Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1649 A bloody battle

Following Liu Laoliu's shout, everyone was slightly surprised and then immediately reacted!

Zhongzhi's cultivation is so advanced that no one can match him, and he is bound to silence everyone on the ship. Only if everyone joins forces and uses their unique skills to fight to the death, can we gain some hope! Otherwise, Karloff is living proof.

In an instant, strong murderous intent flashed in everyone's eyes, and they all jumped away, all surrounding the middle finger.

At the same time, Liang Mingli was in front, and Liu Laoliu was behind, already close to his middle finger, only two or three meters away from him.

"court death!"

He yelled angrily with his middle finger, and while waving his hands quickly, dozens of small water balls surrounding him rushed towards us like a heavy rain.

"Thousands of paper siege!" Mrs. Shen shouted in a deep voice, and with a wave of her hand, countless small paper figures swept over like fallen leaves in the wind, and each rushed towards a small water ball.

Jiang Xiaoyu exhaled a puff of smoke with a solemn expression. The smoke was neither black nor white, but actually red!

As soon as the smoke came out, it turned into a tall red King of Hell, floating in the air with teeth and claws, and rushed straight towards the middle finger.


A small water ball landed on Liang Mingli, who was closest to the middle finger, and quickly wrapped around him. But at the same time, his two pairs of sharp claws also touched the chest of the middle finger.

A layer of moisture suddenly formed on the chest of the middle finger, and as soon as the sharp claws touched it, it formed a layer of ice!

I also hurriedly awakened Zhao Yun's gentian armor to protect me, and at the same time drew out the ghost-killing swords and ran forward.


Liang Mingli's sharp claws only left a few scratches on the solid ice, and then they were rebounded by an invisible force and hit the bulkhead with a bang, making a big hole. Liang Mingli was thrown far away like a baseball that was knocked away!

Liu Laoliu shouted slogans extremely loudly, and his charging posture was extremely fierce, but... his speed was unflattering, and until now he was still more than two meters away from his middle finger. Seeing the water polo coming, he rolled back and then retreated very quickly, standing far further back than the others!

This old cunning guy yelled slogans so loudly that he took action earlier than anyone else. But once everyone else took action, he was faster than a rabbit!

From Liu Laoliu shouting loudly, and scattering small water balls from his middle finger, everyone took action. It seemed complicated, but in fact it was just a matter of lightning and flint.

Seeing many small water balloons falling down like a torrential rain, Mrs. Shen’s paper figures were on the front line of defense.

Each paper man is like a moth, rushing straight towards a small water ball.

As soon as the goal was scored, a human face immediately appeared.

They are male or female, old or young, and each person's expression is different. The only thing that is the same is that everyone has an identical black spell painted on their forehead.

The water ball wrapped around the human face and twisted in an extremely weird way.

In an instant, the entire cabin was filled with spherical faces of various sizes, twisting and dancing wildly.

It was like those people suddenly came to life, with thousands of heads floating around. This scene was as weird as it was weird, and as terrifying as it was!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Suddenly, the heads exploded and condensed into water that spread all over the sky.

All the water turned bright red, and there was an extremely pungent smell of blood. This was a real rain of blood!

When Zhongzhi saw the water ball explode, he was immediately furious. Before he could take action, the red King of Hell released by Jiang Xiaoyu had already rushed in.

With a sudden movement, his mouth opened wide.

The mouth opened very exaggeratedly, occupying almost one-third of the entire body, and bit down towards the head of the middle finger, as if it was going to devour him alive!

The expression on the middle finger changed slightly, and he turned his hands quickly and flicked upward.

call! A giant water column rose into the sky and rushed straight towards the King of Hell.


The red King of Hell suddenly turned into nothingness, and the water column hit the ceiling with an explosion, and then burst out of the hole!

The cabin board made of thick iron and fine steel was like a piece of paper, and a big hole was punched out, leading directly to the outside of the ship.

At this time, I also rushed forward, only two meters away from my middle finger, which was almost where Liu Laoliu rolled back just now.

"Jiulin, be careful!"

Liu Laoliu shouted loudly from behind.

Even if I don't need to be reminded by him, I don't plan to go any further. After all, the person facing me is someone close to the supreme god level! I'm not stupid enough to think that I can kill him with just the two swords in my hands, and I don't dare to fight him hand-to-hand. He suddenly retracted his two swords, and at the same time, he threw out all the talismans around him without hesitation!

These charms were carved with great care when I was practicing the Yin Fu Sutra. Although my cultivation is not enough and my practice is not proficient enough, these charms are far from achieving their original effect, but I do not expect to use these things to cause any substantial damage to the middle finger.

I just wanted to disrupt his rhythm and create opportunities for a few other people!

Sure enough, when Zhongzhi saw me rushing in front of him, he was about to raise his hand and throw a small water ball to kill me.

But when I suddenly saw it, I suddenly threw out a lot of spells like a goddess scattering flowers, and I was immediately angry and annoyed!

For him, these charms are naturally not fatal, but he is a mortal after all. If he ignores these charms, even if one falls on him, it will be enough for him! What's more, even if he could avoid it, Hepburn standing behind him didn't have the ability.

In a hurry, he quickly changed his gestures, pushed outwards with both hands, and a large wall of water appeared, connecting the ground below and the ceiling above, blocking all my spells!

Bang bang bang!

Dozens of talismans hit the water wall, exploding one after another like firecrackers.

"Ouch!" At this moment, a strange scream suddenly came from above the head.

I looked up and saw a very bright red and green figure rushing down from the large hole penetrated by the water column.

It's Liang Mingli!

This guy was just knocked away by the middle finger, and all the scale barbs on his body were knocked off and broken. It seemed that he was seriously injured.

At this time, half of his body was blood red and the other half was dark green. It was as if someone had splashed red and green paint on him at the same time. He fell from the sky crazily and rushed towards his middle finger!

The red is blood, but the green...why does it look so familiar?

Oh, it’s Liu Laoliu!

This is the effect of being touched by his green devil hand.

I have personally seen Japanese ninjas look like this after being hunted by him!

It seems that just now, he didn't just retreat with a feint, but slapped Liang Mingli with his palm?

Is this to contaminate Liang Mingli with venom and make him become cannon fodder on his behalf?

I finally saw what this old cunning guy is capable of! Even when they were fighting desperately, they were always playing tricks and conspiracies.

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