Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1622 Liang Mingli VS Jiang Dayu (more updates)


When Liang Mingli saw Jiang Dayu stopping him, he waved his hands innocently, sat down in the bubble, raised his big eyelids, and lowered his head.

He looked like a naughty child who got into trouble and was scolded by his parents.

"I know what you want to do." Jiang Dayu raised his pipe with a stern look, pointed at Liang Mingli floating in the air and said, "Don't you just want to break the demon-suppressing formation and eat the evil dragons in it to achieve perfection?" Are you at the god level? But you don't even think about how capable you are."

"I thought at first that you just wanted to borrow some yin energy, but I didn't expect that you, a short guy, are so brave! You actually want to do this."

"That evil dragon has been alive for thousands of years. The old Taoist who came down from Kunlun Mountain can't do anything about it. You still want to eat it. Are you eating too much pig brains and eating yourself stupid? Once the evil dragon is released, who will We still don’t know who will eat it.”

"Even if you really don't want to live anymore, and you don't even want to be half human and half ghost, I don't care. But damn, I'm still in the underground palace! You have to eat a lot of things, and wait until I leave safely. You can dismantle it at will, release the evil dragon and cause trouble in the entire Wusuli River, but no one will care about you."

"I'm warning you one last time!" Jiang Dayu glared at Liang Mingli fiercely and said, "If you dare to touch a skull again, I will tear you into pieces immediately and feed it to the Smoke and Cloud Beast. Believe it or not?"

After listening to Jiang Dayu's words, Liang Mingli raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then turned his little hands.


Another skull left the pile of skulls and smashed to the ground.

Then, he looked at Jiang Dayu innocently and smiled with his big teeth.

It seems to be saying, I just moved, let's see what you can do to me?

"Okay, very good." Jiang Dayu's face turned purple with anger, and he gritted his teeth tightly and said: "It seems that you are really going to be popular today, I will be the first to do it to you!" After saying that, he shook the cigarette pole and To take action.

"Senior Jiang, being angry will hurt your health. I advise you to think carefully before making a decision! I have made up my mind about the demon-suppressing formation today." At this moment, with the support of Fan Chong, he just got out of Lina, who had a small hole, suddenly raised her voice and said.

Her tone was extremely high-pitched, far less painful than before, and she was holding the shiny little copper ball in her hand, aiming it at Jiang Dayu.

Lina's sudden change not only shocked Jiang Dayu, but also Fan Chong and I were not expecting it.

It turns out that Liang Mingli and Lina are together?

Liang Mingli's goal is to break the formation and release the evil dragon!

Judging from Lina's behavior along the way, it seems that she thinks so too.

But the problem is, it seems that these two people did not form a temporary alliance suddenly because of the same purpose, but they had already discussed it secretly before setting off or at the beginning of the formation of the expedition team!

In other words, from the very beginning, the sturgeon videos and historical treasures were all deceptions.

They must have made extremely careful plans, and all of this was within their expectations!

Otherwise, Liang Mingli would not have been so honest at first. As soon as he saw Lina appearing, he immediately became arrogant and dared to confront Jiang Dayu.

What other trump cards does Lina have that can make Liang Mingli rely on her?

"Girl... what are you..." Although Jiang Dayu and I were quite surprised, we had already noticed that something was wrong with Lina, so we were not too shocked. But Fan Chong never expected that the little girl who he thought was well-behaved, mastered various high technologies, smart and considerate would hide so deeply! It completely subverted his imagination.

"Master, I'm sorry." Lina bowed her head slightly towards Fan Chong and said: "This has been a long-cherished wish of our family for hundreds of years. I have shouldered an extremely important mission since I was born, and I must complete it today!"

"This...what is going on?" Fan Chong was completely dumbfounded, waving his big hands in confusion.

Lina gently patted Fan Chong's shoulder, said nothing, and limped towards Liang Mingli.

"It will take about an hour to crack the formation. You can use this time to escape. If you don't want to stay and watch, you can leave now." Lina said calmly.


Before Fan Chong and I could react, Jiang Dayu, who had been preparing to tear Liang Mingli alive just now, immediately put away his pipe and agreed happily.

With that said, he turned around and walked towards me.

I understood immediately!

This guy's goal is just the Nine Life Tower. Whether it's a dragon or not, whether it's a big formation or not, it has nothing to do with him. Whoever wants to toss it will do it.

One hour was enough for him.

As long as you capture me, find the Sky Hook Double Jade from my body, take away the Nine Life Tower, and then take me to Longquan Villa, it will be a great achievement.

Lina has already sided with Liang Mingli. Without the restriction of the little copper ball, it will be difficult for the alliance between me and Fan Chong to control him!

Facing Jiang Dayu, I really have no confidence.

Except for the ebony core, he knows all my trump cards, but I have almost no idea of ​​his abilities!

But although the Ebony Core is extremely magical, and it just summoned the Dragon Roar Guard, the problem is that I don't know how to summon it at all, and I don't know if it will be effective on him! I still have the Eternal Spirit Ring in my hand, but from the looks of it, he has no scruples, so he must have been prepared for it.

In this way, I will become a fish on the chopping board!

Lina's change was too sudden. If I knew it would be like this, what kind of alliance would I make? He had already taken the opportunity to escape.

"Senior Jiang, wait a moment!" Just as Jiang Dayu took a few steps, Lina called out again.

"What?" Jiang Dayu turned around and asked with some confusion.

"When I said you can leave now, I meant my master and Mr. Zhang, but you have to wait another half an hour."

I could tell that she was deliberately protecting me and leaving Jiang Dayu alone was out of their plan.

Upon hearing this, Liang Mingli seemed to be confused. He turned to look at Lina, but still didn't say anything.

The skinny muscles on Jiang Dayu's face twitched unnaturally a few times, and he said in a cold voice: "Girl, you are indeed very smart, and the city is very deep, but your cultivation is too weak, even Mr. Yin Yang No, you want to threaten me with that little copper ball in your hand? This is too disrespectful to me, Jiang Dayu!"

"I don't dare." Lina smiled slightly and said, "In addition to the copper balls, there are also paper figures."

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