Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 169 Five Killings of Widows

The man in the T-shirt could not appease the resentful soul in the mirror, so he finally sent the bronze mirror to Zen Master Baimei, hoping that Zen Master Baimei could use the Buddhist teachings of Dabei Temple to save Yang Guifei.

The bronze mirror was surrendered by us, the mastermind behind the scenes seemed to have given up on creating the parasitic ghost king, and the Song sisters were reunited.

Ms. Song paid me nearly three million, which she told me I deserved. If it weren't for me, I'm afraid my sister would still date men every day, being lazy and taking more and more detours.

I sighed, are all women in the world like this? The old traditional concept is that it is better to be born well than to marry well. If you don’t have any skills, what you win with your beauty will be short-lived in the end.

Li Mazi took the man in the T-shirt to see Chu Chu, who was getting weaker and weaker. I didn't ask the man in the T-shirt if he had any clues about Ye Long Gao. If he had, the man in the T-shirt would definitely tell us.

Li Mazi asked the man in the T-shirt, how long does Chu Chu have?

The man in the T-shirt was silent for a long time, and finally said that he should let Senior Rat come and take a look. Senior Rat is well-informed and may have a solution.

The senior rat mentioned by the man in the T-shirt is the old man from the golden flower quilt incident.

The man in the T-shirt called Senior Shu. When Li Mazi saw Senior Shu, he was also surprised. Maybe he didn't expect this wretched old man to show up here, right?

Senior Shu ignored us at all. He just walked to Chu Chu's bedside, opened Chu Chu's eyelids with his hand, took a look, and said with a smile: "Thailand bows down! Tsk tsk, you have so many enemies."

Li Mazi scolded angrily: "I asked you to come here to see a doctor, not to make sarcastic remarks."

Senior Mouse immediately waved his hand and said with a grin on his face: "I have already seen it. He is terminally ill and there is no way to save him. Eat whatever you want. If you want to leave any last words, just say it quickly! If it is later, there will be no chance... "

Li Mazi was so angry that he clenched his fists and wanted to beat Senior Shu.

Senior Shu looked at Li Mazi happily, not worried about being beaten at all.

I immediately said: "Okay, old man, you have eaten more salt than we have eaten rice. There must be a way, right? As long as you can cure your siblings, I will agree to any condition you have."

Senior Shu looked at me with sly eyes: "Does this count?"

"Of course it counts," I said.

Senior Shu touched his beard in confusion: "Well, there is a way, but I'm afraid you won't dare to take this business."

"What?" Li Mazi was ecstatic: "For Chu Chu, I will take over even if it is Prince Yama's business!"

"Would you like to marry you a wife?" Senior Shu said with a smile.

"Senior Shu, please stop talking nonsense with us and get straight to the point."

"This is not nonsense." Senior Mouse suddenly became unhappy: "If you think what I said is nonsense, I can still leave. Only ghosts are willing to do thankless things."

The man in the T-shirt said: "Go on."

Senior Mouse seemed to be very afraid of the man in the T-shirt, and he said honestly: "You guys go find a widow who has been married more than five times, and every time she kills her husband before remarrying! If she's good-looking, If you can get through it, just try your best to seduce her. One of the dowries she brings must be an extremely strong vagina. When the time comes, give that vagina to Chu Chu to wear, and it will have the effect of fighting fire with fire..."

After Senior Shu said that, I clearly saw the man in the T-shirt's eyes light up, and I felt like he was suddenly enlightened.

So I asked Senior Shu, is this reliable?

I don’t know if Senior Rat said it’s reliable or not, but at least it’s theoretically possible.

Li Mazi and I didn't know why marrying Ke Fu's widow could save Chu Chu, and we were a little hesitant for a while. But the man in the T-shirt nodded in agreement.

I immediately asked the man in the T-shirt if he was so sure? If it doesn't work, wouldn't it mean that Li Mazi was cheated?

The man in the t-shirt said: "The so-called Kefu does not necessarily mean that the person has a strong destiny. It is probably because a certain dowry she carries with her is a yin object that picks up yang and replenishes yin. If we can find that yin object Come on, put it on Chu Chu, and the natural energy will continue to absorb yang energy from others for your own use, extending your life."

