Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 17 Blade Spirit

Li Mazi said, didn't he keep it in the car all the time?

I ran out of the house without hesitation, and from a distance I saw the door of the black car wide open. My heart skipped a beat, and my sixth sense told me that the Sheyu knife was gone.

Sure enough, I rummaged around in the car and found no Sheyu Knife, and there was a pool of blood where the Snake Yu Knife was placed.

This shocking pool of blood once again made me stunned.

I checked the car and finally found that the door was twisted, as if it had been hit by a strong force. Beyond that, there is no further progress.

Li Mazi and his brother also ran up in a hurry and asked me if I had found the Snake Yu Dao?

I sighed and said that the Snake Yu Dao was not found, but I found a pool of blood.

Li Mazi was shocked: "Sheyu Dao is coming? It will still bleed."

What he said seemed to be a joke, but it set off a storm in my heart.

Could this blood really come from the Snake Yu Dao? If that's true, then this thing is beyond my control.

Because whenever a vaginal object bleeds, it means that the object has produced a spirit. A weapon like a katana produces a spirit of the sword.

In our line of work, ordinary Yin objects and Yin objects that produce spirits are completely different concepts. No matter how evil things cause trouble, they can only scare people and cause some damage. But the Yin creature that produces spirits can directly kill people!

It is unimaginable that such an ordinary-looking snake breeding knife could actually breed spirits.

My brother saw that I had a bad look on his face and asked me quickly what was wrong?

I smoked three cigarettes in a row before saying to my brother: "Go back quickly and close the door and windows. If I guess correctly, something big will happen tonight..."

My brother and Li Mazi were both startled, and I didn't care about them. I ran back to the room first and locked all the doors and windows. Then I looked around the room to make sure that Snake Yu Dao hadn't 'sneaked in', and then I felt relieved.

My brother was already shaking all over when he saw me working so hard. So as soon as I calmed down, he quickly asked: "Brother, what's going on? Hasn't Sheyu Dao been subdued by us?"

So I briefly explained to him the possibility of the snake cultivating the sword to breed a sword spirit. At the same time, I told my brother that the reason why we came back was probably because of the sword spirit...

The brother's expression became even worse and he didn't speak for a long time.

Li Mazi also grabbed his hair and asked me what should I do? After all, Li Mazi is an antique dealer and knows how powerful Ling is.

I smiled bitterly and said: It seems that we have to live and eat in this village for free for a few days.

Unexpectedly, there was no movement in the villa throughout the whole night.

I breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked my brother to go around the village to see if anything strange happened. Especially things like dead people must be reported to me in time.

After I left my brother, I fried a few poached eggs to satisfy my hunger.

But just after eating half of it, I discovered that the peephole on the door was covered in blood. My whole body trembled and I almost dropped the plate.

But I didn't want to cause Li Mazi to panic, so I didn't dare to tell Li Mazi about it. While Li Mazi was going to the toilet, I carefully observed the blood on the cat's eye.

The blood was very thick and fresh, and it looked like it should have been left last night!

Looking out from the peephole, all you can see is red. With trembling hands, I wiped the blood off the cat's eye with a napkin to make sure it was invisible, and then I walked back to the living room.

My mind was very confused at this moment, because I knew that this must be the blood left by the knife spirit, and it was demonstrating to us.

I can even imagine that in the dark night, a bloody sword spirit pressed his face against the cat's eye. The corners of his mouth were full of sarcasm, and he gave out a greedy smile. Perhaps in his eyes, we are just its food.

I don't know what the specific form of the sword spirit is. It may be a person, an animal, or a monster. Anyway, no matter which one it is, it can easily kill us!

My grandfather once taught me how to see spirits. He said that you can tell how fierce a spirit is by looking at your nose. The smellier the smell, the more powerful the spirit.

The smell of blood is more fishy than the hairtail fish I just bought home. It seems that this spirit is full of resentment!

