Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,713 Revitalizing the Leng Family (Additional update)

Leng Rushuang and I turned around and saw Leng Dou with red eyes.

I don't know when Leng Xiaoai had already reached his hands. At this moment, his strong hands were pressing Leng Xiaoai's neck: "Give me the scripture, or I will strangle her to death!"

"Uncle, you are crazy!" Leng Ruyun looked at him in shock: "You usually love Xiao Ai so much, how could you do this at this critical moment?"

Leng Dou snorted: "I love her because I always thought she was my precious granddaughter, but now I know she is just a bastard! Give me the scripture quickly, or I will take action."

As he spoke, he exerted some effort. Leng Xiaoai's breath was clearly out of breath, and his face turned red.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Even though he was his biological father, there was no trace of respect in the tone in which Leng Rushuang spoke to him.

"Of course I know!" Leng Dou sneered repeatedly: "The Tianshan Order is already in my hands. If I can get the Koran, let alone the head of the Leng family, just..." He did not continue, but from his perspective It can be seen from his eyes full of longing and blinded by power that he was brainwashed by what Xiao Tao said before about the king of the world.

"Okay!" Leng Rushuang threw the Koran at his feet without thinking: "Go and be the king of your world!"

Leng Dou was overjoyed and hurriedly knelt down to pick up the book. Gul, who was standing aside and ready to go, quickly grabbed Leng Xiaoai and stood with us.

Leng Dou hugged the Koran and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, I finally got it! It's mine! It's mine!" He raised his head and looked at us fiercely, with murderous intent in his eyes: "I want to kill Just you, no one can survive."

After saying that, he loudly ordered to the sand ghosts on the side: "Quick! The Koran is in my hands. You must obey my orders. Kill them, kill them."

However, all the sand ghosts stopped moving, and none of them made a move rashly.

Leng Dou was stunned for a moment, but soon understood. He quickly squatted down, bit his finger, and let his blood fall on the Koran. He wanted to use his own blood as a sacrifice to break the seal of the Koran. If he succeeded, the consequences would be unpredictable.

I was about to pounce on him for a final fight, but I was caught by Leng Rushuang: "Forget it, let's go!"

She grabbed my arm and led us to turn around and rush forward from the exit. Suddenly there was a scream from Leng Dou behind me. I couldn't help but turn my head and saw him falling to the ground in pain with a ferocious expression. He looked just like Xiao Tao just now. What's going on?

Soon, Leng Dou's whole body was completely black and he completely turned into a sand ghost.

He was hidden among thousands of sand ghosts, and I could no longer tell which one it was.

Although I was confused, this was not the time to ask. We took a few steps forward, but finally found no way to go. The sand ghosts pounced on them desperately, even if we had three heads and six arms, it would be difficult to resist them. At this critical moment, a ray of light came from the front. With this ray of light, the sand ghosts retreated aside in panic and spontaneously made way for us.

We ran for the opportunity, and when we got closer to the light, we realized that the person coming was a man in sunglasses. He was holding a huge flashlight, guiding us in the direction like a beacon.

With the light of hope, everyone will be more energetic when running.

So we left the city gate and left Yarkand City along the way we came. When he ran outside, he noticed the moonlight outside. Leng Rushuang nervously asked the man in sunglasses, "Are you all ready?"

The man in sunglasses nodded.

"Let's do it!" After Leng Rushuang ordered, the man in sunglasses pressed the remote control in his hand. With several loud rumbling noises, the entire Yarkand City collapsed downwards amidst the sound of explosives.

It turns out that the man in sunglasses had been ordered by Leng Rushuang to plant explosives around the ruins of Yarkand City, just waiting for us to blow up the place as soon as we came out.

Now the only entrance is buried under a piece of yellow sand. It seems that no one will enter this city of death in a short time!

We did not go back to the Leng family, but went to another nearby house of the Leng family. Although it was not as grand as the Leng family's mansion, it was still very nice. When we arrived, it was already noon, so after everyone had a hasty lunch, they took a rest and treated their injuries.

