Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1692 Zhang Jiulin establishes his authority! (Additional update)

Something unexpected happened. Before Li Mazi could react, he was knocked down by Leng Rulei who suddenly rushed forward.

Just a second before Leng Rulei's fingers were about to touch the Tianshan Order, I gently dragged his arm, and used a skillful force to draw an arc in the air, and easily switched it to another one. On one hand.

Leng Rulei's grasp was empty, and he was pushed by me and staggered. If it weren't for the sofa behind him, he would have fallen hard.

I looked at him with some contempt: "If the Tianshan Order does not rely on inheritance, but only relies on strength, then won't all the rules set by the Leng family become empty talk?"

Leng Rulei shouted: "Okay, you came to our Leng family to establish your authority? Just let me see what good skills the Zhang family in Jiangbei has. The outside world spreads that you are like a god. Isn't it an exaggeration? ?" He rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward unwilling to admit defeat.

Although I never expected to take action, I am naturally not afraid of such a young boy who has experienced many battles. What's more, if you don't take action to establish your authority, I'm afraid that subsequent investigations will be hindered at every turn.

So I was not polite and used my spiritual power to instantly knock him to the ground. I smiled at him and said, "How are you? Are you convinced?"

"I don't accept it!" Leng Rulei struggled hard and roared through gritted teeth.

I let go of him: "Then come again!"

Leng Ruyun sat aside as if watching a good show, and then she said: "Brother, you are no match for shopkeeper Zhang Da. It's better not to embarrass our Leng family." She gently pushed Leng again. Wu's arm: "Dad, why don't you stop brother?"

Hearing what she said, Leng Wu pressed Leng Rulei's shoulders and shouted: "It's embarrassing, why don't you come and sit down? Have you forgotten the rules of the Leng family? As soon as the Tianshan order comes out, the Leng family will all obey the order." , even if it takes your life, you have to take it out for me!"

Leng Rulei straightened his neck and said: "He is nothing, he is not from the Leng family!"

"But the Tianshan Order is indeed in his hands!" Leng Wu looked at me with fierce eyes, but he still said to his son: "The Tianshan Order has been passed down from generation to generation. It has always been passed down from one generation to the next. I have never heard of another one. You started to rob. What you did today not only broke the centuries-old rules of the Leng family, but also set a bad example for future generations. Is it possible that future generations of family heads will have to rely on force to rob? If you don’t have virtue to convince the public, even if What can you do if you become the head of the family? Just go and kneel in the ancestral hall for a while, and come out when you have figured it out."

Although Leng Rulei was not angry, he still sat back obediently under Leng Wu's majesty, while Leng Ruyun looked at him with a proud smile.

With the amulet of the Tianshan Order in hand, I will be confident in whatever I do from now on. Although everyone's expressions were different and they all had their own plans, they all had no objections to my investigation into the cause of death of the old patriarch.

After the explanation, I waved my hand for everyone to disperse. I planned to walk around with Li Mazi and study the terrain first.

Leng Dou was not in a hurry to leave. He asked me with red eyes, "Where is Rushuang? Why didn't she come back with you?"

If another father had asked this, I would have thought he was caring about his daughter, but when the words came out of his mouth, I felt that he had bad intentions. I even thought that Leng Rushuang fled outside to recuperate, maybe just to avoid this father, so I gave him a friendly smile and said very politely: "This question should be asked to her personally after you see her. .”

After that, I took Li Mazi and walked away.

Not far away, I heard the sound of something being smashed coming from the living room. Li Mazi shook his head and sighed: "Hey, what a pity! I see that the furnishings in the living room are from the Qing Dynasty. How much money will it cost?"

The Leng family's mansion occupies a large area, with open space and green grass all around. Although the house is in Islamic style, the architectural layout adopts Chinese style, which is very neat.

Li Mazi and I walked around the Leng family twice and found few people. It seemed that most of the Leng family's servants had indeed left. The few remaining people are mainly from Xinjiang and do not know Chinese. Is this also the reason why they stay?

The weather was extremely hot in the afternoon, and Li Mazi was panting from exhaustion: "Brother, can we walk slowly? Are you taking a walk or walking the dog?"

We sat on the ground under the shade of a tree, and Li Mazi asked me: "Brother, who do you think is the murderer? I think the people in this family are all weird, and no one is a good person."

As he spoke, without waiting for my answer, he lay down on the grass and closed his eyes to rest.

But I recalled the previous scene carefully.

There is definitely something wrong with Leng Dou, whether it is his attitude towards Leng Rushuang or his defense against me; Leng Wu seems to have no problem, but when the Tianshan Order came out, his eyes became particularly fierce. It can only be said that he is good at Disguise your emotions.

Both Leng Rulei and Leng Rushuang are determined to win the position of the head of the family. Who can get the greatest benefit after the death of the old head of the family? It must be mainly the four of them. But the behavior of Zhang Lan and Aunt Wang was not normal. I can only say that what Leng Rushuang handed me was an absolutely difficult mess to deal with.


I let out a long sigh and saw that Li Mazi was already snoring, so I didn't disturb him from his nap, so I walked forward at a gentle pace. When I reached a grape arbor, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Leng Ruyun. She was wearing a set of sexy black silk pajamas and lazily walked towards me: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, are you still walking outside in such a hot day? Don't you have a lunch break?"

I avoided her outstretched hand and replied with a smile: "I can't sleep in a new place, I have to get familiar with it."

"Then you have really found the right person. If you want to say that there is no one who is more familiar with this place than me, why don't you let me be your tour guide and introduce it to you?" Leng Ruyun said to me, "I Know where there is cold water to take a shower, and where there is a soft bed..."

I couldn't bear such straightforward seduction, so I hurriedly stepped aside and said, "I won't bother you anymore, I'd better go on my own."

Leng Ruyun grabbed my hand: "Shopkeeper Zhang, look at me carefully." She put my hand on her plump breasts: "Regardless of appearance and figure, I am better than Leng Rushuang, she can give I can give you whatever you have, and I can give you whatever she can't give you..."

Yin Xinyue's face flashed in my mind, and I retracted my hand like an electric shock: "So?"

"So." Leng Ruyun chuckled: "Would you like someone else to cooperate with me?"

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