Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1915 Thousand-Year Giant Monster

Several of them looked at me in surprise.

I strode forward and said, "Chu Yi, are you sure the charm outside was left thousands of years ago?"

Chu Yi didn't answer, so he took out another piece of cinnabar and smeared it on the stone door.

As soon as the cinnabar touched the stone door, it immediately disappeared without a trace, leaving not even a trace of smoke.

But on the dark stone, a light yellow talisman appeared, and the golden light flashed and disappeared briefly.

Cinnabar is originally used to engrave talismans. Once it is smeared on the talisman, it will cause the talisman's light to appear.

Judging from the talisman, this is an immovable talisman.

The immovable talisman is taken from the meaning of the Buddhist Fudo Mingwang. It is usually used on people who practice martial arts. It is like taking root with one step and cannot be shaken!

The carving method is also very simple. Any beginner can carve it. Not to mention Chu Yi, who is deeply versed in the essence of Taoism, even Han Laoliu can probably do it.

But the difficulty of this thing is that it is easy to get started but difficult to master!

Because the Immovable Talisman is simple and easy to learn, it has never been taken seriously by spell masters. There are even fewer people who are proficient in this Talisman. Most people can only use the Talisman on themselves. The immovable talisman in front of me can only be drawn by a master who has studied the immovable talisman and is at the top of his game.

Moreover, the talisman is also related to your level of cultivation. The golden light flashes on the talisman, and it must be carved by at least a supreme god-level talent!

For thousands of years, no one has been able to draw the Golden Light Immovable Talisman anymore. It is said that the last person who could make such a talisman was Zen Master Dajue in the mid-Tang Dynasty.

"Indeed!" I nodded in surprise.

The forbidden curses in this ancient tomb are each older and sharper than the last.

The Life and Death Contract Spell, the Nine Yin Killing Formation, the Immovable King Talisman...

How skilled should the person who built this building be?

"Jilin, what exactly did you find?" Xiao Bailong asked directly as he had no research on such things and no patience.

"The talisman was engraved here as early as when the tomb was built, but the stone door that Xiao Bailong smashed just now was recently rebuilt, and the mechanism is also very simple. Chu Yi can see through it at a glance. What does this mean? "

"It means that the mechanism was not set up for people at all!" Han Laoliu said: "Anyone who can get here will never be able to see through such a simple mechanism!"

When Xiao Bailong heard this, he might have felt a little uncomfortable and grinned subconsciously.

"Yes!" I nodded in response: "Although this talisman is sharp, it is engraved on the outside. Although it takes a lot of effort to crack, it may not be impossible. The small door mechanism that Xiao Bailong smashed is also on the outside. It is not possible at all. It can't stop anyone. In other words, whether it was the people who built the ancient tomb or the people from Amaterasu, the purpose of building this door was not to stop people from coming in, but to prevent something from escaping out. …”

"Run out?" Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment and said, "Hey, this is an ancient tomb! What other living things would run out of here?"

Chuyi pondered for a while and said: "You mean, the purpose of building this pass is to block the inside but not the outside. Preventing things from escaping from here is the top priority of the ancient tomb, even... it is the formation eye ? In other words, the formation eye may be alive."

"Other than that, why is it necessary to carve the Immovable Talisman outside? Don't forget, everyone who enters the underground palace has been cursed with life and death. Even if they escape, they will die."

"But why did the Amaterasu Association build another small door? If the thing imprisoned in the ancient tomb is really an extremely powerful monster, I'm afraid the small door can't stop it at all, right?" I said to myself.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Xiao Bailong stepped forward and interrupted us: "Now is not the time to study this, it is the last word to quickly figure out how to open it!"

"If you want to know how to open it, you must first understand why it suddenly activates." I retorted: "Now that we know that this barrier is not set up for intruders, or even for living people, then here It’s not a trap at all, but to prevent some kind of monster from escaping.”

"Then the door fell just after we came in. It wasn't directed at us, but the secret door built into the charm had been triggered."

"You mean the monster is awake?" Chu Yi asked in surprise.

"People from the Amaterasu Society have been exploring the secrets for thousands of years. Now they have opened several sealing mechanisms one after another. Maybe they have invisibly triggered the restrictions on the trapping formation. The Immovable Talisman was also triggered and fell on its own." I quickly explained.

"Jiulin's conjecture makes some sense, but I think there is another possibility." Han Laoliu, who had been standing by the stone gate and thinking hard about something, interjected.

"What's possible?" I asked a little strangely.

"What the Amaterasu Society and the tomb builders are guarding against are two different things!"

"Two kinds?" Xiao Bailong glared.

"Yes! The Amaterasu Society did not know about the thing that the tomb builders were guarding against, because they had never seen it before, and they did not know that it existed, or even the existence of the secret door with a talisman. No one knows. The purpose of building this stone gate is to prevent another kind of thing from escaping."

"The mechanism is set outside, not because I'm afraid that the thing will crack it on its own, but because I'm afraid that someone will be trapped in it with the thing and open it casually! The two stone gates have the same function, but they have their own defenses." Han Laoliu was very worried. Said with certainty.

"Then the Amaterasu people are inside now, and the small stone gate is closed. How should we explain it?" I asked.

"At this moment, with their strength, it is not difficult to break through the stone gate, and..." Han Laoliu said in a serious tone: "I suspect this is the work of another careerist!"

"Another careerist?" we all wondered.

"Ito Shohei wants to monopolize the artifact. Don't others have similar ideas? He probably closed this stone gate not to stop us, but to cause trouble for others. Anyway, he can put the blame on us. If If I guess correctly..." Han Laoliu pointed at the stone gate in front of him and said, "This person is behind the stone gate at this time, and he is the same person as the guy who controls the puppet!"

Han Laoliu is the one among us who has the most thorough understanding of the viciousness of human nature. Although his judgment is very shocking, it is not unreasonable!

When the Amaterasu Association was established, it did exist to protect the tombs of the gods. But now, even they themselves have paid attention to the divine weapon, even at any cost.

Everyone is eager for artifacts, so it is not surprising that he would do something like Shohei Ito.

"I asked you, can you tell me something useful?" Xiao Bailong shouted impatiently: "What about whether the formation is not a formation, whether there is civil strife or not, that will all happen in the future! The most important thing now is how to escape from here. Go out, even if researching flowers here is of no use?"

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