Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1694 The Sand Ghost Reappears

Xiaotao's words caught me off guard. The new lady she mentioned must be Zhang Lan.

I looked at the trembling timid girl in front of me curiously: "How do you know?"

Xiao Tao said cautiously: "I saw it with my own eyes."

I was slightly startled, then listened to him continue: "On the day the old master died, Miss Ai also fell ill. She was so unhappy that she had no appetite, so I went to the kitchen to cut fruit for her. Then I saw the new lady in the old master's house. There's something in the soup..."

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Xiaotao nodded quickly after hearing my question. I asked her again: "Have you told anyone else about this?"

"No!" Xiao Tao pinched the corner of her clothes tightly: "I dare not say it."

"Okay, I know about this, and I will continue to investigate. Just for your own safety, it's best not to mention it to anyone." Although I didn't explain it very clearly, Xiao Tao seemed to understand it immediately. Li: "I see, Mr. Zhang, you are such a good person."

This had to make me look squarely at this carefree little girl in front of me for the first time. The days of being dependent on others made her learn to protect herself prematurely. Perhaps she knew what to do to survive in this world without my reminding her at all. Survive in a cold family.

I was about to say something more, but Xiaotao actually said again: "I know one more thing..."

I waited quietly for her to speak without interrupting her.

Xiao Tao said: "I also know that the new wife and Miss Xiao Ai's doctor are having an affair. I even overheard their conversation about wanting to elope."

"Doctor? What doctor?" I asked confused.

Xiao Tao said: "Because Miss Ai can't walk, a private doctor comes to Leng's house every week to check Miss Ai's health. We call him Dr. Tang."

Xiaotao's words were obviously the greatest help to me who was currently at a loss, but they also made me have some doubts. Since Xiao Tao knows everything, why not tell the people inside the Leng family instead of telling me, an outsider?

Xiaotao stayed for a moment longer, then said goodbye to me, opened the door and walked out. I looked at her thin back, and for the first time in my life, I felt that I couldn't read people's hearts.

I lay down early that night. As midnight approached, I was keenly aware that besides me, there were other people in the room. Could it be that the sand ghost from Yarkand City was here again? I didn't move, but continued to pretend to sleep with my eyes closed.

Along with a rustling sound, something quickly crawled to my bed. Just when it raised its hand high and wanted to insert the dagger in its hand, I turned over neatly to avoid it. In the moonlight, there was a female ghost in red standing beside the bed. She was wet all over. He looks like a drowned ghost.

Seeing that I avoided her attack, she actually didn't run away, but pounced on me again.

I easily avoided it again and said in a cold voice: "My patience has its limits. If you dare to be presumptuous again, I will beat you to death." As I said that, I did not forget to show the Eternal Spirit Ring on my finger.

The powerful spiritual power frightened the female ghost. It took a few steps back, but still refused to leave. It seems that the person who ordered it to assassinate me must have threatened her with something, making her willing to risk her soul to achieve her goal.

I snorted: "Go back and convey a message to your master for me. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. It's best to test your opponent's strength before taking action. By sending a little ghost king like you here, are you underestimating my ability, Zhang Jiulin?" "

The female ghost gritted her teeth and finally turned around and left.

I saw a series of wet footprints leaving on the floor and couldn't help but sneer. It seems that my arrival has stirred up even greater waves in the already turbulent Leng family, and some people are already impatient to attack me.

When I woke up the next day, Li Mazi came over and asked me: "Brother, nothing happened last night, right? I always feel something weird here..."

I answered very easily: "No, what could happen?"

After having breakfast in the room as usual, Li Mazi and I went downstairs for a walk. I saw Leng Rulei sitting on the sofa in the living room with a sullen face. When he saw Li Mazi and me, he glared at us viciously.

Of course I didn't take it seriously, but Li Mazi said loudly: "The world has always said that the Leng family is so great, but I don't think it's more than that. I don't know what to say when I see guests. The upbringing of this family is probably like a dog." have eaten."

Leng Rulei jumped up like an angry cat: "Fuck you! What kind of guest are you! If my father hadn't said that, I would have kicked you out."

Li Mazi continued to bicker with him: "Fight? Are you our opponent? With your three-legged cat kung fu, if the Zhang family guy hadn't acted yesterday, you would have been killed directly."

Leng Rulei's eyes were red with anger, and just as he was about to pounce on her with all his strength, he saw a Xinjiang aunt rushing into the living room, her face pale and panicking, saying something in Uyghur.

Leng Rulei's expression changed: "What did you say, a servant died?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was not in the mood to talk to Li Mazi anymore, and hurriedly followed Xinjiang Aunt outside.

Li Mazi and I exchanged a look and followed him in tacit understanding.

The Leng family has a strict hierarchical system, so the servants live some distance from the main house, and the houses are very ordinary. At this moment, the only three servants left were gathered in front of a house, their faces full of worry and fear.

Leng Rulei shouted: "What are you arguing about? You don't have to do anything anymore? Get out of here!"

Everyone has experienced the fiery temper of this young master of the Leng family. How dare they confront him now? They all ran to the side like snakes and scorpions. Leng Rulei rushed to the door, but he instinctively ducked back. If Li Mazi and I hadn't dodged in time, we would have been knocked down by him.

Leng Rulei's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at the scene in the room with an expression of disbelief.

I approached the door and saw a mummified corpse on the bed in the room. The green-yellow skin was tightly wrapped around the bones, like a vacuum bag that had been drained of all the air. His eyes and mouth were wide open, as if he saw something terrible at the last moment before he died, and there were actually some small black insects flying out of his mouth. There were still many black sand footprints on the floor. Thinking of what I saw at Leng Rushuang, I immediately realized that this should be the work of the sand ghosts in Yarkand City.

I avoided Leng Rulei and walked into the room cautiously. I only felt a very strong fishy smell in the room. The walls in the room were dripping with blood, as if they were written with a number.


What does it mean?

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