Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,730 Soul-Chasing and Life-Destroying Arrow

One bow, two families.

He wants to protect the Liu family and even does evil on his behalf, but refuses to harm the Wei family. So who is the evil spirit inside? What kind of connection does it have with the Liu and Wei families?

I couldn't think clearly for a while, so I kept thinking with my eyes slightly closed.

Unknowingly, the car has entered the downtown area. It is called a downtown area, but it is just a night food street.

It's almost night, and the streets of Wuhan are bustling with excitement again. The aroma of Tongcheng tofu skin, hot dry noodles, Zhou Hei duck is wafting everywhere, and of course, Wuhan's Jiujiu Spicy Duck Neck, which is the best in the country!

As soon as I smelled these fragrances, my stomach immediately growled unsatisfactorily.

At ten o'clock in the evening, I hurriedly accompanied the anti-drug police to arrest Wei Zizi. I worked back and forth for most of the night. I didn't even have a bite of food. I was really hungry and couldn't bear it.

Lin Feng looked at me and smiled and said: "Master Zhang, don't be in a hurry. Besides, haven't you already locked in the evil thing that caused trouble? It's time to celebrate. Let's go get something to eat first." After that, he was about to Turn the car around.

He wanted to take me to Hotel Street, where the most luxurious hotels in Wuhan are located.

With his status, when it comes to eating, he will naturally choose high-end places, at least five-star hotels or above.

"No need, just leave me here! I'll just eat whatever I want on the street." I don't have those poor people. As long as it's delicious, clean, and can fill my stomach, it's the same everywhere.

When Lin Feng heard what I said, he felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly said: "That's fine, let's eat here. It just so happens that I haven't tasted these folk snacks for a long time."

The car stopped near the roadside. We were driving the Mercedes-Benz that we borrowed from the car rental agency specifically to arrest Wei Zizi. This model is only worth 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, which is considered to be in the lower-middle range.

Such a car is quite low-key for Lin Feng, and he is even a little embarrassed to see people, but it is considered a luxury car in the small streets of the city! Especially what Lin Feng is wearing, even people who don't know about famous brands can tell that it is definitely worth a lot of money. At least the bright gold Rolex watch is enough to prove his identity.

But when everyone saw that Lin Feng, who had the word "rich" written all over his body, trotted all the way to the other side and wanted to help me open the car door, they were all surprised!

Maybe I am just like this poor person, and I can't stand such preferential treatment from him at all.

At the pig farm, I just wanted to test his attitude towards me. I couldn't bear to keep doing this, so I walked out on my own before he opened the car door.

But Lin Feng still took half a step back, bowed his waist slightly, and put on a very respectful look.

I am dressed in an ordinary way, and my appearance is nothing out of the ordinary.

But Lin Feng was wearing a brand-name suit, a gold watch on his wrist, and a head of dazzling white hair.

Under such a backdrop, I seem to be the real rich man - a 'pretender' who has to pretend to be low-key but show off everywhere!

At this time, both the diners wandering around the small streets and the waiters standing in front of the store soliciting business all looked at me with complicated looks of envy and disgust.

Originally, I didn't care much about what other people thought of me, but in such an environment, I immediately felt very uncomfortable. I didn't even look at the store and walked directly to the nearest store.

At this moment, I suddenly felt an unusually dazzling light in the crowd.

Although almost half of the people on the street are staring at me at this moment, and their eyes cannot be said to be very friendly, this ray of light is particularly dazzling!

There is also a faint aura of danger.

As soon as I felt alert, I saw a white light penetrate the crowd and fly towards me!

This white light came very fast, like a meteor passing by, and it was too late for me to hide!

Quickly wake up the gentian armor on your body and silently recite Zhao Yun's name!

With a swish sound, a white light suddenly exploded from his chest, covering it with a layer of silver-white light.

In the flash of silver light, a tiger general riding a white horse and holding a silver gun appeared, rushing towards the white light.

It is the Yin spirit of Changshan Zhao Zilong!

The white light seemed to be extremely afraid of Zhao Yun, and did not dare to rush towards Zhao Yun. It shot sideways, and with a bang, it landed on a kitten held in the arms of a non-mainstream girl with colorfully dyed hair.

Zhao Yun turned the horse's head and slowly returned to my body, and the white light quickly escaped.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, like a dream.

They were so fast that no one could see clearly what happened. They only felt a white light flash in front of their eyes, as if the street lamp hanging on the street was reflected by something.

Even Lin Feng, who was standing next to me, didn't notice anything strange at all, and said half-jokingly: "Master Zhang, you are such a god, you shine wherever you go."

I smiled slightly awkwardly and quickly walked into the store without answering.

That light was definitely not an illusion. If there had been a slight mistake just now, I might have fallen into the same trap as Lin Feng!

As soon as I entered the store, there was a scream outside the door, and then the crowd became chaotic. Under the chaos, someone seemed to be crying.

Lin Feng was very uncomfortable with this environment and couldn't help but frowned.

"What's wrong?" The waiter who was walking towards us with a menu asked his companion at the door.

"It's okay, it's just that a cat died." The waiter said nonchalantly. Then he said a little strangely: "But it's also quite strange. The woman was holding the cat fine, but suddenly she died, and she became skinny and skinny, and even her hair turned white."

When he said the last sentence, he seemed to have noticed that Lin Feng, who had just entered the store, had white hair. He felt a little rude and choked up.

When Lin Feng heard these words, he immediately became alert. When he looked up and saw something was wrong with my expression, he asked in shock: "Master, is it..."

"Yes!" I nodded solemnly and said, "But this time he came for me."

This is not because I am comforting Lin Feng. The target of that sneak attack just now was indeed me. The method was clean and neat, and I just wanted to kill him with one blow.

If Zhao Yun's gentian armor hadn't blocked me again, I might have suffered internal injuries by now. Fortunately, this person came to me. If it had been anyone else, even Lin Feng, who was within easy reach, I would have been powerless to rescue him!

It comes and goes like the wind, piercing the willows with a hundred steps. If you shoot it, you will die. If you hit it, you will die. The hair is gray and the bones are as thin as beams.

This is the soul-chasing and life-stealing technique!

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