Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 166 The Parasitic Ghost King

After arriving at Ms. Song's house, I hesitated and knocked on the door.

Soon, an unkempt woman smelling of alcohol opened the door. If I hadn't heard the voice, I would have found it hard to believe that the beggar-like woman in front of me was the gorgeously dressed Ms. Song from the past.

I was startled by her appearance and quickly asked Ms. Song what happened?

Ms. Song invited us in in a panic, then quickly closed the door and sprinkled a lot of cinnabar on the door. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. She looked so nervous and scared that she was about to cry.

Li Mazi asked quietly: "Brother from the Zhang family, what's going on with this woman? She even said she wanted to treat us to dinner. Seeing how messy and smelly her house is, I have no appetite at all."

I shook my head and said I didn't understand either.

At this time, Ms. Song made two cups of tea, sat down opposite us, and said, "Is anyone following you?"

"No, let's talk about your situation!"

"The Parasitic Ghost King, do you know the Parasitic Ghost King?" Ms. Song asked quickly.

"The Parasitic Ghost King." Li Mazi and I said in surprise, why did she suddenly ask this?

I know about the parasitic ghost king. Ghost King, as the name suggests, is a very powerful ghost. If ghosts are divided into levels, they can be roughly divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Ordinary lonely ghosts, fierce ghosts who cannot be reincarnated, and then become ghost kings!

Because the conditions for the formation of the Ghost King are very harsh, the probability of humans seeing the Ghost King is very slim, basically harder than winning the lottery. Therefore, over the years, people are not sure whether this thing still exists?

Now Ms. Song has actually mentioned the parasitic ghost king to us. Could it be that this matter has already involved a 'ghost king'-level negative thing? If that's the case, I definitely can't control this matter.

I immediately asked Ms. Song about the specific situation.

Ms. Song gingerly began to take off her clothes.

I suddenly flew into a rage: "You're dying for your life! How long has it been and you still want to seduce a man? If you do this again, I'll leave."

Ms. Song waved her hands repeatedly: "You misunderstood, I just wanted to show you something."

After saying this, Ms. Song took off her top, and her skin was soft and smooth, breakable with blows, just like a baby's skin.

Even if you take a bath with milk every day, you won't have such smooth and tight skin, right?

Li Mazi immediately turned his head to one side, not looking at Ms. Song.

Ms. Song slowly turned around and let us see her back.

When I saw it, I was speechless. On Ms. Song's smooth and flat back, there was a piece of wrinkled skin. The skin was oval-shaped and looked like a melon-seed face.

In that face, the eyes, nose, and mouth have begun to take shape, and even some fine hair is sprouting on the forehead.

I was simply dumbfounded and looked at this face in disbelief.

This is indeed a human face, and the more I look at it, the more familiar it becomes!

I pulled Li Mazi and asked Li Mazi to look at Ms. Song's back.

Li Mazi just glanced at it and immediately pointed at Ms. Song and shouted, "This face...isn't it your face? Why do you have two faces?"

Ms. Song immediately said: "You can use the bronze mirror to look at it again."

My heart was shaking so much. When I heard Li Mazi say that the face on the back looked exactly like Ms. Song, I was completely shocked.

Because what Li Mazi said is indeed right, that face really looks like Ms. Song! Although it has not grown, it has already taken shape, and the facial features are also very similar to Ms. Song's.

I looked at that face with a bronze mirror and couldn't help but swallow.

The bronze mirror is not as clear as a modern mirror, and the face reflected in it is blurry.

However, the blurrier it is, the more three-dimensional the facial features of the face shown in the mirror are. A quick glance shows that it is clearly Ms. Song's face, with wide eyes and a sneer at the corner of her mouth, which looks very eye-catching.

At this moment, I seemed to understand the whole story. I sneered and put the bronze mirror on the table and said, "Ms. Song, what is it that attracts you to the point where you are willing to kill your own sister to take that thing away."

Ms. Song looked gloomy and put on her clothes listlessly: "You... know everything?"

"Nonsense, things are already so obvious, how can I still know?" I shouted sternly.

To create a parasitic ghost king, the deceased's closest relatives must be tortured to death. Then her soul was pulled out of the body, so that the soul could have strong enough resentment.

But taking the soul out of the body is only the first step.

After that, this ray of soul must be raised in the body of the deceased's relative, preferably twin brothers and sisters, because the horoscopes of twin brothers and sisters are very similar, their souls will not reject each other, but will slowly merge, and finally become a rare of twins.

At this time, if you use some evil magic to refine the twins, you will refine the ghost king!

In this process, one thing plays a crucial role, and that is this bronze mirror. Because this bronze mirror can directly act on the human soul, it is like an anatomical mirror. Only under an anatomical mirror can doctors perform operations.

