Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1690 Undercurrent

Leng Dou's tone was very rude, even full of hostility.

When Li Mazi saw him treating me like this, he immediately said dissatisfied: "Hey! Old man, please speak politely. Don't think that your Leng family is the only one in the world. This is Zhang Jiulin from the Zhang family in Jiangbei."

Leng Dou was obviously surprised when he heard my name: "Zhang Jiulin?"

I secretly winked at Li Mazi, signaling him not to say anything more, and I saluted Leng Dou with special respect: "Uncle, please don't take offense to your visit."

Leng Dou hummed casually and sat down on the sofa carelessly: "I've heard of your name. It's very famous in recent years, and you can be regarded as the first among the rising stars. I just didn't know that you came to us today. Leng family, do you have any advice?"

"I don't take advice seriously." I smiled at him and said, "I was asked by my friend Leng Rushuang to come to Leng's house to investigate something."

"What's the matter?" Leng Dou's face was obviously nervous.

"The death of the old master." I've never been good at beating around the bush, not to mention that this matter will be exposed sooner or later, so it's better to say it directly.

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, Leng Dou's face changed drastically, and he suddenly slapped the case: "Nonsense! Who do you think our Leng family is? Will you allow an outsider to interfere in the internal affairs of the family? You are not welcome in the Leng family. Please leave immediately."

Being ordered to be kicked out in person made even the most shameless person feel overwhelmed. I couldn't help but my face turned hot, and when I was hesitating about what to say, Li Mazi was already shouting: "Who do you think is willing to come? If your daughter hadn't invited us to come with a big sedan chair, we wouldn't be so embarrassed to come! Brother, let's go. !”

Li Mazi turned around to leave, but I had no intention of leaving.

Since I agreed in front of Leng Rushuang to be trustworthy and loyal to others, I had already anticipated the difficulties and obstacles at hand. The only thing that surprised me was that the first person to treat me like this was Leng Rushuang's father.

Reminiscent of Leng Rushuang's instructions before leaving, I felt that the relationship between the eldest son and daughter of the Leng family in front of me seemed a bit subtle and could not be viewed with common sense.

When Leng Dou saw that I wasn't leaving, his expression became even more ugly: "What? Shopkeeper Zhang wants me to ask someone to send you away in an eight-carat sedan?"

Without giving me a chance to speak, a careless voice came from outside the door: "Brother, since it is your daughter who invited you back, you might as well let him go and check it out. The cause of death of the old master is indeed a bit strange. You are blocking it like this." , is he guilty of being a thief?" The speaker walked into the living room while talking. When I looked back, I saw that this man was also about fifty years old, well-dressed. Although his appearance was completely different from Lengdou, since he called Lengdou his eldest brother , it should be Leng Wu, the second master of the Leng family.

Leng Dou was aroused by his words and gritted his teeth angrily: "Second brother, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say random words. Saying such things without evidence will cause big trouble!"

Leng Wu smiled coldly, folded his arms and sat down on the sofa: "Really? Whether it's nonsense or not, we won't know until shopkeeper Zhang completes the investigation. If you don't trust others, don't you trust your own daughter? Since this person is It must be true that niece Rushuang invited her back." When he said this, his smile became even weirder: "Niece Rushuang is really daring, and she actually staged a show of annihilation of relatives for righteousness."

"Leng Wu!" Leng Dou roared: "What do you mean by this? Could it be that you are sure that my father was poisoned to death by me?"

"I didn't say that." When Leng Wu said this, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Leng Dou with a smile: "Brother, who told you that your father was poisoned?"

After he asked this question, Leng Dou's face turned pale, he was trembling with anger and couldn't speak.

The two masters of the Leng family were facing each other tit for tat, and it seemed that their feud was no longer a one-day affair.

Seeing that his eldest brother was embarrassed, Leng Wu raised his neck proudly and said to me: "Shopkeeper Zhang, since you were invited back by Rushuang, you are a guest of the Leng family. I will order you to go down and clean up the two houses for you and your friends." You can stay in a clean guest room with peace of mind, and investigate carefully to find out the culprit." When he said the word 'culprit', he glanced at Leng Dou intentionally or unintentionally.

Leng Dou was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke and he was speechless. He could only slam the table and leave angrily.

It’s rare that the Second Master of the Leng family is polite to me, so naturally I won’t hold back: “Thank you very much, Second Master Leng, for your kindness. I would like you to inform me that everyone in the family will be gathered in the living room after lunch. I have a few words to say. explain."

"Okay!" Leng Wu nodded happily and agreed.

I don’t know why, Leng Wu feels very strange to me. I even sensed a hint of victory in his pride and ease. What made him confident? Does it really have nothing to do with you, or is everything under your control?

Since the old head of the family died mysteriously, the Leng family has driven away a large number of servants. Nowadays, there are very few errands in the family, but after Leng Wu gave an order, someone quickly packed up two guest rooms for Li Mazi and me. .

I stayed up all night thinking about it, always feeling that once I got involved in the Leng family's affairs, I would get myself into a lot of unnecessary trouble. But when I really stepped into the tiger's den, I fell on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

How can you catch tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den?

Now that you've come in, you have to gain something.

I was woken up by the sound of brisk footsteps. I stood up and realized that it was already noon and the sounds in the corridor outside the door had gone far away. But I still stood up and opened the door very alertly, and took a look outside. The corridor was empty, not a soul or ghost could be seen, only the sun was shining quietly on the floor.

Lunch for Li Mazi and I was personally delivered to the room by Gur and a Xinjiang aunt. Li Mazi was very satisfied with this way of serving everyone, and praised him repeatedly: "After all, we are a big family, look at their service. Brother, you still have a lot to learn."

Damn, it’s my maximum limit to allow you to come to my house for food. How dare you make picky demands?

I snorted: "That's good, I'll say hello to Leng Rushuang later. I'll keep this room for you so that you can retire here."

"No, I can't bear to leave my precious son." Li Mazi said as he reached for the grilled lamb chops.

I had just woken up and had no appetite, so I served myself a bowl of soup, not forgetting to tease Li Mazi a few words: "You can't let go of Xia Qin, right? You're a pervert."

"Death under peonies, you can be a ghost." Just as Li Mazi and I were chatting, the Xinjiang aunt had already exited the room. Li Mazi was about to stuff the lamb chops into his mouth, but was stopped by Gul. . Li Mazi was stunned for a moment and asked unhappily: "What's wrong? Do you want to eat? Here you go..." As he said that, he brought the mutton chops to Gul's mouth.

Gur shook his head hastily, then took out a slender silver needle from his arms and gently pierced the mutton chops. Only then did Li Mazi come to his senses: "I almost forgot, the people of the Leng family are so evil that even the patriarch dares to poison them, let alone the two outsiders who came to investigate." He patted Gul gratefully. On the shoulder: "You kid, you are really attentive."

Gul checked all the food and made sure there was no problem before nodding: "It's ready to eat."

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