Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 164 Ms. Song’s Temptation

Yin Xinyue was surprised and happy, and cried with excitement. With tears in her eyes, she said yes, and she would get married when she returned.

Watching Yin Xinyue leave, I felt full of guilt for her.

Throughout the year, Yin Xinyue and I spend less time together and more time apart, and I spend most of the time outside handling business. And even if Yin Xinyue followed me to handle things a few times, she would always take risks with me.

After getting married, I couldn't even provide her with the most basic safety. Did I hurt her by proposing rashly like this?

Thinking of this, I felt even more guilty.

I had a weird idea. After finishing this business, should I quit and do some antique business in the future to support my family?

I just don’t know if Yin Xinyue will dislike me. After all, she is a super white-collar worker, and I am just a low-income person who hangs out in heretics... Hey, it’s really a headache to think about it, so I just don’t think about it anymore.

I kept in touch with Yin Xinyue on the phone. It wasn't until Yin Xinyue got home that I finally let go of my worries.

I'm really worried that the bronze mirror will affect Yin Xinyue.

In the past few days, when I have nothing to do, I will go to Ms. Song’s community for a walk. Every time I go there, I find that the door to Ms. Song’s house is locked. I thought Ms. Song might have gone to live in the villa, so I didn't think much about it.

During this period of time, Ms. Song did not call me to urge me to deal with the bronze mirror. I am basically certain that the person who lives in the community is not Ms. Song herself.

I still have a big doubt, that is where did Ms. Song herself go?

On the third day, Yin Xinyue sent the Heavenly Wolf Whip.

I equipped the Sirius Whip on my body and prepared some things that I might need. Then I called Ms. Song and told her that I was going to the community to deal with the bronze mirror and asked her to wait for me at the community.

Ms. Song simply agreed, and she would go to the community where she lives now.

I heard Ms. Song panting, as if she had just done that kind of thing, and burst into laughter. This Ms. Song was really in high spirits.

When we arrived at the community, the door of Ms. Song's house was open. She was wearing suspender pajamas, sitting on the sofa, looking at me with a charming smile.

The suspender pajamas were too short. Sitting on the sofa, even her lace panties were exposed. She had her long legs crossed. When she saw me coming in, she deliberately spread her legs.

I couldn't help coughing, trying to control my emotions and not look at Ms. Song: "Ms. Song, please respect yourself. Where is the bronze mirror? I will leave after I dispose of the bronze mirror. I have something else to do. "

Ms. Song smiled, said nothing, walked up and locked the door from the inside, wrapping around me like a snake.

Fragrant, really fragrant!

The refreshing aroma is really hard to control. It penetrates my nostrils and makes my heart tremble.

I took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to push her to the sofa: "Ms. Song, please respect yourself."

Ms. Song still had a charming smile on her face and even took off the only remaining suspender belt.

Damn it, I cursed fiercely in my heart, turned around and wanted to rush out the door. It’s unclear whether this person is a human or a ghost. Who dares to tangle with her?

But the door was locked tightly and I couldn't open it at all.

I turned around and looked at her angrily: "What do you mean? If you do this again, I will call the police."

"You call the police." She said with a smile: "I want to see if the police uncle sees this scene, will he arrest you or me."

"Asshole." I cursed: "Who are you? You are not Ms. Song. Let's be honest, what do you want?"

I looked at her coldly and simply took out the Sirius Whip. Anyway, the skin has already been broken, and there is no point in hiding it anymore.

Unexpectedly, Ms. Song was not afraid at all when she saw the Sirius Whip. Instead, she took the initiative to greet her and held the Sirius Whip in her hand: "So you like to play with S\u0026M. Okay, come on, I'm ready."

As he said that, he pushed me to the ground and kissed me crazily.

Something's wrong, why isn't Ms. Song afraid of the Sirius Whip? The rich fragrance of her body quickly poured into my nostrils. I suddenly felt that my consciousness was passing away and my self-control was disappearing little by little. Her beautiful body and hopelessly sexy face made me No way to resist.

My body reacted quickly, and all ethics and morals had long been forgotten by me. I'm surprised how I was "pushed down" so easily. What's wrong with this?

I miss the "Tao Te Ching", but at this moment my brain is in confusion, and the content of the "Tao Te Ching" has been completely forgotten. My mind is filled with those obscene scenes...

I finally couldn't hold it anymore, so I turned over and pressed her down, and started attacking her crazily.

At this moment, my cell phone rang, which finally made my numb consciousness clear for a moment.

I immediately took out my phone. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see the number on the phone clearly. Fortunately, I finally found the answer button.

On the other side of the phone, it was Li Mazi's voice: "Brother Zhang, you... where are you now?"

"At Ms. Song's house." I replied in a daze.

"Who...are you with?" Li Mazi asked.

"With Ms. Song." I said, "What's wrong?"

