Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,629 The Thrilling Escape

Were you fine just now? Why this blink of an eye...

I pulled her tightly, and although she couldn't break free, she still stepped back desperately, her whole body leaning backward desperately.

She had an injury on her leg, and she fell to the ground under the hard pull, and the copper ball in her hand rolled out.

"Ouch." Lina cried out in pain, and I quickly reached out to help her.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm so sorry. My leg has caused a lot of trouble for you and the master..." Lina said guiltily.



Waves of roars came out one after another.

Lina's face suddenly changed, and she said helplessly: "Mr. Zhang, please go first and leave me alone. This is also the fate of our family..." As soon as her fingers touched the small copper ball, she immediately He became crazy and climbed back hard.

No, there's something wrong with this little copper ball!

I immediately threw out a holding charm and locked her in place.

As long as she didn't touch the little copper ball, she would be exactly the same as the original Lina, clear-headed and fully aware of who she was and what she was doing.

But once he touched the copper ball, he immediately lost his mind.

It seems that she subconsciously wants to return to the formation to be her evil dragon bride!

Several changes before and after have already proved this point, the problem lies in this little copper ball!

But doesn’t she already have this thing in her hand? How come nothing happened before? Could it be that after we all left, Liang Mingli secretly did something to Lina?

That’s not right either!

Before that, she had already been in a hypnotic state as soon as she heard the word "dragon" and the dragon's roar, but it had not developed to such an extreme level.

But wasn't the little copper ball the protective object that Hill gave her?

Who is Hill? Why do this.

Isn't he William's most trusted wizard guard? Could it be that like Pike, he also had other purposes and was secretly lurking next to William.

Did William know about it?

I'm afraid the answer to all this can only be revealed after arriving on the ship!

The rumbling sound behind him was getting louder and closer, and he didn't know whether Fujita Go and Liang Mingli were still fighting fiercely, or whether the giant dragon had broken out of the formation.

In short, I can't delay any longer and have to leave immediately!

If Lina continues to toss like this, once the evil dragon breaks out of the restriction and the entire underground palace collapses, no one can escape!

Thinking of this, I cast Requiem on her one after another and immobilized two talismans.

Even if taking away the copper ball could temporarily bring her back to consciousness, her legs and feet were not in good condition and she was still walking too slowly. But holding her like this made both of us very embarrassed, and it was difficult to directly say that there was something wrong with the copper ball.

Simply, it would be better to just let her remain unconscious like this, which would save me a lot of trouble!

Thinking of this, I no longer hesitated and carried Lina on my back along the slope and rushed towards the water.

The airboat hidden by the water is still in the same place. Fan Chong knew that Lina and I were not very good at water, so he left it behind intentionally.

I pulled out the boat, jumped on it, opened my sword and rowed forward desperately.

"Roar!" There was a sharp roar, followed by a series of loud noises. The entire water surface trembled sharply, and a large wave rose.

I followed Fan's experience of breaking through the waves when I came here. Although a lot of water was poured in, I finally stopped safely and did not tip over.

After dealing with it briefly, move on.

There were many huge primitive creatures living in this water area, but after hearing that loud roar, they all fled without a trace. Thinking about it, it should be extremely safe at this moment!

The only thing I'm worried about is Jiang Dayu. If this old guy hides in the water and makes a sneak attack, there's nothing I can do!

The actual distance between this body of water and the other shore was only three to four hundred meters, but the surrounding area was pitch black and there was no light. I couldn't tell the direction at all.

After paddling for dozens of meters, I suddenly noticed a bright red fire flashing in front of me.


The place where the fire was lit must be on the shore. This was a navigation light someone deliberately lit for us.

Regardless of whether this was left by Fan Chong or Jiang Dayu, I have to rush to the shore as soon as possible!

The water is very calm. Not to mention any giant monsters, not even a small jellyfish can be seen. I swung my knife in the direction of the fire and quickly reached the shore.

Only then did we realize that the bright fire was the strange bird we encountered when we came here.

I don't know who had piled a large pile on the shore. Almost all of them had been burned. There was a strange smell of burnt flesh in the air.

It seems that this is what Fan Chong left behind!

He knew that I had little experience in water navigation, and was afraid that I would not be able to find the shore, so he deliberately burned the carcass of the strange bird to create a simple navigation light.

Since I didn't plan to return, the water boat was useless. Besides, it was a bit inconvenient for me to carry Lina on my back, so I simply ignored her and walked straight to the Ghost Cave.

At first I was extremely cautious, fearing that Jiang Dayu would hide in the dark and suddenly attack me.

It wasn't until the entrance of the cave that I realized that the old guy had already rushed over, and there was still a piece of burned talisman on the ground.

The roar behind him was still rising and falling, but now it was a little farther away, and it was vague and unreal.

But I know very well that there is not much time left for us! We must escape from this underground palace as soon as possible.

When we stepped into the Ghost Cave again, we no longer felt the cold wind at all, and those ghosts would not cause any intrusion to us. Fortunately, I made the right bet at the time, otherwise there would be only one talisman left, and Fan Chong and I would have to pass through it twice, and there would be no way to pass.

Outside the Ghost Cave is the huge mushroom forest. As soon as I walked not far, I noticed something was wrong——

The giant mushrooms along the way have been touched by people!

These big mushrooms are all huge and completely black, but about one meter away, a pale white withering mark is revealed. If you look closely, you can see that it is a handprint.

The pale white handprints are engraved on the dark mushroom forest and go straight into the distance. They look shocking and eye-catching!

Judging from this situation, the other party seemed to be injured in some way. He was supporting the mushroom forest all the way.

The palm is relatively small, and he is holding it with his right hand, and there are no signs of broken fingers. This shows that this is definitely not Fan Chong.

That means this must have been left by Jiang Dayu!

It seems that this old guy has no magic talisman on his body, and he was seriously injured after forcing his way into the Ghost Cave.

But with such a suspicious temperament, how could the old fox be so careless and leave so many traces?

Was he really seriously injured, or was it a deliberate trap?

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