Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1619 Giant Ebony Tree

Fan Chong was a rough guy and had no idea what Jiang Dayu meant.

Lina didn't say anything clearly, and even handed the explosive to me under Fan Chong's eyes. It was obvious that she wanted to hide this from even Fan Chong and wanted to leave this treasure to me alone.

Why is this?

I didn't say anything, and I didn't have time to think too much. I silently took the explosives and put them in my backpack.

The light in the passage behind the door is extremely gloomy. When the high-power laser flashlight is turned on to its maximum power, it can only illuminate a distance of more than ten meters. The surroundings are all smooth and flat stone walls.

Jiang Dayu also deliberately slowed down, further narrowing the distance between us.

At the end of the passage is a slightly spacious hall.

The hall was empty with no furnishings. After walking a few meters, a statue appeared in the center of the hall.

This statue is very strange. It is neither an evil ghost, nor a god, nor even a human figure, but a big tree.

The big tree was completely black, with countless vines stretching out, and it looked like a Gorgon from Greek mythology! The bottom is grounded and the top is stone wall, almost filling half of the hall.

The carving is extremely lifelike and lifelike, and to a rough look, it looks like it is really a towering tree.

On the previous door of death, there was a huge ancient bronze mirror enshrined.

Jiang Dayu used an extremely weird sacrificial method to carve his soul consciousness on the mirror, thus summoning the blood-red stone pillar containing the Nine Life Tower.

What is enshrined in this door is ebony...

Oh, right!

The bronze mirror retains the soul, even if it dies, it will never return.

Ebony hides life, and one thought turns into eternity.

Tiejuan Wuxin, life and death face each other!

This is a sentence engraved at the end of the Yin Fu Jing.

I have thought about these three sentences for a long time and have never been able to understand them.

It turns out that they represent respectively the ebony wood of life, the bronze mirror of death, and the iron scroll of neither life nor death.

But isn't the tadpole pattern in the "Yin Fu Jing" carved on the red stone door? According to these words, the Yin Fu Sutra should be enshrined in the Gate of Immortality.

What exactly is going on?

If it was deliberately messed up just to confuse intruders, then the sacred objects couldn't be engraved with errors, right?

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, look, this tree sculpture is very strange!" Suddenly, Lina said in surprise.

"Well, what's weird?" I asked in surprise.

"Look!" Lina pointed at the tree and said: "In the dark, it seems that this tree is alive, every branch is lifelike, as if every branch contains leaves ready to grow, and a piece of new green will come out at any time. .”

"But look again." After saying that, Lina swept the flashlight up.

Under the interplay of light and dark, the branches cover each other, showing another strange appearance.

Every branch seems to have come alive, like giant black pythons, twisting and intertwined, and may climb down at any time.

Dark like new life, bright like a giant python.

I see! The holy objects of Jiuyoumen are actually secretly conveying a truth.

Life is death, death is life, neither life nor death is eternal.

Only the reincarnation of life and death can complement each other.

Whether it is the "Yin Fu Jing", the ebony staff, or the Nine Life Tower, standing alone is just a powerful yin object. When the three objects are combined into one, it is a great achievement!

"Yin Fu Jing" records all the evil magic in the world; the ebony staff can feed all kinds of ghosts; I haven't gotten the Nine Life Tower yet, and I don't know what its function is.

However, Jiang Dayu Ke said: No matter the "Yin Fu Jing" or the ebony staff, it takes a long time to complete, but the Nine Life Tower can achieve immediate results.

Without the Nine Life Pagoda, the "Yin Fu Jing" and the ebony staff are just ordinary things.

It seems that if I get the Nine Life Tower, my strength will definitely reach another level, and I will be one day closer to shouldering the important mission, avenging my predecessors, and pacifying Longquan Villa!

Originally, I had heard Jiang Dayu talking about the Three Treasures of the Nine Nethers on the boat, and I just smiled.

Winning two out of three is comparable to winning the lottery. Who would have thought that I would actually encounter the third one here, and it is within easy reach.

By some strange combination of circumstances, I entered the mouse hole again, and happened to get another piece of Sky Gou Double Jade, which was the last key to the Nine Life Tower.

Is there really some divine will in the dark?

At this time, I secretly determined that no matter what, I must get the Nine Life Tower, the three treasures in one!

A large hole had been blasted out among the chaotic branches of the giant ebony tree, and a large section of the wall behind it had collapsed, just enough for two people to pass through at the same time. As soon as he saw Jiang Dayu, he got in through the hole.

We walked closer and took a closer look with a flashlight to confirm that Jiang Dayu was more than ten meters away. I took the lead in stepping in, and then Lina and Fan Chong also hurried in, always being on guard against this old guy. A sudden backhand attack.

Judging from what he just said, he has no interest in the depths of this historic site. If he hadn't been forced to do so, he probably wouldn't even want to go there.

All he cares about is the Nine Life Tower.

Just on the ground in the cave, I found another blood stain. The dark blue blood stains were clearly left by the little devil Gou Fujita.

It seems that Jiang Dayu didn't lie. This guy did come in from the Daoshengmen.

From this point of view, no one had ever walked through this passage before him.

Not only not at this time, but since the stone gate was built, no one has set foot here.

He is a symbiosis between humans and animals, half human and half octopus. Even if there is a small hole or slit, this guy can pass through it, and there is no need to explode it again.

The passage behind the giant tree is a slightly narrow hole, with extremely primitive features on both sides, leaving only some very rough traces of excavation, and it is also very old.

Thinking about it, this should have been built by the original residents who built the hall.

This cave is extremely cold, with a cool breeze blowing from time to time.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.


After walking for a while, there was a burst of noise in the distant darkness, as if someone was losing his temper and smashing things hard.

Is this the little devil Tsuyoshi Fujita? What is this guy doing?

From the sound, it didn't sound like two people were fighting, nor did it sound like they were in danger, but instead it sounded like a wanton venting of anger.

what is going on?

"Quickly go! Someone is destroying the formation." Jiang Dayu in the darkness suddenly shouted urgently: "This formation is to suppress the evil dragon. Once the formation is damaged, the evil dragon will rush out! By then we will No one can survive, no one can escape."

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