Both of these sisters were plotted against.

After I patiently analyzed it with Ms. Song, Ms. Song already burst into tears: "It's all my fault, it's all my money-obsessed mind! That man told me that after he takes away my sister's property, he will take me to sleep together and fly together." , never told me that doing this would really kill my sister. Please, please save my sister, I'm sorry for her."

I chuckled and said, "You are so brainless. Do you think that even if you take away your sister's property, you can stay and fly with the other party? Oh, let me tell you, you are also part of the other party's plan. You I can’t survive either.”

Ms. Song wiped her tears and said, "Actually... I know it well, so I asked you two to help."

I took a deep breath and said, "Well, you tell me the whole story first, then I can help you. Especially this bronze mirror, you must tell me its origins!"

Ms. Song nodded immediately: "I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything."

It turns out that the real Ms. Song is dead. She is Ms. Song's twin sister named Song Yushu.

The parents of the Song sisters divorced very early. Song Yushu followed her father, and Ms. Song followed her mother. But then Ms. Song's mother died, and Ms. Song came to Beijing alone to work hard, and finally achieved what she has today.

But Song Yushu's father drank alcohol, smoked and gambled all day long. In the end, he even got involved with drugs and was imprisoned.

Song Yushu was helpless and had no ability. In the end, she had no choice but to come all the way to Beijing to seek refuge with Ms. Song.

Ms. Song was actually quite happy about the arrival of her biological sister, so she was very nice to her at first. She held it in her hand for fear of dropping it and held it in her mouth for fear of it melting.

However, as time went by, more and more conflicts began to break out between the two.

Ms. Song has been starting a business in Beijing for several years. She never relies on others to do things and makes decisive decisions. She is a strong woman. And Song Yushu followed her father and learned the bad habit of being lazy and asking for money all day long and going to bars and KTVs to fool around.

This made Ms. Song very unhappy. She often reprimanded Song Yushu and asked Song Yushu to find a serious job. If it didn't work, she could start a micro-business with her, and a month would be enough for her pocket money.

Song Yushu also did it, but all the money she earned was wasted in nightclubs and spent on those men. In the end, she even found a handsome guy who was a duck to get married!

Ms. Song's anger finally ignited, because what she looked down on the most was this kind of man who was a free man, so in anger, Ms. Song had a quarrel with Song Yushu.

Song Yushu thought that Ms. Song looked down on her, so she ran away from home unswervingly. However, after running away from home, Song Yushu realized how painful it was to be wandering alone. She understood her sister, but she couldn't bear to go back.

Ms. Song also searched all over Beijing for the whereabouts of Song Yushu, but where could she find her in a short while?

When Song Yushu couldn't hold on anymore and was about to sleep on the street, she accidentally met a rich and handsome man in an Internet cafe. The rich and handsome man was very kind to Song Yushu, and he seemed to be a responsible man who was willing to spend money on Song Yushu.

Of course, there is no such thing as a good thing in the world. After spending a large sum of money on Song Yushu, Gao Fushuai suddenly told Song Yushu that his company had been in trouble recently and wanted to borrow some money from Song Yushu to temporarily turn over the money.

Where does Song Yushu have any money? But seeing her beloved man frowning every day, Song Yushu finally decided to borrow money from her sister.

When she told her rich and handsome boyfriend about this idea, the rich and handsome boyfriend told her that only by getting all of Ms. Song's property would the company be able to survive. And Ms. Song definitely does not agree to lend all her property.

In the end, the rich and handsome boyfriend came up with a compromise, which was to defraud the money first, and then return the money to Ms. Song in double the amount when his company was operating normally.

Although Song Yushu was reluctant, she couldn't stand the man's pleading and finally agreed.

The man immediately ordered Song Yushu to give the bronze mirror to Ms. Song, saying it was a birthday gift. It happened to be their birthdays soon, so this birthday gift was given out easily.

Ms. Song was very happy when she saw the bronze mirror and gave Song Yushu a car worth 500,000 yuan. So Ms. Song later told us that she bought this bronze mirror for 500,000 yuan.

After giving the bronze mirror to Ms. Song, Song Yushu suddenly discovered that her wealthy and handsome boyfriend had disappeared from her life, and she could not find it no matter how hard she looked.

And all this seemed to be still at the mercy of her wealthy and handsome boyfriend. Gradually, Song Yushu felt that her thoughts were being controlled by others, and even brutally killed Ms. Song in the villa, skinned and burned her body...

After listening, I sighed helplessly. I felt that Ms. Song was quite pitiful. She had been an unjust ghost in vain.

But this Song Yushu was so vicious that she would use such cruel methods to kill her biological sister! It's simply worse than an animal.

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