Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,699 Survivor or murderer?

Since it was suicide, the people of the Leng family naturally didn't take Zhang Lan's death seriously. Seeing that there was no excitement to see, they quickly dispersed.

The arguments between Leng Dou and Leng Wu could still be heard in the corridor. One said that Zhang Lan committed suicide out of fear of crime, while the other said that no conclusion could be made without investigating everything clearly, but his tone revealed an insidious intention to implicate the death of the old patriarch with his eldest brother.

I got a headache from their argument and couldn't think of any countermeasures.

What on earth should we do now?

After all, Zhang Lan was not killed by a sand ghost, so there is no need to worry about the corpse transformation. So I ordered Li Mazi and Guer to dispose of her body temporarily until Leng Rushuang comes back after the matter is over.

Xiaotao was still sobbing on the side. Thinking of how Leng Ruyun looked at her with a deep-seated coldness just now, I couldn't help but feel worried for her.

The Leng family are cruel and inhumane. I am very worried that this poor little girl will be attacked by them. So I took her out of Zhang Lan's room, knelt down and comforted her, and then asked her if she had any other relatives and what would happen if she left the Leng family.

Xiao Tao said with a worried look: "Mr. Zhang, I have no other family. I am an orphan. If the old family owner hadn't kindly taken me in and let me be a companion with Miss Xiao Ai, I might have frozen to death on the street. .”

Seeing her pitiful look, I had no choice but to say: "Then you must be careful lately. If Leng Ruyun asks you to go there alone, say nothing and don't go."

"Why?" Xiaotao blinked and looked at me with eyes red from crying: "Mr. Zhang, you are suspicious of the second lady..."

I saw that although she was young, she was extremely smart, so I smiled and nodded.

Xiao Tao seemed even more uneasy. She looked around to make sure there was no one else before whispering to me: "Mr. Zhang, actually I lied to you before. She said that the new lady put something into the old master's soup. These words are all It was the second lady who forced me to do this."

I was stunned for a moment and looked at her in surprise: "Did Leng Ruyun tell you to say that?"

Xiao Tao nodded: "The second lady also said that if I don't listen to her, she will kill me. Even if I die, my soul will be sealed so that I can never be reincarnated. I am really too scared. So I can only listen to her."

No wonder!

I used to wonder that even if Zhang Lan really had an affair with Dr. Tang, since she married the old head of the family, she should inherit part of the Leng family property. When the old head of the family dies is not the biggest problem for her. , why should she risk killing someone?

Now after listening to Xiaotao's words, I finally realized that I had fallen into the trap set by Leng Ruyun from the beginning. She simply deliberately made me misunderstand Zhang Lan as the murderer...

Why did Leng Ruyun do this?

I thought about it carefully. She has the excellent Leng Rushuang above her, and an older brother. Judging from Leng Wu's attitude towards the children, it is obvious that he loves his son Leng Rulei more. So Leng Ruyun, who grew up in such an environment, naturally had to rely on herself for everything. If she wanted to become the head of the family, she would have to find a new way.

Could it be that Leng Ruyun killed the old patriarch? Everything happening in the Leng family now has something to do with her?

I gave Xiao Tao a few more words before letting her leave. I went to the garden downstairs. The afternoon wind was a bit hot. Looking at the gorgeous and prosperous buildings in front of me, I felt extremely ironic when I thought of the darkness and indifference of the Leng family.

I sat on the chair with so many thoughts in my mind. Everyone's pictures flashed through my mind since I arrived at Leng's house. Wait...there seems to be something wrong. In addition to the dead servants, Doctor Tang and Zhang Lan, there are still Leng Dou, Leng Wu, Leng Rulei, Leng Ruyun, Leng Xiaoai, Xiaotao, Aunt Wang, Gur, me and Li Mazi in the family. , a total of ten people, but when Zhang Lan died, the number 10 had already appeared.

So, isn’t there a survivor among us?

I suddenly realized that the so-called survivor was naturally the murderer. How could he kill himself?

At this stage, everyone is suspected. Where should I start?

Just when I had no clue, an old figure suddenly walked up to me and sat down without my permission. I raised my head and found that it was Aunt Wang. She was holding a glass of water, without looking at me, and kept paying attention to the grape field.

I couldn't help but become curious and asked aloud: "Aunt Wang, you seem to have a lot of affection for this grape field?"

"That's right." Aunt Wang nodded, as if recalling something: "These grapes were planted by my sister."

Her sister, isn't that the old patriarch's ex-wife?

Aunt Wang thought to herself and said: "Sometimes these creatures that cannot breathe are more nostalgic than those of us who can breathe."

I smiled and said, "You seem to have deeper feelings for this grape than for the Leng family. Something like this happened to your family and so many people died, but you don't seem to be sad at all."

"Why should I be sad?" Aunt Wang finally turned around and looked at me: "They are all insignificant people. What does it have to do with me whether they are dead or alive? As for myself, I have lived for such a long time. , I have experienced everything that needs to be experienced, and I have seen everything that needs to be seen, so I am not afraid of death."

"But everyone in the Leng family is your sister's descendants..."

Before I finished speaking, Aunt Wang interrupted me: "No, they are not. Leng Dou and Leng Wu were born before my sister married into the Leng family, and my sister is just their nominal mother. "

Holy shit!

There are so many secrets about the Leng family, one after another, almost dizzying. Is this old patriarch too obsessed with having so many illegitimate children?

Aunt Wang sighed softly and said with some sadness: "My sister has only given birth to one daughter in her life, named Leng Lian. If she is still alive, she should be only two years younger than that boy Leng Wu."

"Did she pass away?" I asked in a low voice. Why had Gul never mentioned this person's information to me?

Aunt Wang said: "I have been dead for many years. I died after being kicked out by the old master of the house. It is very miserable." Aunt Wang said, her face showing a bit of gloom: "My sister died in childbirth when she was giving birth to her. I have always taken care of Leng Lian. She is smart and well-behaved, and can learn everything at once. Not only me, but also the old head of the family likes her very much, and even wants to hand over the position of head of the family to her! It's a pity that Leng Lian is smart all his life. , but in the end, she was confused for a while. She was deceived by the people of Longquan Villa, leaked the secrets of the Leng family, and was pregnant with the man's child. The old family owner was so angry that he enforced the family law and drove her out of the house. I sent someone to I inquired about her, but found nothing. A few years later, someone found her body near Yarkand City and sent it back to the Leng family. Only then did I know that she was dead..."

It was the fault of Longquan Villa again.

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