"Don't be afraid, calm down and listen to me." Li Mazi said: "I just passed by the villa rented by Ms. Song and heard Ms. Song's voice. Ms. Song seemed to be asking for help. Now I am outside the villa and can still hear clearly I heard Ms. Song's cry for help. quickly find a way to escape and meet at the villa."

"Okay." Although I was already in a state of turmoil, I calmly agreed and hung up the phone.

Ms. Song hugged my neck again, making inarticulate moans. I immediately read the Tao Te Ching, and my lost rationality returned.

I stood up abruptly from Ms. Song, and unceremoniously whipped the shameless Ms. Song with the Sirius Whip: "Give me the key."

Ms. Song was stunned by my whip and looked at me dumbfounded: "You actually... actually..."

"I'm sorry, I like men." I said, "Li Mazi is my mistress."

"Impossible, impossible..." Ms. Song looked at me in disbelief.

Seeing that she kept looking at me in a daze, I didn't bother to talk nonsense to her. I just found the key from inside her skirt, opened the door and left.

Originally, I thought about taking her away together and going to the villa in person to see if I could find Ms. Song herself.

If they can be found, the two can confront each other.

But then I thought about it and decided to forget it. This guy is not even afraid of the Sirius Whip. I guess it would be a problem to protect himself, let alone deal with her.

It's pretty good if I can get out safely.

Fortunately, I finally walked out safely, and she didn't catch up with me. She just kept saying to herself: "Why, why?"

It’s as if I’m crooked and harder for people to understand than there are UFOs in the world.

I didn't dare to take the elevator, and I was a little scared of things that could reflect people's figures.

I ran from the tenth floor to the first floor in one breath without encountering any obstacles or dangers. However, a few people waiting for the elevator looked at me with strange eyes. I guess they have never seen me leave the elevator without taking it. Staircase monster, right?

When I got downstairs, I immediately took a taxi and went to the villa where Ms. Song lived.

Li Mazi was already waiting at the door. When he saw me, he immediately came up to me and blamed me for coming.

I said impatiently that it would be great if I could come. How about it? Have you called the police?

Li Mazi laughed dumbly and said, why should I call the police? Just say that someone shouted in the villa? What if I are caught and charged with making a false report?

Yes, I had no choice but to ignore the problem. Instead, I got closer to the villa and listened carefully to what was going on inside.

Sure enough, I heard a very faint cry for help coming from inside the villa.

I took a deep breath, took the Sirius Whip in my hand, and knocked gently on the door.

Unexpectedly, the door was unlocked. When I knocked on the door, the door opened by itself.

The moment the door was opened, a strange evil wind blew out from inside. The evil wind was mixed with a fishy smell, and I recognized it immediately as corpse gas.

"Ms. Song?" I frowned and called at the door, but I didn't get any response.

So I walked in with Li Mazi and started searching in the room.

The further we walked in, the thicker the smell became, making me unable to breathe.

Where does this smell of corpses come from? It also smells a bit burnt.

So I went to the kitchen for a run, but found no sign of fire in the kitchen.

Li Mazi was worried that he would really find a dead person. He didn't understand why the two of us were here, so he simply dragged me to leave.

I also felt that it was inappropriate to continue the investigation, so I decided to leave. Before leaving, I thought about how to let the police discover what was going on here.

But as soon as I walked to the door, I suddenly heard a snap, as if something fell, and it was accompanied by the sound of falling into the water.

I stopped immediately, turned my head and looked behind me, but there was still nothing weird.

But a strange wind suddenly blew out of the bathroom, and that choking smell came from the bathroom.

I then glanced at Li Mazi and pointed to the bathroom. Li Mazi immediately picked up a mop from the ground and prepared to go in with me to take a look.

But when Li Mazi picked up the mop, I was shocked to find that there were blood stains on the mop. Although it had been washed by water, there was still a large amount of blood, which was shocking.

Li Mazi was so frightened that he quickly threw the mop aside, took out the gloves from his pocket, and put them on his hands. Then he rubbed the mop vigorously. He was worried that fingerprints would be left on the mop, which might arouse police suspicion.

I took Li Mazi and walked to the bathroom step by step.

As soon as I got closer, I was horrified to find a pool of viscous black liquid on the ground. After getting closer, I discovered that the black liquid on the bathroom floor was actually a piece of baked stuff, with a layer of foam covering the surface.

I was attracted by that thing, and just when I was about to study it carefully, Li Mazi screamed: "No, run away!"

After saying that, Li Mazi grabbed my arm without hesitation and ran out of the villa in one breath.

Although I don’t know what frightened Li Mazi, but something that could scare the shit out of Li Mazi must be something I can’t handle, so I followed Li Mazi and ran out.

I waited until I ran out before I stopped and looked at Li Mazi tremblingly: "Damn, what on earth did you see just now?"

Li Mazi said: "Ms. Song is dead, skinned, and hung on a fan..."


My scalp suddenly became numb, and I looked at Li Mazi with a very different look: "Are you sure?"

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