There's no use wearing it." .”

I nodded and put it on without saying anything else.

Although I was speechless, from this moment on, I secretly made up my mind that no matter what danger would arise next, I would definitely take them out alive!

After wearing translucent glasses, the bright light is no longer so intense.

From a distance, I saw three doors open side by side at the end of the passage.

The left side is black, as black as ink, bottomless.

The right side is red, as bright as blood, bright and dazzling.

In the middle is a colorful light!

Amidst the colorful light, there was a person standing with his back to us. He raised one foot and lifted it slightly off the ground, but it did not fall down, as motionless as a sculpture.

The figure from the back looked very familiar. He was short, thin and withered.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Jiang Dayu!

How is this going?

Has he been immobilized by some evil spell?

I was just wondering when his foot, which had been hanging for who knows how long, finally landed on the ground, and the light in the distance dimmed slightly. Faintly visible, not far in front of him, stood a large bronze mirror more than two meters high, with colorful rays of light emitting from the mirror.

Jiang Dayu seemed to be thinking for a moment, and slowly raised one foot again, but it was hanging in the air like before, and never fell down.

What kind of formation does he seem to be trying to crack?

It's just that it's too far away and the light is too intense, so it's hard to see clearly.

"In front of you is Jiang Dayu. He seems to be stuck in some kind of maze." I turned to Lina and gave a brief explanation, and then ordered: "You two, don't move yet, just wait here. I’ll go over and take a look.”

"Be careful. If it doesn't work, just go back and let's think of other ways." Fan Chong, who had always spoken harshly, actually said this very heartwarming sentence.

"Okay!" I responded solemnly and slowly groped forward.

As I got closer, I discovered that there was a thick stone door in front of each of the three doors.

However, the two doors next to it have been smashed into gaps.

The broken marks on the red stone door were neat and neat, and it looked like they had been cut by sword energy. The broken edges were also covered with dust, indicating that they were extremely old. In addition, there is a piece of ashes with traces of cinnabar scattered on the ground near the stone gate. It is obvious at a glance that it is a burned charm.

Judging from the time, it must be Taoist Master Baihe who rushed here.

The black stone door on the right was blown into a pile of rubble and scattered all over the ground. Even the ground and nearby stone walls were blown down in large chunks. Judging from the remaining traces, it should have been caused by modern explosives. There is no doubt that it was Tsuyoshi Fujita who did it.

But the door in the middle where Jiang Dayu was standing was unscathed and hung out of thin air. It must have been broken.

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