I haven't been able to eat or sleep well these past few days, but now I can finally feel relieved. I had a good sleep, and when I woke up, I realized that the moon was bright and the stars were sparse outside the window. It was a good time to cool down at midnight.

I walked out of the room and went to the yard, and found two sisters, Leng Rushuang and Leng Ruyun, sitting in the yard admiring the moon, while Gur was waiting on the side.

Seeing me appearing, Leng Rushuang smiled and said, "What? Did it wake you up?"

I waved my hand: "I'm worried about disturbing your little sisters' heart-to-heart talk!"

Hearing what I said, the two sisters who were originally embarrassed showed a smile. I sat down and took two bites of the honeydew melon and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

Leng Rushuang did not answer, but looked at Leng Ruyun.

Leng Ruyun stretched slightly, and his charming and charming look appeared on his face again: "I plan to walk around and travel while I am young, so that I can gain experience."

"Good idea." I nodded in agreement.

Leng Rushuang said aloud: "I don't agree! Now you and I are the only young people in the Leng family. I hope you can stay and work with me to recruit the Leng family's masters from all over the world and revive the family business." .Ruyun, I need your help."

Leng Ruyun looked at her with some surprise: "Do you believe me? Don't forget, I have plotted against you before."

"I know!" Leng Rushuang nodded: "But I also believe that after experiencing this, you will definitely become more mature and understand what you want and what is most important."

Leng Ruyun smiled: "Okay, I'll think about it."

We chatted for a while, but I couldn't help being curious and asked Leng Rushuang, "I have a question. If I don't ask it, I will definitely be so upset that I can't sleep in the future."

Leng Rushuang knew it well: "You want to ask why my father turned into a sand ghost, right?"

I nodded, and even Leng Ruyun came closer curiously.

"Actually...he is not from the Leng family either."

As soon as Leng Rushuang spoke, Leng Ruyun was also shocked and shouted: "What? How is this possible?"

Leng Rushuang said: "Grandpa said this to me personally, and this is also his good intention. The seal of the Koran must be broken with the blood of the Leng family, but the power of the Koran is increasing every day. Grandpa was worried that one day the descendants of the Leng family would be unable to withstand its temptation and open the seal. So from the day he became the head of the family, he made up his mind not to have any children of his own, so that the Leng family would not have any children from the beginning. He is a descendant. In order to avoid being noticed, he adopted two children, my father and second uncle..."

Leng Ruyun's whole face turned pale when he heard that his father was not a descendant of the Leng family.

Leng Rushuang thought to herself and said, "So neither my dad nor your dad is from the Leng family. Naturally, they don't have the blood of the Leng family. The power of the Koran backfired and he became a sand ghost."

Leng Ruyun smiled bitterly: "Grandpa, this move is too ruthless!"

"But no matter how good the plan is, there are times when things go wrong. After my grandfather got married, my grandmother still got pregnant and gave birth to my aunt Leng Lian. My grandfather thought about it and made up his mind after his aunt was deceived by Longquan Villa. He used this as an excuse to... She expelled the family and erased her name from the genealogy. In this way, although my aunt is of the orthodox Leng family bloodline, since there is no genealogy record, she is not considered a descendant of the Leng family."

After Leng Rushuang finished speaking, I couldn't help but say: "So, once the old family leader dies, the bloodline of the Leng family has been interrupted, and the seal of the Koran can no longer be broken."

Leng Rushuang nodded: "Yes. When I first heard grandpa talk about this, I was more shocked than you two. But after experiencing these things, I understood his intentions. Who would use themselves? What about the descendants who will fight to the death to suppress the most powerful ghost in the world? In Grandpa’s eyes, the bloodline of the Tianshan Leng family, its rise and fall, are not as important as the safety of China."

When she said this, I couldn't help but feel admiration for this old family master whom I had never met before.

Leng Ruyun also laughed and said: "No wonder grandpa has warned us since we were young that if we don't think about killing, there will be retribution in the end. If Xiaotao and uncle could listen to this sentence, they would not end up like this."

The moon was shining brightly, and the three of us were speechless for a long time.

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