I burst into laughter. Is this considered a scientific explanation from Kraft?

The man in the T-shirt saw that both of us were still a little skeptical, so he continued: "Actually, this kind of feminine object that can absorb yang and replenish yin is not necessarily only in the hands of widows, it may also be in the hands of an antique collector. It's just that This kind of yin object may not show any strange phenomena in the hands of a man, so it is very difficult to find. But if the Widow Kefu appears more than five times in a row, then there must be a yin object at work!"

"Have you noticed that a widow who can remarry five times or more will generally have the same appearance, especially her skin, which will remain the same as when she first got married. It's because a certain piece of her dowry can pick up yang and replenish yin. It is equivalent to taking yin-nourishing supplements every day, and the skin will naturally become better. This is also the only shortcut for us to find the yin substance."

Li Mazi and I were both surprised that this theory was a bit far-fetched.

And to marry a widow who has been married more than five times, I'm worried that Li Mazi won't be able to accept it...

Sure enough, Li Mazi's face turned green.

The man in the T-shirt seemed to notice my concerns and said calmly: "Actually, you don't have to marry her, as long as you can date her, get close to her, find out her vaginal possessions, and then spend money to buy them back, that's all. "

I set my sights on Li Mazi, wondering if Li Mazi would agree.

Li Mazi walked to Chu Chu, grabbed Chu Chu's hand, sighed and said: "Keep it a secret from Chu Chu, don't tell her about me marrying a widow..."

I nodded immediately: "Don't worry, even if she knows, she won't blame you."

At this time, Senior Mouse chuckled and said: "I am a good man who will do my best to give you another clue. I happen to know that there is a widow who may have something negative on her body. I will introduce it to you directly in a while."

Li Mazi nodded immediately: "Excuse me, senior."

"Tsk tsk, forget it, don't be so polite to me." Senior Mouse waved his hand: "I really can't get used to it all of a sudden."

"However, the widow is still living with her husband. It won't be long before her husband dies. You can buy it when the time comes." Senior Rat said.

Li Mazi was a little dumbfounded: "I still have a husband, what kind of fucking widow is she?"

Senior Shu said: "Don't worry, her husband is already dying because of her. He has been lying in bed for more than half a year, and he has to be helped to urinate. It won't take long before he dies. You are here Get close to the widow when she is most vulnerable, touch her little by little, and when she can't live without you, sleep with her. Within five days, you will definitely find out what kind of evil is causing the trouble!"

I became a little worried. Isn’t this deceiving women? If the other party showed true feelings and found out that Li Mazi was lying to her, she would be confused.

But for the sake of Chu Chu, I couldn’t care so much. At worst, I would give her some mental damages afterwards.

Li Mazi couldn't come back to take care of Chu Chu during this period, so he hired a nanny. After repeated warnings, he reluctantly left with me.

Because this matter was related to Chu Chu's safety, the man in the T-shirt also stayed and secretly helped Li Mazi.

Senior Mouse was not very interested in this matter. Even though Li Mazi promised a large sum of money, Senior Mouse remained unmoved.

In the words of Senior Mouse, he is now poor and all he has left is money. I immediately grasped the profound meaning of Senior Mouse’s words. If a fetish dealer of his level doesn’t like money, then he must like novel fetishes, right? Why not do what you like.

So he immediately said that we have an ancient mirror from the Tang Dynasty, and the thousand-year-old soul of Concubine Yang is locked inside, which is very rare.

If Senior Shu can help us successfully rescue Chu Chu, we will give him the ancient mirror!

Senior Shu immediately agreed happily and praised me repeatedly for being sensible.

Later, Li Mazi said that it was too immoral of me to do this. With Yang Guifei’s overwhelming resentment, I still had to torment Senior Shu to death...

Senior Shu told us that the widow’s name was Mu Wan, she was in her thirties, had a thin waist and long legs, and a very deep career line. She was the type of charming young woman, which was exactly Li Mazi’s cup of tea.

Li Mazi said with emotion: "There was a time when the sea was difficult to deal with, except for Wushan, it was nothing."

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