Li Mazi came back from peeing and saw that my face was gloomy and uncertain, so he asked me what was wrong and if I remembered something bad again. I still refrained from saying anything to prevent Li Mazi from having a nervous breakdown.

We both sat in the living room waiting for our brother. It was only at 12 noon that our brother came back out of breath.

As soon as I saw his panicked expression, I knew something must have happened in the village.

Sure enough, I told my brother that something incredible happened in the village. Early this morning, some villagers discovered that all the livestock of Lao Wang's family were dead. The hens, ducks, and even an old sow were not spared. They died in a miserable state, with a lot of blood and their hair dyed red. .

Lao Wang and his wife were also missing, and the phone calls could not be reached at all. The village chief organized people to search for them all morning, but found nothing.

Snake Yu Dao really became a spirit!

My brother asked me in panic what should I do next? If this matter is not resolved, I'm afraid everyone will die in the village.

The sword spirit sent us back yesterday with the obvious intention of killing the whole village in one fell swoop.

I took a breath and suddenly thought of the Taoist priest. Just ask my brother, based on the village chief’s consistent style, he will definitely invite that master again, right?

The brother sighed and said: The master can no longer be contacted. I don’t know whether he went on a long trip or ran away quietly.

I think the latter is more likely.

I said to my brother seriously: "This matter is of great importance. I need the help of the whole village, so my identity must be disclosed..."

The brother was a little hesitant: "Brother, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that you are too young. According to the TV series, you are just a young man. The village chief only believes in old masters. I am afraid that your identity will be exposed. Instead, they will be kicked out of the village.”

I said: "This is easy to handle. Later, Li Mazi and I will pretend to be passing by the village and show some tricks. The villagers will naturally believe it."

So I told them my plan, and they both nodded in agreement.

True to my word, I immediately took Li Mazi to the entrance of the village.

As soon as we appeared in the village, we were stopped by the villagers. The villagers asked in alarm who we were? Why come here.

I sighed pretending to be an expert: "I was watching the sky last night and found that there was a bloody disaster in your village, so I came to see what was causing the trouble."

When I said this, the villager immediately became more respectful and asked us to wait for a while while he went to call the village chief.

The village chief came soon. He was a skinny old man with a white scarf on his head. His tone was very unkind when he saw us.

I just smiled, then clasped my hands and said, "The people in your village are so courageous! They even dared to dig out the execution ground of Lord Hell, and let go of the thousand-year-old demon imprisoned in it. Will they be punished now? What if? If I don’t take action, people will continue to die in your village.”

When I said this, the villagers and the village chief were all stunned.

I actually knew about the execution ground of the King of Hell, and also knew that people had died in the village, so they unknowingly regarded me as a god.

The village chief's attitude towards me also changed drastically. He asked me to tell you what the hell is going on in the execution ground of the King of Hell.

So I made up a random story based on my own knowledge.

"In folklore, there are four people in hell who are the kings of hell. They are the famous general Han Qinhu of the Sui Dynasty, Kou Zhun, the prime minister of the Song Dynasty, the poet Fan Zhongyan and Bao Zheng Bao Qingtian. They take turns to be the kings of hell for ten years. Here The execution ground of the King of Hell was set up by Bao Qingtian to imprison the thousand-year-old demon! Now that the execution ground of the King of Hell has been dug out by you, the thousand-year-old demon imprisoned in it will naturally escape, so the people and animals in your village will be in trouble... "

When I said this, the village chief was immediately shocked and invited me to the village and served me delicious food and drinks.

After I had eaten and drank enough, the village chief told me what had happened in the village with a look of embarrassment on his face.

After listening to what the old village chief said, I pretended to be worried and said that I shouldn’t deal with this thousand-year-old monster.

The village chief begged again and again and was willing to pay any price.

I thought for a while and said, "To deal with the thousand-year-old demon, we must have the cooperation of all men, women, and children in the village."

The village chief immediately nodded in assurance.

So I asked the village chief to take me to Lao Wang's house to have a look. I had to first determine what was killing people and animals.

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