Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 184 Forestry Blockade

From beginning to end, I sat motionless on the guillotine. On the one hand, this can encourage everyone. If I dare to sit on the guillotine, they will trust me in my ability to handle this matter. On the other hand, it can also scare the bearded ghosts and let them know that I am not afraid of them.

The bonfire burned brightly, and the crowd surrounded the guillotine and the bonfire. In a trance, I had a feeling of traveling back in time. I felt that I was indeed in the civil war era. These people wearing the uniforms of the Kuomintang were my subordinates.

After sitting on the guillotine for a while, I felt my pants were wet. I was stunned for a moment, and immediately reached out to touch, and accidentally touched blood.

No, why is there blood on this guillotine?

I jumped up immediately and shined my flashlight on the guillotine.

And after taking such a photo, I suddenly felt dizzy. I never expected that the guillotine, which was clean during the day, would actually start to bleed at this moment. The blood seemed to seep out from the stone, gathering into streaks of blood, like human blood and tears flowing down from the guillotine.

Everyone noticed my weird movements and looked at me inexplicably. And when they discovered that the guillotine began to 'bleed', a slight commotion suddenly broke out in the crowd.

"Brother, what's going on?" Lin Longshan ran up immediately and asked nervously.

I didn't say anything, I just reached out and touched the stone, and found that the stone was a little warm, and the blood was also warm.

I immediately took the ax from Lin Longshan and gave it a severe chop on the guillotine. The ax left only a small scar on the guillotine, but it was enough.

I observed that inside the stone, there was actually red blood. This proves that the blood did flow from the stone.

"This is sponge stone." I immediately reassured everyone and said, "This kind of stone can suck blood. During the day, someone must have bled on it, and the blood was absorbed by the sponge stone. At night, our fire roasted the sponge stone. It's warm, and the absorbed blood will naturally seep out..."

"Is this the blood of a dead person?" someone immediately questioned.

I shook my head and said it was chicken blood.

I immediately joined forces with Li Mazi and started digging under the guillotine. After digging for more than ten minutes, a small cardboard box was dug out from under the guillotine. The cardboard box was soaked with blood, mixed with soil, and was in tatters.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized what was in this box.

I opened the box carefully, and sure enough, as I guessed, there was a box full of chicken heads inside.

I can only imagine what happened during the day here.

A sneaky man took more than a dozen chickens, chopped off all their heads, and threw them on the guillotine. As a result, all the chicken heads flowed from the guillotine. What does this prove? This proves that the people represented by these dozen chickens have failed the test of the guillotine. According to the rules, they will all be beheaded.

In other words, none of the people I brought here will survive!

Li Mazi and Lin Longshan knew the inside story. After seeing these chicken heads, they both looked at each other tremblingly, their eyes full of fear.

I immediately winked at the two of them and told them not to tell anyone. Otherwise, once these forest workers get scared and lose their fighting spirit, they will really die here.

I carefully took out the chicken heads and counted them carefully, and finally found that there were only fifteen chicken heads. And what I brought was nineteen.

A possible situation suddenly occurred to me. There are only fifteen chicken heads here, does it mean that the remaining four chicken heads have passed the guillotine's 'test' and they have been selected to become beards?

Which four people were chosen as beards? And who put the chicken heads here?

So I immediately asked Lin Longshan: "Are all your people here?"

Lin Longshan immediately shook his head: "There are five or six people who haven't come yet, what's the matter?"

"Why don't they come?" I asked.

"Said he went back to his hometown." Lin Longshan said.

"Then have you settled their wages?"

"No." Lin Longshan looked at me puzzled, not understanding what I meant.

"How much do you still owe them?"

"Probably more than 20,000."

"They are all rich? You don't even need 20,000 yuan?"

Lin Longshan said: "No, these people usually live frugally and regard money as more important than life."

I took a deep breath and said, "Call a few of them now and see if I can get in touch."

Lin Longshan asked cautiously: "What... is going on?"

I said: "I can't tell you for a while, just do what I say!"

Lin Longshan shook his head: "There is no cell phone signal here, so it's impossible to get through at all."

"Alas!" I sighed helplessly and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid the mastermind behind the scenes is one of those people who didn't come."

"What?" Lin Longshan was furious: "Those bastards dare to mess with me? But how did you know?"

"If you guessed correctly, one of them should be a descendant of Huzi." I said: "He may want to unite a few people to restore the glory of his ancestors, so he chose the right person among you to be Huzi. .These chicken heads are proof.”

Lin Longshan became even more angry: "Damn it, don't let me catch them, or I will skin him alive."

When the people brought by Lin Longshan heard that it was someone who was causing trouble, they all relaxed a lot, and at the same time they cursed those guys angrily.

"Everyone, be careful." I said, "Look around. If there is anyone, just shoot and knock them down!"

Everyone nodded immediately and looked around.

There was more and more blood on the guillotine. After a while, the entire guillotine was covered with blood. I simply took out the copper coins and red rope, and used the money rope to wrap the guillotine tightly.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a burst of gunfire, and a forest worker whistled and said: "There is someone over there."

I looked in the direction where his gun was pointing, and sure enough, I saw a figure hanging precariously on a big tree.

The bullet hit, but did not hurt the other party. The other party just swayed slightly on the big tree a few times, and then returned to calm.

"Who are you?" I shouted sharply.

The other party did not agree.

"There is another one here." At this time, another forest worker screamed again. I turned around again and found a figure hanging on a big tree not far behind me.

He fired without hesitation, and the bullet passed directly through the black shadow without any movement. However, the broken soybean residue hit the black shadow, and several bright spots lit up on the black shadow. The black shadow seemed to be in a little pain and struggled for a while, but soon regained its composure and swayed with the wind.

More and more dark shadows began to appear...

Those black figures were all hung on the trees, some hanging by their necks, and some hanging upside down. The scene was very terrifying.

Many people have begun to panic and are ready to run away at any time.

At this time, the more chaos they must have. I warned them that if anyone ran away and disrupted my plan, the gun in my hand would be merciless.

Everyone was forced to shoot. More and more black shadows were shot, and the sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling came one after another.

But they also learned to be smart. Many black shadows hid behind the big trees, so our attacks would be useless.

I just breathed a sigh of relief when I suddenly heard Lin Longshan shout softly: "Erhu, why the hell are you standing up? Squat down quickly."

I immediately turned my head, but was horrified to find that the man named Erhu actually took out a waist knife and wanted to cut his own neck.

I rushed over as fast as I could, kicked Erhu over, and then snatched the shotgun from his hand.

But it was too late. Although his head was not cut off, Erhu's throat was cut. As he breathed, blood spurted out. Everyone immediately panicked and tried to huddle up.

Li Mazi immediately fired a shot into the air: "Damn it, if anyone dares to take another step back, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Li Mazi finally shocked everyone.

I immediately went to check Erhu to see if he was still rescued. But before I could check, I heard someone shout again: "Lao Hong, what are you doing?"

I ignored Erhu and stood up in a hurry, only to find a forest worker standing up and about to slit his throat again.

"Damn it!" Without saying a word, I shot over and hit Lao Hong on the arm. Lao Hong screamed and collapsed limply on the ground.

I waved my hand to tell everyone to be careful, and then went over to bandage Lao Hong's wound.

But as soon as I ran up, Lao Hong stretched out his hand and grabbed my neck: "I'll strangle you to death, I'll strangle you to death..."

This is a ghost's obsession. I did not hesitate to pull out the Sirius whip and quickly strangled Lao Hong's neck. Li Mazi also held down Lao Hong's legs, trying his best to prevent him from struggling!

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