Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 178 The Strange Case of Beheading

We didn't make a penny this time, and Chu Chu's treatment fees were already stretched thin. This made Li Mazi anxious and anxious. He ran to Panjiayuan all day long, hoping to find a rich man and make a lot of money from him.

I was so anxious that I placed a reward in the nether world. As long as we can make money, we are willing to take any risks!

Unexpectedly, the day after the reward order was issued, the T-shirt man came and deposited one million directly into Chu Chu’s account. Li Mazi and I were shocked: we didn’t expect the T-shirt man to be so rich.

The man in the t-shirt asked me if I had issued a reward order? I immediately said yes.

The man in the t-shirt told me that he had already removed the reward for me. He also told me not to place reward orders casually in the future. If someone with an intention saw it, he might deliberately find me some dangerous business to do. , then it will only put me in a dilemma.

I sighed helplessly, saying that I had no choice but to do this.

The man in the T-shirt asked me if I wanted to go to Northeast China? He has an old customer who is engaged in timber business in a forest farm. Now he has encountered a situation and wants to find him to handle it.

But now that he has no time, he thinks of us.

Li Mazi agreed without hesitation: "Go, you must go! Once this business is done, I will pay you back immediately."

The man in the T-shirt shook his head: "Just think of it as money given to you."

I was dumbfounded. How rich is the man in the t-shirt? Anyone can earn seven figures.

Li Mazi was also dumbfounded and looked at the man in the T-shirt in disbelief.

The man in the T-shirt gave us a business card and asked us to contact the person on the card as soon as possible.

If you have a problem, give him a call.

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt left. Mazi Li and I looked at each other, feeling that in front of the man in the T-shirt, we were just 24k pure silk.

Since it is the business assigned to us by the T-shirt man, we naturally try our best to complete it, otherwise we will ruin the T-shirt man's brand. So I immediately called the number on the phone.

The person who answered the phone was an authentic Northeastern man with a rough and tough voice: "Which one is it?"

"Introduced in the first grade of junior high school." I immediately said, "I am in the business of a trader of negative things."

After hearing what I said, the other party's attitude immediately became respectful: "Two great immortals, where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up. It's urgent to save your life. Several people have died here..."

So I said, "Send me your address and we'll go there now."

The other party immediately agreed and told us to get there as quickly as possible. As long as the matter was resolved, he would definitely give us a big red envelope.

Li Mazi and I didn't hesitate and set off directly. The man ran a lumberyard in Xiaoxing'anling, and judging from the introduction on the business card, the lumberyard seemed to be pretty good, and his business had gone to Thailand.

We took a plane and got off the plane in Heilongjiang, and the other party sent a car to pick us up.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a Hummer off-road. The driver was very talkative and told us that the roads in the woods were not easy to navigate. If we were to drive an ordinary car, we would definitely have to climb ditches to get inside.

The driver took us all the way to the outlying towns of Xiaoxing'anling. In a not-so-high-standard pub, we met the employer of this business.

A tall and tall boss from Northeast China enthusiastically walked up to us and introduced himself as soon as he saw us.

His name is Lin Longshan. He has grown up in this forest since he was a child, working in the lumberyard with his parents. Starting from scratch, he turned an unknown small forest farm into a large export trading company...

Of course, it does not rule out the element of bragging, and Li Mazi and I listened tirelessly.

In the end, Li Mazi went straight to the point and asked Lin Longshan to tell him what weird thing happened to him?

Lin Longshan took a sip of wine, waved everyone else out, and then said mysteriously: "An executioner appeared in my forest farm recently."

"Executioner?" I was surprised: "Why didn't you call the police?"

"Call the police?" Lin Longshan smiled awkwardly: "You should listen to me first."

I also realized that what I said was a bit rash. If he called the police, the compensation alone would probably make him vomit blood.

It turned out that a person died in the lumberyard of Linlongshan some time ago. He was hit by a big tree. After Lin Longshan compensated the deceased's family a sum of money, he consulted the family's opinion and prepared to bury the body near the forest farm.

But while digging the hole, they suddenly discovered a sculpture. The sculpture was very strange. It was a man with his hands and feet tied, and no head. From a distance, he thought he was a beheaded prisoner.

Feeling unlucky, they dug out the stone sculptures, threw them far away, and buried the bodies hastily.

But something happened that night.

There was an old security guard at a forest farm. When he went out to pee in the middle of the night, he suddenly shouted: "Zou San'er, why are you back again?"

After that, there was no movement.

His scream woke up many people. Everyone ran out to take a look out of curiosity, only to find the old forest farm security guard lying in a pool of blood, and his head had been cut off with smooth wounds. , obviously injured by a sharp weapon.

Everyone was frightened and hurriedly hid in the work shed. They unanimously concluded that the person who died during the day was found again, because Zou Saner was the name of the deceased.

This incident was so bizarre that Lin Longshan began to investigate. At first, he suspected that Zou Saner was not dead, and might have climbed out of the soil again and came back to take revenge.

So Lin Longshan took people to the place where Zou San'er was buried, and found that the severed head sculpture that they had thrown far away was kneeling on the same spot, right above Zou San'er's grave.

Lin Longshan even suspected that Zou San'er was responsible, so he had Zou San'er's body dug out.

However, when they dug out Zou San'er's body, they were stunned. Zou San'er's head was missing. He was half-kneeling on the ground, and his posture was exactly the same as that of a stone sculpture.

Lin Longshan was frightened and immediately ordered people to bury the body again. He found two magicians from the county and performed magic tricks to exorcise the demons. Finally, he buried the bodies of Zou Saner and the old security guard with their heads cut off. Burn away with fire.

It did work at first, strange things no longer happened in the forest farm, and order returned to normal. However, the good times did not last long. Just three days later, strange things began to happen in the forest farm again.

Someone used a flashlight to go to the toilet at night and found two people squatting in the toilet.

Look carefully at the clothes. Isn't it the same outfit that Zou San'er and the old security guard wore before they died? They faced the flashlight, turned the headless corpse, and said in a faint voice: You are all going to die.

After saying that, he disappeared.

The forest worker crawled back to the work shed, woke up the people in the work shed, and told them what had happened in the toilet. Everyone didn't believe it at first, so they ran to the toilet to take a look.

There was nothing in the toilet. Just when everyone was laughing at the forest worker for being timid, someone suddenly heard a scream: "Zhiqiang, what are you doing kneeling here?"

So everyone immediately went to look and found that one of the forest workers was kneeling straight on the ground with a charming smile on his face.

A few bold ones went to call his name, but he seemed to be entranced, kneeling on the ground and not moving even though everyone called him.

Everyone realized that the situation was not good, and prepared to go back to the house to take out the enshrined Huang Santai to ward off evil spirits.

Huang Santai is one of the five immortals worshiped by the Northeastern people, especially in the deep mountains and old forests, it is even more effective.

But as soon as everyone ran away, someone with sharp eyes noticed a strange phenomenon, and immediately stammered and called everyone to look at the wall of the toilet.

Seeing this, everyone turned pale with fright and almost screamed.

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